Month: August 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: August 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Looks like Summer is showing signs of breaking out in terminal autumn. Nothing un-ignorable as of yet… the beginnings of fade, individual leafs and such at this point. However, the overall effect is to leave one vulnerable to a did-I-really-see-that glance, maybe shifting your eyes as you drive, trying to locate an odd sound and when you return to the road ahead, it seems a bit more distant than you recall.

But enough of this ‘psychoanalyzin’ and dramatizin” as a certain woman from my way-distant past used to admonish we students.

This is still the Wakefield Doctrine blog. And it’s primary purpose has not changed. The reason for the blog is to make the incredibly useful perspectives it offers available to the largest number of people possible. To this end, is a more personal and specific goal (or, as I mistyped, gaol, which makes for a satisfyingly obtuse wordplay*).

The challenge I long since accepted is this: write a post that allowed the Reader to understand and apply the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine after reading it once. Whether or not, especially, if not, they’d encountered this blog prior to reading the post. This would be ‘the perfect Wakefield Doctrine post’. Still working on it.

(what? now?!?! it’s like, ‘five to’ you-gots-to-get-to-the-real-world!!)

(damn, that old saying is still true***)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective of the world around us and the people who make it up. Based on the notion that all of us are born with the capacity to experience life in one of three characteristic ways: as would an Outsider(clarks), as a Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers). Each of these three inform the personal reality of the individual and, at an early age, we all settle into one, (and only one), of them. While we never lose the capacity to live in the world of ‘the other two’, the context in which we develop our style of interacting with the objective world, (aka personality), is reflected in which of the three worldviews of the Doctrine we exhibit.

When we learn the qualities of the three predominant worldviews, we’re in a position to know more about the other person than they know about themselves. The reason for this: by knowing the nature of the three realities, we can know how the other person is relating themselves to the world around them. (Not, ‘how the other person is relating to the world around them, but how they are relating themselves. Critical difference.)

By observing the relationship of, (the other person), to their world, we are then able to know most of their personal qualities, predilections, foibles and ….and favorite colors! (no, not this last****) And, of course, the more we know about the other person, the more we can predict how they act and interact. And, of further course, the process of learning more and more about another person requires us to identify with them. If we have the faith/self-confidence/desperation to put ourselves at risk by identifying with another person, our self-understanding can only grow.

Lastly, by attempting and failing to write the perfect Wakefield Doctrine post, we cannot help but to self-improve ourselfs.  Seeing how, having all three qualities within, by identifying with clarks, scotts and rogers, we must come to accept the good and the bad of the totality of ourselves. Not easy. Always beneficial.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Don’t forget to share it and send it out to wherever you can, who knows who might read it and, rushing to their phone/computer/fax machine, sending the message, “By George I think I’ve got it!”


* jar, jar** as Friend-of-the-Doctrine, Clairepeek used to say/type

** her native language was Norwayian…. play it safe, Scandinavish… (sorry, Claire… let us make it up to you in our music vid.

*** ‘When the Master is still in the bathroom, the Student walks to the front of the class and shares what they know

**** just a little personality survey joke



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Each week: Ten people, places or things that elicit the subjective experience of gratitude.

Kristi is the host.

Format is whatever conscience dictates.

TToT: Ten Things of Thankful

Link your post and see if ripples don’t appear in your world.

Experience tells us they will, if you are willing to see what you’re looking at.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) health (with an option on well-being)

5) constructive abilities and the willingness to practice them (and context to do so)

6) Six Sentence Story  (like the language lab in high school, back in the day, the coolest room next to woodshop)

7) technology (you know… what you’re reading)

8) incomplete serial stories… like the model cars in the foot of the closet (or whatever those of you hailing from X Chromia would have as a parallel) they may have lost their initial “Hey! Come See What’s Here!” but they are available, anytime I have the inclination, and as the old saying reminds us, “Its easy to edit than to create.” The Aurora collection includes: the Hobbomock Chronicles. The Case of the Missing Fig Leaf and, lest I forget, Home and Heart (a Sister Margaret Ryan novel)


10) Secret Rule 1.3 which states, in part.“…so you’re feeling like you’ll never come up with ten Grat Items and you look down, and you’ve already passed Number Five and you remember how SR 1.3 is allowable as Number 10…and suddenly you feel seven years old, walking out of the shoe store, wearing brand new PF Flyers!”  Yes, the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules), totally has time travel capabilities and you are encouraged to advantage your self thereby.

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Free Doctrine fashion item to the first person to identify the scott in the blurry video (Hint: its neither Flatts nor Scruggs)




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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story.

Hosted by Denise this bloghop is distinguished by its insistence that all stories be of six and only six sentences in length.

You should try it… its like homework in your favorite subject when you have a solid A from the start… you know, fun!

This week we continue the Ian Devereaux mystery serial, ‘The Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘.

This week’s prompt word is


With the top down, Lacey Whitelaw felt the morning-chilled wind tug at her hair like a schoolyard full of invisible seven-year-old boys; behind the wheel of the late model Porsche, her former faculty advisor, current wanderjahr guide and future cautionary tale, drove with a studied concentration intended to leave no doubt that the car was a reflection of personal traits.

“We have ten minutes to get to Eibigen Abby,” as if to provide a visual aid, the road crested and, in the distance, clutching the rolling pastureland like a hornet’s nest of brick and half-digested souls, their destination; “Do not speak unless spoken to and watch me, these people are lethal if they feel threatened,” Elias Thunberg looked at his former grad student with what he thought was endearing affection; Lacey was coming to appreciate that condescension mixed well with lust.

“My former husband, Elias,” Leanne paused to smile into the bone china cup as if approving of the future arrayed at the bottom of the mist-covered amber fluid,  “Is a guy’s guy, to borrow some slang, he’s a multi-doctorate ‘bro”; that my breakfast companion would be as challenging (and demanding) a client as she was a bedmate, was useful in convincing myself to refrain from interrupting her story.

The postmaster stared at the girl trying to complete the overnight delivery shipping label, the ferocity in her eyes was offset by fresh bruises on her upper arms; with eyebrows raised in a mute signal of being a non-combatant, he gently took the pen, Lacey whispered in gratitude, “Dr. Leanne Thunberg… Radcliffe University”; tearing off the Senders Copy, he looked up and said, “Here is your…” the words fell to the floor of the empty lobby.

“We both joined the faculty at the same time, he became department chair before I received tenure; despite his brilliance he fell into the oldest trap in the human experience, yet he is not merely after women, he believes he can find Her, the very first woman; he has disappeared and I need your help to find out what has come of him.”  







TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Kristi is our host. She invites one and all to stop in, read and, if so moved, add a post of Ten Things of Thankful to the mix.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

For us, the following qualify as Grat Items:

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) Whole house generator. See that top photo? Taken on Tuesday of this week. Whatever hurricane-ette was passing by, well to the west, produced some nice special effects. It also knocked down a tree in our neighborhood, resulting in a loss of power from say, four o’clock in the afternoon until midday Thursday. The sound of our generator rumbling outside the house, nice

4) If the mountain will not come to Muhammed(Peace be upon him)… then ask Phyllis. I should elaborate. If you insist. So our stove chose to break (a little) this week, after the storm. The cooktop works, the display, (and its controls of the oven), went dead. So, minor repair, no? Well sure. And a Grat. The stove is somewhere along the lines of 15 years old. Thats not the problem. The problem is the house. Or, to be more concise, the countertop on either side of the stove. One side effect of the house settling over the years is that the countertops have pulled a little away from the wall. As the photo demonstrates, if the counter moves away from the wall, it will press on the stove. We once tried to move the stove and barely got it back in place.

Yet, with the humility the above proverb, Phyllis approached the issue and succeeded in moving the mountain.

5) Toying with a new serial (or two). The second Ian Devereaux novel and a story having to do with the Order of Lilith, Jack the Ripper and Victorian London.  Should be fun.

6) My imagination and the Wakefield Doctrine. So, Wednesday I was working in the woods. Mostly moving something heavy from one place to another. It did, however, require a shovel, a rake, a hoe and the wheelbarrow. Good workout. Almost totally exhausting. Upon bringing said implements back to the house, I noticed that my prodigal lopper* was not among the gathered tools. Unlike last week, I knew where I’d left them…hanging on a tree branch. Down at the pond.

As I moved with the slow reluctance of the physically exhausted, which tends to involve a controlled fall in the desired direction, trusting one of two feet to stay ahead of the upper torso, the thought came, as it often does at such times, “Suppose you were in a bed that you will never leave? And someone allowed you one more trip away from the bed and this walk was it?” It made a difference.

The Wakefield Doctrine in this Grat? There is no way in the multiverse I would have written this outloud had not I the availed myself of the perspective available in everyone’s favorite personality theory.

7) Six Sentence Story. You know that corner of the sock drawer that becomes the Home for Orphan Socks? The Six Sentence Story bloghop is like that… how, on occasion, and provided your trousers were long enough, you might put together a pair from one brown-in-the-shade sock with a blue-so-dark-they-wouldn’t-even-know-your-name.**

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABE Because sometimes its nice to try something out before totally committing. Send in a Grat, I’ll paste it right here.

9) something, something.  

10) Secret Rule 1.3   …Because we’re responsible adults and, if we need to find an exception or append an addenda, who are we to say ya can’t? However, even the BoSR (aka SBoR) is not a total Get Out of Jail Card. It, (the Book), is a powerful tool, however, to utilize it, one is expected to demonstrate a competent understanding of it’s capabilities and share a healthy respect for something that, in the blogosphere, has been described as thesaurus for rhetoric.


* the full backstory in last week’s TToT (Item 6)

** ‘Cheap Sunglasses’ ZZ Top


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

It is hosted by Denise.

The Rules are the simplest. Write a story involving the week’s prompt word, six and only six sentences in length.

Something cool occasionally happens, here, at the Six Sentence Story bloghop. A story gets written, consciously or otherwise, that turns out to be only a beginning, the first six sentences are a narrative seed that promises Readers more about a character or a circumstance or, even, a setting. Susan wrote such a Six, about a boy trying, for perhaps the first time in his life, to navigate the treachery of adults. Miz. Avery has given us, not merely a story, but a small corner of a world populated by very real, and quite engaging people and, most recently, Rhen has been letting us witness a relationship develop in the story, Bedelia.

This week, we return to a story inspired by a Six by Len, titled ‘Time Travel’. My ‘follow-up’ to his tale did not have a title, so let us call it: Episode One.

Episode Two follows.

This week’s prompt word is:


My quarry had done his research, Inverness cape over frock coat allowed him a degree of anonymity; his mistake was not in design but in condition, new clothing demands attention, immaculate new fabric, well, clothing like that pushes observers on the shoulder daring them not to notice.

I followed him out of the darker streets of Whitechapel as the afternoon stumbled into evening, the transition was subtle, the sun, in its journey across the sky, was a most unreliable of narrators, due, in no small part to the soot-laden fog that hung over the cobblestones, like the flatulence of sleeping giants, buried beneath a newly decrepit city.

My task was to report on the activities of our visitor, not difficult, even if he did not stand out in the crowd; time travelers are like children in a candy store, pre-rehearsed discipline vanishes as the immediacy of the place they’ve spent lifetimes dreaming of exerts itself, as irresistible as the gingerbread house of Hansel and Gretel.

As I’d anticipated, leaving Dorset Street, he proceeded up Commercial Road; unconsciously my lips drew into a smile of self-congratulation, even as the echo of Brother Abbot reminding my class at the end of our first year in the Order, “Proverb 16:18, people! take it to heart, pride doesn’t just goeth before the fall, it is the Fall; we are all just one stepmother away from being as doomed as the children of Eve.”

The visitor and I moved through the poverty-congealed crowds like sharks though clouds of minnows; his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he tried to catalogue all he was experiencing.

Walking, we shared a territory, but not the map; like a swarm of insects that moves randomly while individuals came to the forefront, hollow-cheeked children and empty-eyed women, blindly sensing an opportunity for food or money, moved towards any and all opportunity to survive, even at the expense of their divine spirt, the spirit intended to distinguish them from all the other creations that filled the Garden.





