Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the TToT.
A weekly exercise in gratitude. Being one of the original co-hosts, charged with the task of writing a post every week by the Founderess, Lizzi, sometime it feels like learning Spanish and moving to la Mancha might not be a bad thing. There are weeks when my typing fingers look more at home on the errant knight in the excellent the excellent image/print at the top of this post.
We do, for this week however, continue our crusade, as clumsy as it might, at times be.
New Readers/participants? Pro Tip: the expression of gratitude, like many of the other manifestation of the Path (aka the way), is an end in itself. Using the TToT as an example, the act of citing grats, (as the written expression of that which incites a state of gratitude is referred to in these pages), necessitates embracing the power of perspective.
For this week:
1) Una
2) Phyllis (Stage left, towards where Una is smiling. She enjoys the morningtime. Una, not (necessarily), Phyllis)
3) the Wakefield Doctrine which owes it all to the crazy effective magic of perspective.
4) Sufficient physical health that makes possible, however by a thread, the Great Stump Dig 2021 (Photos in Grat 7 and Grat 8)
5) Serial Stories. ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘
6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop the place for flash fict…
7) Starting point today
8) Ending point today (10:53 am)
9) something, something
10) Secret Rule 1.3 which states, in part, ‘[h]aving gone to all the trouble to type out the numerals one through ten, the least you can do is put something that, if there is no photo, can be referenced to a photo, as in ‘coming soon’… ibid, op.cit. and et.al.’
Great post, love the smiling dog photo.
Thank you
What a patient Una.
Congratulations on your continued progress getting down to the roots of the matter and for having the strength to tackle the job.
The last song took me back a few years, well actually more than just a few years.
one of her qualities I would (but so have not) emulated.
That’s quite a job on the stumps!
actually, the really hard part remains (to either up root it or cut it down below ground level)
Last week, a bridge. This week, a super stump. I’m afraid to see what’s up for NEXT week!
I love, love, LOVE the Civil Wars, and I literally cried when I heard they broke up. “Poison And Wine” is my favorite song.