Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sunday Yard Project: Before
Clean up the deadfall to the left of the path.
Hey! Upper right of photo, two tree trunks in parallel leaning over to the left? That the leaning cedar that you will often see photos of Phyllis and Una walking… under.
This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created by Friend of the Doctrine, Lizzi and hosted by Kristi.
It is a bloghop in which participants link their reflections on the people, places and things that have elicited a feeling of gratitude. There are no requirements for length (of post), number (of grat items) or degree of theme-appropriate writing (the Wakefield Doctrine).
But it’s fun.
So get out them key boards. Write yourself a TToT post and link it up. We’ll wait.
For me, this week:
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the frequency of these posts… (since 2009) means that I barely have to type the title or, for sure, ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’ at least in the beginning of a post… it totally autofills (autofill voice done in a classic Alan Rickman sarcasm*: “W – A – K – E …don’t tell me! I know this one… the Wakefield Doctrine… )
4) the Wakefield Doctrine (see?!!)
5) the Hobbomock Chronicles. This week, Episode Fifteen. Don’t miss it! Well, there’s no danger of that, at least, at the moment. As I have not completed writing it. While this serial approach may be less satisfying than curling up with a book and reading until ‘The End’ I seem to be doomed to the style of writing. I enjoy the idea that I discover the twists and turns just a very short time before you Readers do. Seems to be the only way I can get a story down ‘on paper’. At least for now.
6) Work. Fortunately, real estate brokerage is considered an essential business in both Rhode Island and Connecticut. So I get to drive around as much as I like, first responding and such.
8) The capacity for physical work. At least at the moment, before I head out into the woods to move pieces of trees from one point on the ground to another…. I’ve got it! Lets post a Before and After. (With any luck no emergency medical personal will be in any of the ‘After’ photos…lol)
Here is the ‘After’ photo from the top
9) Call in from our friend and clark-extrodinarae Cynthia. Always fun and informative-istic. Discussions ranged from the current strange world to the use and application of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for understanding the other person and having fun doing it. (New Readers: One of the things the Doctrine is real good at is to help see the world as the other person is experiencing it. key word: experiencing (it). If all we do is try to see the world from their eyes, we’re not getting the most from the exercise. Reality (according to the Wakefield Doctrine) is very much a personal matter. You and I can walk through a mall. (Wait! Gotta amend that, for two reasons: a)the current world does not condone crowded malls and, 2) I’m a clark… walk through a mall?!! yeah, sure thing.) In any event, the idea is set aside what you think the person is seeing and reacting to and try to feel how they are feeling encountering the current situation.
10) Secret Rule 1.3 “chapter 3.1 (sub-chap- z), “…[T]rying to complete a TToT with(out) acknowledging the implications of Secret Rule (1.3) would be like swimming without touching the water… should (you) could try [and no one denies it wouldn’t be cool to see] but…just don’t work.’ (Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules 2009- 2020 cc extant)
* the late Alan Rickman (from Dogma) At: 01.25 surely the best sarcasm (and reaction) in any movie.
Dogma – excellent movie. And WHO doesn’t love Alan Rickman :D
Looking forward to the after picture sans “emergency medical personal” lol
Episode 15! Woot! Woot!
yeah, really that was such a great scene (in ‘Dogma’)
Oh yea! You got that cool trail system that is your backyard. Ah, I *used* to have this at my old house. Hehe. But living right in town has its perks. :) Gonna walk to the park today with John and play some frisbee.
Great call-in last evening. Fun stuff! I always gain more and more insights. And so funny that my friend I thought was a clark is actually a roger, but that happens. Sometimes it is *hard* to tell a roger-clark vs. a clark-roger.
Yeah, we did a clean up of an area last summer that resulted in a (further) development of the system of paths… thats the area in the distance in both photos
Agree, it was a most enjoyable conversation last night
Good job remembering to take a “before” photo. There is something very satisfying about seeing progress documented. That being said, I failed to take “before” photos of the areas of the yard I worked on yesterday. I’m definitely snapping photos of the work John is doing in the garden, though.
I usually don’t (remember) but this time I ran out last evening before it got dark to take the ‘Before’ photo. Unfortunately, its pretty much brown on light brown with occasional dark brown things…lol
Your yard projects, being additive, would totally be fun in a before and after sequence.
It was good to hear a little of the call in last night. I hope all are well, I think Clarks handle crises best, at least with the most style and grace.
Una and Phyllis look like they’re having quite the conversation! Nice before and after…and no EMTs!omg I gotta go watch Dogma again… i just love that movie and Alan Rickman.
One of the funnier movies (on the basis of the ‘variety of comedic actors’ if nothing else… Alan Rickman, George Carlin and Chris Rock!)
Some habits are thankful things in themselves.
there is that lol
Enjoyed seeing those before and after shots and good for you that you had no need of any kind of medical assistance!
It almost seems as though the world of malls is on the way out in our area, even before COVID. Many of the stores that use to be in the malls were already suffering from so many people doing online shopping.
That is quite the perk you have with your occupation, that of having to go for rides, not to mention seeing different properties. 👌
and…and! I got to use my chainsaw!*
*surely they should require a license to buy a gas-powered chain saw… they are physic-incarnate… forget the Laws and pay the price.
Your pictures remind me of forest bathing. I would love to live close to many trees.
funny on perspective, have taken a couple of trips out to the Southwest… so much sky! Our horizon is about 80 degrees off vertical … one reason why are summer vegetable gardens need support from the local produce stands…lol