Month: February 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: February 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘A dog apart’
Una and Phyllis at the vet for yearly checkup. She demonstrates the wisdom of the old saying, “While never wise to submit to fear, only a fool turns their back on it.”


Lizzi the Founderina of this here bloghop here.

Kristi  (in the old tales of the tribes who lived in the land now known as Hobbomock, ‘Jenahoutak’ she who shapes the light, banks the fire and yells the wolves away.)

How about a photo visit to Hobbomock? (the Keeper, AcumenRe Business Systems future site, the Jersey River*)

‘the Keeper’ (the Ross family’s summer home in Hobbomock)

future site of AcumenRe Business System’s East Coast campus

the ocean end of the Jersey River


Una: (photo at top of post) Yearly checkup for Una. (The photo shows Una in her preferred position in the examination room. The room is eight by eight, there’s one of those, ‘Here, girl, jump up on this totally normal and harmless, stainless steel platform.‘ on the left wall; on the wall opposite the door is a window, in the corner to the right of the window is a single, plain wood chair. there is a small, triangular space behind the chair. That is where Una awaits the arrival of the vet, who Una actually likes. But you know, …doctors.)

Phyllis (photo above, at the top, who always has me and Una’s back)

the Hobbomock Chronicles.  Here, fairly early on a Sunday is Episode Six.  (Don’t forget, if’n you’re enjoying the Chronicles, sign up to follow at the blog, like at the Facebook and share that bad boy with all your friends.**

Six Sentence Story. ’cause sometimes, you got a story that needs to go play with the other kids.’

Cynthia over at the Intuitive and Spiritual blog. (totally wise and funny woman-person)

THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. (if you have to ask, you need to keep coming back on the weekends and read and comment and such. not the worst thing a body could do on a Sunday)

Secret Rule 1.3. (Chapter 3.7 para. 45 ‘Sure there are ten, just go ahead and count ’em. ..err ibid. op.cit. valorem.’)



*  thanks out to Val for the photo of ‘the ocean end of the Jersey River, which, is not, of course, the ‘real’ name for the water in the photo. (Certainly, Officer, here is my Proof of Assurance and valid Poetic License.)

** self-promotion courtesy of my tertiary rogerian aspect. (it’s a real thing in the Doctrine..actually it’s part of where you’re really starting to get a beneficial result from everyone’s favorite  personality theory.)


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Migrant Mother
Dorothea Lange 1936


This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

The rules state: six sentence-length story, no more and no less.

This week’s prompt word:


“Here, grab on,” I planted my boots on either side of the front door-that- was-now-a-hatch and extended my hand down into the dark interior of a broken puzzle that, until recently, had been a home.

No longer cloaked by a week’s worth of rain clouds, the sun provided heartless illumination of a devastated countryside: the remains of mud-crumpled houses, barns and indoor furniture left behind by the receding waters. The sky, as sterile as the inside of a Fabergé egg, glowed an immaculate blue, proclaiming its innocence like a drunk staring vacuously, while his wife, trying to stand, leaves red-slid stains on the white refrigerator.

I felt a pull on my hand, followed by a face that resisted the temptation to show relief, as if to do so would break the precarious seal between nightmare and waking life, thereby making both worlds all the more real.

A writer at Life magazine, at another time, referred it ‘the thousand-yard stare’.

It’s the look on the face of a human being, who, in the name of continued survival, has abandoned frivolous emotion; its the visage of a quality in some people that refuses to lay down and die, it is to Hope, as Time is to a drugstore wristwatch.









Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘this Monday in the history of the Doctrine’s posts’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, the subtitle tells the story of this post. A flashback, for sure, but one that, by surveying Monday posts down through the years, indicates an excuse looking for validation.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. We are, all of us, born with the potential to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways: as Outsiders(clarks), like Predators(scotts) or similar to Herd Members(rogers). At a very early age, we settle into one, (and only one), of these three realities. The development of ourselfs as people, i.e. those strategies and styles of social interaction, you know, our personality, reflect the context in which they are practiced. Examples:

  1. I am a clark. As an Outsider,  I abhor scrutiny, am relentlessly curious and compulsively creative. I will hide among others until I am bored and then cause something to happen that will draw the attention of those in whose midst I spend my life. As a clark, I avoid the spotlight and I will not tolerate being ignored.
  2. Were I a scott, (the) Predator, I abhor isolation and am relentlessly active and eternally hungry for action, adventure, for the hunt. I will make my presence undeniable wherever I happen to find myself. I will challenge everyone in every situation in order to establish the ranking of dominance. It matters not if I’ve known everyone in the room my entire life, the world is made up of other Predators and prey. All that matters is that I know where I stand. Life is meant to be lived in the present, which contains more than enough to stay busy.
  3. Had I spent my formative years in the reality of the Herd Member (roger) I would expect and welcome scrutiny and, provided it was from other members of my herd, I would thrive in the attention. I spend my days practicing to learn and learning to act as a power of example of the Right Way. Whether it is eating cereal, getting married or solving an algebraic formula, all that matters is that I find ways to manifest the connectivity inherent in all of us and strive to hold the center of the Herd.

As to the historical support in these pages of the Wakefield Doctrine blog? Lets grab a random sample and find some music to wash out the mind-worm that’s wrapped it’s tentacles around the base of my cerebrum harmonium.*

* not a ‘real’ part of the human brain.

Hey! how about this post from March 2010. (holy smoke! ten years ago!)

There is much to talk about but first, the fun of fashion, Doctrine Style. Envy the owners of the scottian heads that will soon be adorned by this fine hat.

A fine hat for your own damn scottian head.

Look on this, and feel the desire grow within your heart on behalf of your un-hatted head.  Pretty nice, you say?  Damn right is pretty nice.  Maybe even too nice!

The lucky two with these hats (Ms. AKH and Ms. Pixieblonde) are both fortunate and deserving of your envious thoughts, you should accept that you must earn such fashion.  There will be new opportunity for both Men and Women of the clarklike, scottian and rogerian varieties, to earn such  headcoverings.

Alright, enough with the hats already.  They have theirs and you can get yours if you really want to, but we are not here, writing this to sell hats.

We are here writing this to sell* the Wakefield Doctrine (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).
And by *sell we mean present to as many as qualified** people as possible the principles and practical applications*** of said Doctrine.
And by **qualified we mean  people who upon visiting this blog and reading it’s content are capable of loosening the grip of  dogma  enough to allow the overlay of the description of the world that the Doctrine offers.
And by ***principles and practical applications of the Doctrine, we mean  it offers an alternative, an adjunct to the way most of us interpret the actions, behaviors and intentions of the people we live and work and play with every day of our lives****.
And by****lives, we mean the increasingly rigid lens through which we not only perceive the world we exist in, but we also use  as the template which informs our experiences as we live our lives.

Let’s talk about practical applications (of the Doctrine)….the Doctrine  tells us that only one of the three (clarks, scottsand rogers) consider  a tool that is useful in altering themselves (and thereby their realities) to be a valuable thing.  In other words to change themselves.  You know who you are.
Another of the three will, if engaged sufficiently in the Wakefield Doctrine, consider the most valuable is as a tool to change others, changing the view that the world has of them.
Finally, the third (of the three) will view the Doctrine  as a tool, a weapon, to aid them in dealing with the hostile world they live in.

Tired?  Bored?  You want what?  Come on people, learn first then have fun.

(Alright…damn, I wonder if Rev Moon had to put up with this…alright…short break for you attention-span challenged Readers….I see you out there  scott.    Jeez,  try to bring the Secret of the Universe to the masses and what do you get…”More videos!!” and they are not even mine, if it wasn’t for the youtube we probably would have been shut down months ago.  OK  here you go…)  back to work…

(Free hat to the Reader who correctly identifies which of the three Ray was; to enter you  need to write a Comment at the bottom of this Post.  You must tell us which Ray is (clark, scott or roger) and why that is the case.  Free hat to the first 5 correct responses recieved by 4:00 pm Monday March 8th)

OK.  Back to work.

… lets get all Readers Digest on this thing.

  • clarks live inside their own heads because it’s all much better in there
  • clarks are the only (one of the three) to sincerely entertain the idea that it would be better to be someone else
  • clarks read a lot and to say that clarks daydream a lot is to totally go redundant
  • clarks work very hard at whatever they do but since we are bored very easily, do not do well at repetitive tasks
  • clarks are the creative one(s) of the three
  • clarks share, to a fault
  • clarks believe that if they work hard and help others unselfishly at some point they will no longer be different
  • ‘knowledge is power’ is a keystone concept to clarks

It can be said that clarks can believe anything and therefore believe in nothing. (If you know what that means, you are a clark).

yeah here too, lets get all Readers Digest on this thing.

  • scotts are leaders (because they are certain, not necessarily right, but certain).
  • scotts are self-confident/self-assured/certain (which is why, of course, they are the leaders)
  • scotts are emotional in a way different from rogers, it is for the moment emotion, not much grudge holding
  • in a band it is always a scott who is the ‘front man’, (see leader above)
  • at a party scotts will not hesitate to introduce themselves (to everyone)
  • for the most part, when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, hardly ever both.
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (ask us why)

One of the most useful metaphors in the Wakefield Doctrine is: grouping (when you have more than one of each type, what do the characteristics tell us about the individual?) 

a group of scotts is a pack

you gotta like the form, its a fucking bullet list, but lets get all Readers Digest on this thing.

  • rogers are the friendly ones
  • rogers are the glue to whatever social fabric you might care to consider, civic, religious, scientific
  • rogers require rules and traditions, they are in fact the only ‘reason’ that history of human civilization has any continuity whatsoever
  • rogers are behind the creation or and perpetuation of virtually all human institutions, religious, civic, political whatever
  • rogers do not create, they maintain, they assemble, they are the machine operators
  • rogers are the engineers, accountants and physicians
  • rogers are the judges, the firefighters and high school teachers (except for gym teachers)
  • rogers believe in a quantifiable universe to such a depth that it is not seperable
  • when you are new to a neighborhood, rogers are the ones who come over to introduce themselves, and they will appear in a group ( herd), the scotts are the neighbors who always offer to help you with projects, scotts will feel comfortable asking to borrow and offering to lend things, but they will show up (at your house) alone.

Herds,  rogers be in herds…

Well, that is helpful, no?

Alright, we have covered a lot of ground.  No, there will be no questions from the floor, roger.  The eyes I see have a distinct glaze.

But in all seriousness, read this shit and look around you today, right now. Pick one person only and decide whether they are a clark, scott or roger. And keep checking their behavior against the Doctrine.  I guarentee that once you find one, the others will be much more obvious.  You will probably spot a roger first, but any of the three will do.  Personally, I think it would be easier and more fun to spend a little extra time and find your nearest clark. (The clarklike females are totally easy to spot).  Don’t bother with which of the three you are at this point.  Not important.  You just want to spot the clarks, and the scotts and the rogers around you.  Like one of those old puzzles in the back of kids magazines or Sunday supplements,  “Find the tigers in the jungle”; once you discern the first pattern, the rest jump out at you.

Now don’t think we don’t know that which of the three (clarks, scotts or rogers) you happen to be, will have an effect  on how you respond to this…but by virtue of the fact that you are still reading, still with us is proof that you have what it takes to apply the Doctrine in your own life.

Good luck, don’t forget the contest and don’t worry so much…




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Kristi is our host each week and she invites us to share what we would, of the people, places and things that have caused us to feel gratitude. Now, lest my less-than-polished, passive-voice description of our theme suggest that this is a typical ‘gratitude ‘hop, I will say two things: Book of Secret Rules, videos from forty years ago and Boudreaux & Thibodeaux* That’s how not a one-of-654-plain-vanilla a grat hop this TToT is.

Seriously, if you’re still reading, (maybe you’ve stumble onto us by following a link from Lisa’s excellent blog or Pat’s always enjoyable ‘view from the upper left of the continent’), stick around! Better yet, join in. We guarantee that you will find something to make you smile or nod in identification with at least one of the talented writers who make this the best bloghop in the ‘sphere.

And then, there’s us, here at the Wakefield Doctrine. lol


1) Una →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→↓

2) Phyllis ↑

3) Wakefield Doctrine, cause sine qua non, yo, sine qua non.

4) ocean and weather and such

5) technology for the aforementioned environment not the least of which must be the power windows… this in a case of drive up, ‘roll down’ passenger side window shot and leave. All that being said, it was in the mid-50s at the time. Very pleasing.

6) The Hobbomock Chronicles speaking of which, watch this space for Episode Five. (Note of gratitude for the process of writing, or more precisely, the fun of research (pursuant to writing): the scene where our un-named real estate broker greets Victor Ross. I tried for hours to describe the physical interaction. Couldn’t get happy with anything, then lying in bed, running the scene through my head, thinking, ‘ok, this is all 21stC gangsta greeting, with all the superfluous waves and gestures… our protagonist is trying to be a real thug…. it’s a ‘thug hug’! Needless to say, I jumped out of bed to write it into the current draft. Then, being a clark, I searched the term ‘thug hug’ and there it already was! Take that Carl Jung… ain’t no minimum time limit for archetypes yo!)  Be sure to check back here, mid-afternoon today. Should have Episode Five published. And tell your friends and share it (I post ‘the Chronicles’ separately on ‘the Facebook) and remember to sign up for auto notification and such.

7) whole-house generators… the day of Grat #4 started out rainy with rising temperatures, (from high thirties to mid fities), then the wind grew as the rain stopped and the sky cleared. For our area, southern New England, it was a typical progression: wind out of the southeast (warm) clearing skies, then coming around out of the west/northwest which means increasing wind speeds and decreasing temperatures. The video was from the excellent in-between phase sunny, warm(ish) and windy.

oh, yeah and it blew down trees that knocked out the power through most of our area. The generator? As I drove home, through a suburban graveyard of darken and powerless homes, I caught a glimpse of artificial lighting through the woods that surround our house. Our driveway is long, but my smile was broad as I hit the button of the garage door opener and…. it opened. (“Quickly, sire! The neighbors are restless corpses, you will be safe and warm within, as soon as I close this door.”) The power stayed off from that afternoon until the next morning. Phyllis and Una and I stayed inside, warm and illuminated. Around us, the desperate shriek of small, just-enough-for-the-furnace-and,-ok-one-TV, portable generators, filled the night as we… hey! I used this music video just last week at Kristi’s FTSF, but what the hell, it’s totally appropriate to this week’s TToT. (“Yes, dearly beloved, clark’s life was a hodgepodge of coyly-appropriate and inferential music videos. We’ll so miss the impromptu musical score of his admittedly err peculiar adventures. Now, let us all rise and, in final tribute, hum the melody to….”)

Grateful for the good fortune of having an automatic generator that turns itself on when needed and off when it’s time to rejoin the world around us.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE In case anyone has a semi-drive to participate, but would prefer a taste… this is your chance! Send in your Grat Item, I’ll scootch these words off to the side and presto printo! TToT for your sampling! Try it!

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* this is one of the features over at Mimi’s blog that she does each week, I believe on Sundays, so you’ll want to try today’s post over at ‘meanderings…. after you read our TToT posts, of course.


music of some sort As discovered in the Grat Item 7, surely this says it best about our evening  “in the velvet darkness”

(since we’re in the mood)

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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Rhode Island College, Providence RI

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host and she invites all to join in the rhetorical fun (or maybe that should be ‘fun with rhetoric’ or, the Latin, ‘rhetoria humorosa‘)

Whatever. The only two rules are: the story must be exactly six sentences in length.

Secret Rule 8.3.p: ‘A six sentence story can be grounded in, [and] otherwise built on a song, poem or other form of artistic expression (op. cit. ‘What the Hell is he talking about. Vol. 1 Chap. 2 pp 2-3). [B]ut it still has to be, like, six sentences.’

Apropos of the rule permitting (nay, exhorting!) us to use any available stimuli or inspiration, this week is one of those Sixes. I just plugged in the song. Should be interesting.

(ed. ‘This did not turn out like I thought. Loved the koan too much. Couldn’t shed the ‘college tale’ take on the setup. oh well, as Marcel Proust was heard to say, “Il y a toujours l’invite de la semaine prochaine..“)

This week’s prompt word:


“I’m telling’ ya, just be yerself,” the two friends stood, one with a wedding cake stack of books under his arm and the other, car keys and a coke; from their vantage point on the stairs leading down into the Student Union, they could see the couches and chairs facing banks of windows overlooking the quad crowded with between-classes students.

“Easy for you to say, I’m a philosophy major and you’re in a band,” the taller of the two leaned on the handrail and stared, like a sea anemone glued to a rock in a glittering forest of minnows.

“Don’t worry about nothin, and follow my lead.” Scott slid down the banister and, once on the main floor, transformed his momentum into a noisy, hair-and-long-coat flapping roll, ending up against the nearest grouping of ink-stained, worn-armrest couches; the three occupants watched his approach, with a blend of curiosity and something akin to disgust.

Standing and pretending to brush wrinkles from his grey wool overcoat, Scott threw himself into a chair and said, “Hey, I’m trying to convince my friend here that there’s nothing to meeting girls;” one of the three coeds gathered her books to her chest like laundry and walked away, the remaining two laughed, “I’m Scott and Clark here was just telling me something cool from his philosophy class.”

Before the heat of self-consciousness could set fire to his shoulder-length hair, the tall boy bent his default harmless-grin into a look of determination and said,

“The face we had before our parents were born
Serves to remind those who seek enlightenment;
The world is the echo of an un-rung bell.”

A heaven-sent second before the silence could chase him back to the dormitory, the laughter of his friend and one of the two girls-without-names, replaced fear with curiosity and he sat in the remaining un-occupied chair.



