TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Lights, Camera …Bactine!’ | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Lights, Camera …Bactine!’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Lights, Camera …Bactine!’

Welcome to the Wakefieldl Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today, being the weekend*, means this post is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Which, given our enjoyment of writing being the equivalent of running around in a dog park (on four legs), in contrast to the quietly sophisticated reflections on life in plentiful exhibition on the pages of the others writers, a new Reader can be forgiven for believing they’ve finally found the answer to the nagging question: “Who in the world seeks employment as a department store Santa Claus, cast member at Chuck E Cheese3 or Kindergarten Teacher****

Anyway… we have a host, Dyanne (see footnote) and cohostinae, Mimi and Pat and Lisa who keep the table-cloth on this picnic table, every weekend. So far be it from me to dawdle.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) Friday Night Walks (see previous two grats) (New Readers: Maximum Velocity 9 mph, passenger side window three-quarters down… in the olefactory world of dogs, surely these walks are the equivalent of a human, (ok, a human from Y Chromia), being the alone on the couch, in front of the Smart(er) TV and as many remote controls as possible, without looking silly.)

4) Writing serial stories: the Whitechapel Interlude and the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

5) Six Sentence Story bloghop. cause sometimes you want to read a short, short, short…. did we say ‘short’?, story. This is the place to go.

6) Non-Winter Season. All though, over even as it began, the summer season is pleasing. It is a time of simplicity of interaction with others, vis-à-vis, the weather. btw, the answer to the archetypical question is always, “Why no, no it is not.”

7) technology and the ‘reach’ into an increasingly large and diverse world it affords those so inclined.

8) face masks… while the original rationale for wearing one has apparently diminished in many places, they have proven quite beneficial when working in the yard/woods during pollen season. And, seeing how sport-coats and jackets hold on to them, like Kleenex in a mother’s purse, they are available for special occasions. Last evening, at social gathering, (where masks are no longer required), I ran into an old friend who was finally getting out into the public-gathering scene. She had a mask on and, as she came over to talk, I found that I had one in my pocket! (Being a clark, naturally, I put mine on for our conversation. It was only polite.)

9) something, something.

10) Secret Rule 1.3 from the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules). ….. just ask.





* ok, we all know what, ‘the weekend’ designates, at least, in terms of specific days of the week. But, and we’re sure someone out there knows the answer, or, at very least, given the standards of scholarship that prevails, here at Wakefield Doctrine U** they can contribute a credible answer to the question: “Sure, Saturday makes perfect sense, but Sunday? It’s not as if, in the row on every calendar in the world the first day is Sunday! What gives?”

** yeah, Cynthia’s most excellent hoodie

3) hey, interested? Here ya go (never let it be said the Wakefield Doctrine doesn’t actively seek readership in the demographics that, asked if they know what a cordless phone is, would hold up their cell phone hand and be surprised it  was not the correct answer) here some help in vid form:

**** no, you’ll have to ask out host why that is appropriate (tell her you know the Fire Fighter story… just don’t let on where you heard about it)

music vids and such

*  thanks out to jenne49 over at the Six Sentence Story for prompting this music vid selection… it’s a long story but I went from Peer Gynt to Jacques Loussier….




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clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. phyllis0711 says:

    Very nice post, always enjoy the walk.
    Thank you.

  2. Thank you for sharing the family walk! Appears enjoyable and quite…comfortable for all :D
    I want a Wakefield Doctrine U hoodie!
    I relate to your #8. It would appear, especially with older folk, that if they are not comfortable without a mask, it would be a simple gesture to reciprocate in such a setting. The experiences we’ve all encountered in the last year and a half have been an eye opener to the fragility of one’s health, young and older.
    Jacques Loussier, huh? His musical interpretation of Vivaldi certainly is…interesting? When it comes to Antonio however, the original will win out every time :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      For some more accessible, and my introduction to Jacques, try his Mozart (part one of three, I think)

      excellent writing music.

  3. Pat Brockett says:

    Well that wasn’t what I was expecting (your first music video), but I really did find it enjoyable and then I got lost on the web searching for more. HaHa
    #8 For sure. . .It was only polite. As some might say, you did good.
    And yes, that Fire Fighter story is a great one.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …I mentioned to Denise (in her comment) he does a number of other composers, my favorite remains the Mozart
      thank you

  4. That’s my idea of a walk, but not Coda’s.

  5. dyannedillon says:

    Wait, what fire fighter story?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      oh, man! you remember… you arranged for the fire department to come to your school… (or maybe you dragged the pre-schoolers to the fire stations…or a ongoing…lol no, wouldn’t have done that) anyway, totally remember your story about wearing at least a hat, if not coat
      …. this just in, “Hey, clark! This is the higher centers of your brain, ‘Stop Typing!’ we repeat, ‘Stop Typing’

      …no, really I remember it