Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘Realities in Passing’
Phyllis: passing along Rt 1 Westerly in front of my office.
Me: viewing the world in captions.
Well, certainly has been interesting week. Trust all are weathering the currents of modern events on an even keel. There are countless words written on the benefits of spending time reflecting on those people, places and things that elicit the feeling of gratitude; from the Doctrine’s perspective the single most valuable aspect of such activity is that it allows us to link the positive elements in our worlds. The negative impulse, surely most exemplified by fear, links bad with ‘also-bad’ in our worlds. The problem is, for god-knows what reason, fear continues and links to the ‘not-so-bad’ and, left alone, it will link to, the ‘well,-if-you-look-at-it-that-way,-that-is-worse-than-I-thought’. All done without our necessarily seeing the linking process. Gratitude, fortunately, is also something that can be linked to other parts of our worlds.
Thanks, as always, to Kristi for keeping the lights on.
Lets get to the grats.
1) Una —————————————————-↓
2) Phyllis ————————–↑
3) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)
4) the Wakefield Doctrine because none of what you will find on this page would be likely without the benefit of the additional perspectives that the Wakefield Doctrine makes available. (‘ceptin the ‘Club Nouveau’ of course)
5) good health: pandemics notwithstanding, being healthy, or reasonably so, is not a bad thing.
6) good weather –↓————→————————————————↓
7) the Hobbomock Chronicles Check back later today for Episode Ten
8) the Internet. cause… like, have you seen all the photos I’ve stuck in this post!? You may never come to our home, but you would recognize it if you did.
9) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. Anyone wishing to try out the here bloghop here, this is the way to do it. Write a Grat Item. Send in as a Comment. I’ll post it right here. See your thoughts out there in the blogosphere.
10) Secret Rule 1.3. Because, as Heidegger would say, “Ach! du lieber! You’re almost finished with your list!”
I love that tree that is kind of a dinosaur look-a-like. I think any kid in the neighborhood would love it too. :-)
Yes! Good health anytime, but especially so in times of pandemic outbreaks.
Perfect choice of music!
That tree (in the bottom photo) we refer to as Ola’s tree.
When she was young, Ola loved to get a good sized rock (on the order of a duckpin bowling ball) and move it around the yard. She did this by digging to each side of the rock around to the leading edge, causing the rock to fall forward in this freshly-dug trench.
Clearly it was against to rules to simply use her front paws directly to cause the rock to move.
In any event, the pine tree that you see coming out of the ground, dipping and then curving upwards was in the path of her rock moving game. And, for reasons that are unknown but inspire stories, it grew that way. Refusing to die, adapting to the circumstances created by a passing rock and dog.
I surely love your pictures and feel like I could go there and sit with a cup of coffee!
Our woods do remind one of the entrance into Narnia – almost magical.
This is true.
Thank you, for carrying on as usual. If we all stay calm and carry on, this, too, shall pass.
Thanks for the walk-around-the-yard photo tour. What a great place–and with a stream(?) creek (?) no less!
It certainly has been an “interesting” week.
Pond and stream, the woods are mostly pine and so have, over the years since we moved here have changed fairly noticeably.
Hey! Look at those yard pictures! No snow!
Thanks for the reminder of that which tilts the fulcrum back to level – gratitude.
Can’t wait to read Episode 10!
No snow indeed!