Month: September 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: September 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Created by Lizzi back in the before-time, say twenty-three or four years ago, the TToT is not only an exercise in gratitude, it is a way of encouraging and nurturing perspective.

And, imho, when it comes to becoming all the life-form you potentially are, perspective is a fricken stair-master (with tiny springs in each step) with bicycle pedals you can turn with your hands (heated, of course) and a full-length computer mirror that doesn’t merely provide a virtual fitness coach, (that’s right, no getting bullied by some bro with more hair products than a 1960s beauty pageant nor hearing a scottian female imply that if you don’t want to do what she’s shouting, your entire DNA legacy will be tossed out with the gym socks that haven’t been worn (or washed) since the end of your senior year), and besides, one wrong move or insufficient devotion and the tendons that hold her face full of teeth to her astonishingly attractive body will lash out and lock on your ankles before you can get halfway to the family room door), no, it doesn’t.

Perspective, properly used (read instructions and follow all safety rules), provides you, in the aforementioned computer mirror, the image of who you know you can be and who you could imagine being best buds with, ’cause you got all the best things a deity might provide (provided a deity provided them), (and you have within, even if the gift was, like anonymous.)

errrKristi hosts this bloghop each week and welcomes you all to read and, if you choose to (despite the above Joycean riff) you are totally welcome.


1) Una

Ever vigilant despite the natural quieting of the forest population


2) Phyllis (she likes our thistle farm as much as I do)

Like the morning-after following an old school New Year’s Eve celebration, summer’s flowery decorations hang, like tangible ghosts on dry, brown branches.


3) the Wakefield Doctrine (a tool nonpareil for self-improving oneself)


4) serial stories the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf and the Whitechapel Interlude


5) work (yes, again!) below is me on the job.*

The September sun’s dying embrace of the remnants of summer.


6) * surely you weren’t thinking I’d have, like, a photo of me at my desk or, maybe a full profile pitcha in an official real estate broker mode (Yes, there is such a thing as official poses… men: one hand in pocket, suit coat (if over the age of ‘you-do-realize-this-is-one-of-the-largest-financial-transactions-in-most-peoples-live-right?) women agents: arms-crossed-at-chest level-power-pose)


7) The Six Sentence Story bloghop


8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (Hey! Reader! No, the invisible person looking over your shoulder… of course I mean you. Come on try it out. Send in a grat and I’ll post it here, see your thoughts in solid-state light down there on the little screen)


9) something, something


10) Secret Rule 1.3 From the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) this is one of the best and most time-honored secret rules. Try it**



** tradition holds that this Secret Rule occupies the last position on the list, but, then again, they don’t call it the Book of Secret Rules for nothing, so as long as you cite the reference, SR 1.3 pretty much can go anywhere, ya know?



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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story

It, (the story, not this site), is our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop hosted by Denise and participated in by hundreds of people with an interest in writing fiction, some of whom actually write a story of six and only six sentences and link it to the aforementioned blog. You should be among those willing to take a chance and reap the benefits of co-fraternity (and, of course, co-sorority) with us folks what like to write and such.

ya, know?

This week is an Ian Devereux week. So the Six that follows is the next installment in, the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf. (New to this bloghop? Been away? Go ahead and click on that ⇐ link.  I guarantee you’ll enjoy our week’s contribution all the more.)

This week’s prompt word:


“Dr. Thunberg, an envelope just arrived,” Kendra’s disembodied voice held a touch of shrillness on the interrogative, but then darkened and sank on the passive verb as it hung in the autumn light, leaching most of the color, and all of the softness, from Leanne Thunberg’s office overlooking the quad at Radcliffe University.

The head of Advanced Anthropology and Cultural Semiotics frowned; her antipathy towards advanced technology metastasized into tension as a subtle clockwork quality braced her shoulders and the natural elasticity of the connective tissue in her neck eroded; her therapist’s voice whispered from a private corner of her mind, “Remember, Annie, you are responsible for how you feel.”

Serenity appeared and moved tentatively, like a first-time traveler separated from the security of the tour group, negotiating elbow-and-glare-studded crowds in a foreign city, upwards towards her eyes, “Well, don’t keep me in suspense, Ken”, as her admin placed a yellow, 8.5 x 11 inch mailing envelope on her desk; at first glance it was no different from the stack already in Leanne’s in-box, on second glance it looked like the survivor of a death match in a post office sorting room; blue and red ink smeared like blood and tears on both sides, everywhere except for the address label, that remained as untouched as a virgin princess officiating at a medieval jousting tournament.

Inside, a single sheet of paper, hotel letterhead written in 12-pt German:

‘Dr. Thunberg,

You don’t know me, but I’m in Germany with your husband, Elias, rather I should say, ‘I was with Elias’ until a day ago when I managed to escape from the Abbey at Eibingen; at least I think I escaped; I have no idea why I’m writing to you, his ex; something tells me its what those people in the Abbey want.

PS Your ex, Elias, might be a famous scholar, but he threw me under whatever they call buses around here, by my standards that makes him kind of a dick, er please send money to my PayPal account as follows.’

Leanne held the sheet of paper up to the light, a sepia X-ray showing faint smears of rusted brown; in a dark, nearly hidden part of her, an atavistic spirit stirred, ancient muscles pulling at her ears, flaring nostrils and dilating the pupils of her eyes; the part of her personality that had her in therapy, for no other reason than to keep her position as department head, etched a smile on her face and she turned to the keyboard, first sending a thousand dollars to the account on the letter and then, an email, ‘Ian, I hear Germany is beautiful this time of year, join me on a field trip? 






TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A black and white picture. One sees a chalice while another, the profiles of two people facing each other. An example of an ambiguous bi-stable image, aka (the) ‘Rubin Vase’, created by Edgar Rubin in 1915. For us here at the Doctrine, it serves as a reminder, perspective is everything.


This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Kristi hosts (with the help of Pat and LisaDyanne and, of course Mimi) this long-running bloghop. The theme is gratitude and the approach is simple. Write/share/and-otherwise-list the people, places and things in your reality that have inspired/incited/or-nudged you into feeling grateful.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) work It gives me something to do during the day that gets me out of the house, ’cause Una has her own schedule during weekdays, which involves a concentration (as we might have said in college) in napping.

4) Six Sentence Story each week a bunch of writers write a story-ette employing a prompt word. It is very good exercise, (in crafting the wordage) and fun to read.

5) Serials. the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf and the Whitechapel Interlude. Each week, one (of these two serial stories) has a chapter added by way of a new Six Sentence Story.

6) Replaced old(er) car with new(er) version, there is something to be said for continuity*

7) No longer summer (Una and Phyllis don’t mind. Phyllis is in charge of moving new firewood onto rack and backyard stack, via yellow wagon to Una’s left)

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. for anyone out there in the Reader-zone thinking, ‘Hey, I could write one of those posts. Heck, if this Doctrine post is the bar, well, I’ll have a double!’  Come on down. But if you’re wanting to check the water temp first, send us a single Grat Item and we’ll plug it in right here. Give you a look-see and all.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 because without process how could anything begin and without an ending, how would we know? (Book of Secret Rules (Secret Book of Rules) Prologue to Chapter II ‘so what’s the deal with this Rule 1.3?’ et al ibid.


* Continuity is, as we all know, Habit’s younger brother, who, unlike his older brother appreciates the value of hard-work. To this older brother, (and his friends Novelty & Hormones), constant amazement, Continuity applies himself to his studies and, as a result, prepares for the future in a way that does not involve the wholesale destruction of irreplaceable braincells or a GPA that is kept afloat, like a seat cushion in the North Atlantic, SAT and Miller Analogy test scores solidly in the 99th percentile.







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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

The goal is to write a story, using the week’s prompt word, in exactly six sentences.

This week we’re returning the Order of Lilith story, ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘. (The title is linked back to the blog so you can read any or all the previous chapters.)

This week’s prompt word:


“You are certain, I trust, the binding fields are secure,” Brother Abbot turned from a wall covered with draw-bars and chains, pulleys and levers with mother-of-pearl handles, “While I do not question your work, this is your first guard duty with our,” although his broad shoulders seemed oriented on the dark rectangle of the cell door, he held his trainee’s gaze with a gentle ferocity, “guest, and in our Order, we help each other be certain.”

He moved across the small antechamber that separated the dark cell from the door to the outer corridor, watching Sarah, who had somehow moved to stand with her back to the cell; her head at a slight angle, as if trying to locate the source of a faint sound; “How curious, the sound a kettledrum might make were it to try and sing a melody, do you not hear it?”

Embedded In the nearly tactile darkness of the cell, the outline of a woman drawn on a black canvas; as if something drew light from the outer chamber, details grew more substantial, and with this increasing definition, temptation sent a silent invitation to see more, the promise of a beautiful discovery hung in the air.

The stolen illumination gathered and grew around the woman’s face, even as the light in the outer room dimmed; coalescing around her head there was created what could only be a halo.

“My God, how beautiful,” Sarah felt her body fly backwards through the air, even as she leaned forward to within a lover’s touch of the doorway; the sigils and symbols, glyphs and incantations carved into its wooden frame were flaring redly.

The occupant of the cell stood silently and stared, eyes raging with insatiable hunger; the glow from her face grew, momentarily creating the shape of sharply curved wings extending to her sides; Brother Abbott stepped between Sarah and the cell; the light inside the cell bled into the stone floor and the antechamber was again fully illuminated.






Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

There was a time, in the course of this record, that I wrote a post a day. Each was as different as the previous as they were foreshadowing those yet to be written. This was due to the topic of all posts at this blog, the Wakefield Doctrine.

Originally a chance observation of an interaction between two people, it grew into the unique perspective on life, the world and the people that make it up, entirely by the process of discovery, as opposed creation. In other words, the underlying view of reality was already there, the very first piece of the puzzle was genuine enough to allow only related facts, insights, suppositions and conclusions to be added. While you might find it amusing to take twenty-six boxes of jigsaw puzzles and dump them in a pile, when you were done fitting each curvio-trapezoidal chunk of cardboard and photo paper together, you would have twenty-six pictures, not twenty-one or nineteen.

And so it is with the Wakefield Doctrine. Once you have a certain, small, number of pieces, you are able to (re)-create the entire thing. That is testament to both the Doctrine and the person doing the assembly. One can only go to together one way, the other can assemble the parts only if they have a certain view of things, reality, if you will.

While we’ve arrived at a point where it might be tempting to assume that everything that might be said about the Wakefield Doctrine has been said, we all know better than that. Well, lets amend that last and say those of us with either a predominant clarklike* worldview or a significant secondary clarklike aspect can relax, with this qualifying sentence.

It seems to be that a certain requirement for those who would enjoy this little alternate personality types theory, this being whatever the name for the quality in people that permits (nay, requires) more than one perspective on the world. Because that, when all is said and done, is what the Wakefield Doctrine has to offer, one more perspective on life.

And, serially, who out there doesn’t know that more is better than less when it comes to perspective.

Thats all we have time for, this Monday morning.

y’all come back now, heah?


* in the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, personality types are referred to as ‘predominant worldviews’. This is a reflection of the belief that all of us, everyone, lives in a reality that is to a certain degree, personal. (Were we, Reader and Doctrine, to be standing on a corner** we might surely be seeing the same thing but, more than likely, what we are experiencing are two different things.)


**sure, we can make that Winslow, Arizona…
