Month: April 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: April 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

She maintains only one rule to the writing of a Six Sentence Story: a) the length of your story come out to exactly six sentences and 2) to involve the week’s prompt word

This week we return to the Whitechapel Interlude for our next installment, disguised as a Six Sentence Story. If you haven’t been following along, you would enjoy this week’s Six more after reading at least the previous two chapters.

Another bonus! The last walk-on we did, (courtesy of our guest author, Ford at (the) Atomic Mage), was so much fun, I asked our host, Denise, if she would grace us with her rhetorical presence this week for a walk-on. Go on over to her Six. Enjoy.

The prompt word:


“If the Devil is chasing you, run as fast as you can, however, have you cause to stalk Satan, run only as fast as he can,” once again, the teachings of the Order manifested as a memory of Brother Abbott singling me out in a room full of acolytes, “Brother Anselm, your face tells us you don’t believe you can outrun the Great Deceiver, this is a failure of faith, not ability; look up Isaiah 40: 29-31 this evening and bring your thoughts to us on the morrow.”

My assignment this day: to confirm the whereabouts of a time traveler of whom I had no memory of a face, appearance, or voice, only a single, still image of the ceiling of a room in St. Pancras hotel; nevertheless, I now stood on the sidewalk, opposite the gilded and carved entrance to Chiltern Court, on my right, the trees in Regent’s Park bloomed an anemic russet, mute reminder that summer had abdicated it’s palsied reign and winter approached under false grandeur of blue skies.

Marylebone Road was every bit a moat to cross, lacking only a watercourse full of clinging vines and predatory animals, there were, however, an excess of dark-blue uniformed men standing around the entrance to the building I needed to access; the very practical wisdom of my teachers whispered: “The secret to stalking lies not in hiding yourself from your prey, rather, it is to become an innocuous feature in their everyday world.”

As I crossed the cobblestone roadway, I saw Sarah standing to the left of the grand entrance, speaking to a man who was easily two meters in height and fourteen stone, if an ounce; he was scribbling in a notepad, while looking at everything other than my friend, which made him a policeman or a journalist.

Folding my scarf over a discarded box I’d recovered from an alleyway off Porter St., keeping it close to my side, every bit a messenger’s satchel, I crossed Marylebone Road; as I approached the marble-and-gilt facade of the residence of my quarry, Sarah laughed loudly and, pointing at something further up Baker Street, moved her companion’s attention, two spaces in the opposite direction of my approach; of course, the pawn is never aware of the player’s hand.

My own focus, as hostage to my friend’s gesture as the other pedestrians in the area, failed me as I stepped into the lobby at the same moment as another; I collided, mid-threshold into the building, with a woman, small in stature, religious in dress.




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and that’s why, quality notwithstanding, we’ve written 23 hunnert of these things!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Tao, a Chinese word signifying “way”, “path”, “route”, “road” or sometimes more loosely “doctrine”

As is the way of things, (the tao, if we stick to my use of the meaning of the image above1) we look to reprints to remind us of what we’ve forgotten to see.

It is central to the Wakefield Doctrine that we, all of us, have everything we need to attain/achieve/leverage/pretend-to-have/insist upon in life; it is just a matter of acceptance and will. (Each of these being way more that we have the space, time or rhetorical horsepower to devote to this morning. So, as is a time-honored tradition… when the muse is flagging, roll out a reprint!)

From December 2014:

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Woke up this morning feeling a bit…pre-aggravated.  Looked around, nothing to write about. Sat in front of this here computer here and… still nothing. The thought then occurred to me that this situation is not all that uncommon (well, alright, not uncommon among clarks) and there is something that the Wakefield Doctrine has that would be helpful (to me).

…still nothing.

Now, I’m starting to get pissed off. (yeah, I know….progress!)  Finally I went searching the blog archives for old Posts and stumbled upon the one below. As I watched the amazing video clip/illustration of the personality types, I realized what I should have remembered as soon as I woke up: ‘I am responsible for how I feel’.
“Hey!!! but…but!”,   astute Readers are trying to yell at their computer screens, unfortunately before they’ve finished swallowing that last sip of coffee, leaving caffeine-based punctuation on what they’re reading,   ” but!!! you’re a clark!!  you’re not of the world of feelings! you are a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile“!!
When it comes to emotions and feelings and such, I am indeed, ‘a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile’, fortunately for me, I have the Wakefield Doctrine to remind me that, though I live in the world of the Outsider, all seemingly intellectual and not all feely and such, I do have, within, the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’.

I began to feel a little…. not better, more  ‘ok, there’s something that I can do about this‘…. which, as we all know, is my scottian aspect asserting itself. Our friend Christine is, at this moment, muttering at her computer, “damn straight, yo” , (or words to that effect.)
Of course, we all know that part of the conflict within clarks, when feeling ‘pre-aggravated’ is a result of the resistance of their scottian aspect to the notion of simply letting the world roll over us.

Hey, this has been good for me, but time to get to work. I am leaving y’all with a re-post from way long ago… it’s about scotts.  You all know a scott. (If you’re a clark, then it’s your actual best friend, if you’re a roger, then it’s your current favorite best friend… and if you’re a scott, it’s your clarklike best friend, though you won’t think that at first*)

(from November 10 2011)

The Wakefield Doctrine  has a thing about looking at people, you know, how they act and stuff?  …we guarantee that if you got the smarts to understand this, (and not everyone does),  then you will know more about that other person than they know about themselves.  Pretty frickin cool, no?  But if you’re looking for one of those,  “Six Ways to get any Boy to Like you” or  “Satisfy the Woman in your dreams!! ”  or ” How to get your Boss off your back!”  self-improvement things  then stop reading. Right now.
This Wakefield Doctrine thing is so not that kind of personality theory.  (Not saying that you won’t be able to ‘satisfy the Woman in your Dreams’ or ‘get your Boyfriend a Job’), just that what we have here takes a little more….  flexible intelligence. So.  Read already!

No, the Wakefield Doctrine is not like those other self-development books….the Wakefield Doctrine is fun and it is useful and it is fun…

Today we are going to talk about scotts!  (Want to get a quick overview of the Doctrine?  go here and read….be sure to come back!)

scotts, scotts scotts!  where to start?   … hell, it’s Thursday, lets take the easy way out just to get the ball rolling, so to speak.1

Some bullets points relating to the nature and character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are totally emotional but in a way so very different from rogers,  mercurial is the right word for the emotional characteristic of scotts
  • scott   in a band?  the ‘front man’ every time  (don’t believe me? go look at the photo of the progenitors, click here  those three mugs were in a band together (yeah, I know!) and can you tell me who the front man was?…hell  you know which one is the Progenitor scott without anyone telling you, don’t you?)
  • at a party scotts will  introduce themselves (… everyone)
  • when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, …hardly ever both.  (ed note: 2014  ‘ha ha’)
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (go ahead….ask us why)

Seeing how the scottian population is, of late, growing here at the Doctrine, lets cater to the their totally famous short attention-spans  and use a video that shows us a scott doing what they do best!  Watch and learn, binyons!


How scottian was David Caruso’s character? how clarklike was DeNiro’s character?  and the cop that backed down to the scott?, not too rogerian !  Hell, he was the only one in the scene to have a hat on his damn head!
So lets review:

clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.    scotts are often wrong, but never uncertain.  scotts make good leaders, (at least when decisive action is required…when long-term objectives take precedence over short-term victory…not so much).     scotts are ‘the life of the party’… scotts are the best of joke tellers and are natural mimics.  scotts will feed on rogers and enjoy the challenge of clarks… scotts will give you the shirt off his back/ the use of her boyfriend but will not tolerate being ignored… they are un-selfish and short-sighted… ingenious and stupid…  emotional and shallow… sexy and predatory… endearing and dangerous…  get the picture?


1) that’s a joke for the scotts reading this


* meaning…if your back is to the wall and you’re going to have to go up against overwhelming odds, your clarklike friend is your best bet… most of the time, passive and half asleep, get them riled up and they be crazy


Hey! We’re back! In ‘real’ time. How cool is this here Doctrine here? Glad ya asked. That interaction between David Caruso and Mike Starr (‘Chivas and milk’ big guy last out of the scene…) a scott-on-scott. And, the fun thing is watch the dynamic as they do the ranking thing that all scotts do… As Bernadine told me, twenty-four years ago, in response to my question, “Do you feel bad if it turns out you’re not alpha in a pack?” Her answer: “No, you idiot!” connected to gales of good-natured laughter, (Bernadine was such a scott), “there’s nothing bad about it, it’s all about knowing where you are in the pack.”

You can totally see it in the face of the character. And, implicit in this, is it’s quite possible for the two of them to face-off in different circumstances and neither would say, “But I was alpha last time!” Here and now for our scottian friends… here and now. (As a further anchor in reality, remember back to high school, fights between two guys, they’d end up ‘buddies’ if they are scotts establishing ranking.)

1) how cool is that definition below the above logogram or, Hanzi (at least I gather from me dip into the Wikipool of Knowledge)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Lizzi created it in 2001 on a dare.

Dyanne hosted in 2021

Ten is the suggested number of items.

There is a book, (the BoSR/SBoR), that will provide you with all the information, insight, permission and exculpatory direction you might need to participate.

This week will include: going to work video, photo of Una (and, possibly Phyllis, though not necessarily in a combined format), a link to both of my serial WIPs*, the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf and the Whitechapel Interlude, we will provide two links to my work/Doctrine project, the 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing (a visit/Like/follow at either or both would not be met with outraged indignation**), a plug, aka a link out to the Six Sentence Story bloghop, a somewhat self-referential link back to this here website here, a italicute reference to an unspecified Grat Item and, maybe a link to a ‘person’ who inhabits this virtual world, never hurts to link out to a friend, ya know?

Damn! Almost forgot the Grats and Numbers! Here ya go:




*WIP: Work in Progress

** afterall, we’re not predominately a Member of the Herd aka roger






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

The rule to make your story six (and only six) sentences in length.

This week: the next installment in ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘.(the most recent chapters…you’re welcome)

The prompt word:


“She loved you; you threw it all away; just because Haley made the choice to accept your assessment of the relationship, didn’t mean she agreed; no one is sent to hell, they choose to go…” my inner voice paused, giving me time to realize I wasn’t where I had been, courtesy of the nameless people bending their pedestrian trajectories like clean water parting to either side of an abandoned car mired in a riverbed, as I sat on the granite staircase outside the front of the St. Pancras Hotel.

The dark ends of the street in either direction began to pulse blue, brick and granite walls acquiring an effervescent quality; a shift in the faces over me changed, for some to approval, “About bloody time someone called them,” anger for others, “Lets coddle another layabout and bankrupt the NHS;” I decided that I needed to be somewhere else and staggered upright long enough to lurch in the direction of least resistance.

As I tried to outrun the sirens, the city decided to become a storm-tossed ship, sidewalks tilting in slow motion offset by the brick walls which stood their ground allowing me to scuff down them in whichever direction held the most darkness and the least spectators.

“Easy there, mate,” the voice came from one of the faces that circled my field of vision, each exchanging significance as soon as I managed to focus; finally the wall that I shoulder-skidded over opened and I fell into the dark void that gave it meaning,

“What are we going to do with you” this voice was different, it was strong without challenge, and caring without need to be acknowledged.

“Don’t just stand there, bring him over here on the sofa….” the voice grew in volume as her face turned in my direction, “Mother Lilith be merciful, aren’t you in a world of hurt.”






Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Let’s talk about scotts.

A reprint from 2013, to start us off:

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Given that most of the current week is, at least in our North American culture, focused on a celebration that is the essence of the rogerian worldview, I thought I’d get a quickie in about scotts*.

The very young human who is left to grow up in the worldview of the Predator, develops certain skills and abilities and traits, all appropriate to thriving and surviving in a reality where it’s (metaphorically, at least):  ‘kill or be killed’ / ‘eat or be eaten’ / ‘fight or flight’ …pretty much all the time.**

We all have a scottian friend. (unless we’re scotts….then we have a clarklike friend (no! not her! she’s just a roger….the other one, the one who, while you might not speak on any regular basis, when you do get together, (be it a month or 13 years later), she picks up where you left off, without the slightest hesitation…that’s your clarklike friend)

scotts!!  they’re the ones who get us in trouble with the Principle in grade school (and)  in trouble with the cops in high school (and) …more frequently than we’d care to admit, in trouble with our spouses in adulthood. We all have a scottian friend. They’re the life of the party and the only person who, like a job applicant on her way to her first serious job interview…curriculum vita in hand, are on the guest list with a pre-emptive excuse from someone. (“Hey, sure it got a little rowdy last time… and he might have broken a lamp, but we all had fun, right?!“), That’s your scott.
Have you ever started the annual chore of cleaning out the gutters, and before you get the ladder set into the proper (and safe) 53 degree angle, you hear  ” Hey!  let me give you a hand!!” and before you can turn around, your neighbor is  climbing the ladder, without holding on with his hands and then stops and then decides it’s easier to just get up on the roof and walk along the edge and clean the gutters that way, rather than have to move the ladder…which is not really that bad an idea, until you see him climbing back up the ladder (you’re not sure how he got back down without seeing him)…. with a leaf blower on his back?  …yep, that’s your scottian neighbor.

scotts: energetic, loyal, mecurial, helpful, sloppy, hot-headed, impulsive, aggressive, natural leaders, inveterate trouble-makers, sexy, short-attention-span(ned), can’t-do-enough-for-others, can’t-follow-instructions-beyond-‘open-caref….’,
male scotts excel at being:

    • mob leaders (and)
    • police officers,
    • gym teachers (and)
    • one-term politicians, (and)
    • surgeons

female scotts excel at being:

  • elementary school Principles (and)
  • sales trainers,
  • being female (and)
  • real estate brokers,
  • actress (ages: 7 to 23 and then 43 to 79) (and)
  • family matriarch

that should hold us, in this ‘week of Herd’! Remember now, the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine is to come to be able to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. Learn the characteristics of the three worldviews, observe the people in your life and when you’re able to correctly infer how they are ‘relating themselves to the world around them’, you will totally know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

… was just Replying to a Comment from Kristi and I think it would be a good way to end today’s post.

“…it (the notion of a secondary and tertiary aspect) is one of the best things about the Doctrine, it would have us believe that, instead of trying to be something we are not (often the biggest encountered on the path of self-developing ourselfs), all we need do is realize the potential that we have to cope with a different world (one shared by ‘the other 2/3rds of the population’). Rather than have to find and learn something new and therefore not genuine to who we are, we need only accept ourselves both ‘as we are’ and ‘as we might have been’. “



* yes,  cue the ‘elbows and laughter’….pretty much have them ready,  this is about the scottian worldview, after all!

** note to New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we all live, to a certain, but not overly weird degree, in a reality that is personal to us… think about, oh I don’t know, the last time you stood in line at the supermarket and the cashier was talking to the the kid who was supposed to be bagging the groceries and everyone is getting impatient, or maybe, lets say you’re at a child/Teacher conference and even though the Teacher is not only very young, but clearly very, very new at his job, and yet,  it’s  becoming abundantly clear that he’s beginning to lecture you on child-rearing practices…. thats where worldviews are found.



Now that we’ve had our little laugh, there’s a week out there, people. It’s lurking in the closet that the end of the hall that your bedroom is on; it’s standing, back against the faux brick siding of the front of your house and it’s waiting in the parking lot (or zoom holding page, where you see the others but have your mic muted…or so you believe) of your school, workplace or supermarket/mall or even the park where the parents start their day and the old people wait to see who among their ranks made it through the night.

That you have a scottian friend is not important. That you can leverage this fact into a better understanding of the Doctrine, is. Chances are you’re a clark. And, chances are, of the qualities manifested in ‘the other two’ types, you’re inclined to want to be able to act like a scott…. at times, anyway. Don’t despair. The Doctrine maintains that we all retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. All you need to do is take be willing to risk it all that, push comes to shove you’ll act properly.

There! That wasn’t hard, was it?

Yep, first lesson is over.

