Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘A dog apart’
Una and Phyllis at the vet for yearly checkup. She demonstrates the wisdom of the old saying, “While never wise to submit to fear, only a fool turns their back on it.”
Lizzi the Founderina of this here bloghop here.
Kristi (in the old tales of the tribes who lived in the land now known as Hobbomock, ‘Jenahoutak’ she who shapes the light, banks the fire and yells the wolves away.)
How about a photo visit to Hobbomock? (the Keeper, AcumenRe Business Systems future site, the Jersey River*)
Una: (photo at top of post) Yearly checkup for Una. (The photo shows Una in her preferred position in the examination room. The room is eight by eight, there’s one of those, ‘Here, girl, jump up on this totally normal and harmless, stainless steel platform.‘ on the left wall; on the wall opposite the door is a window, in the corner to the right of the window is a single, plain wood chair. there is a small, triangular space behind the chair. That is where Una awaits the arrival of the vet, who Una actually likes. But you know, …doctors.)
Phyllis (photo above, at the top, who always has me and Una’s back)
the Hobbomock Chronicles. Here, fairly early on a Sunday is Episode Six. (Don’t forget, if’n you’re enjoying the Chronicles, sign up to follow at the blog, like at the Facebook and share that bad boy with all your friends.**
Six Sentence Story. ’cause sometimes, you got a story that needs to go play with the other kids.’
Cynthia over at the Intuitive and Spiritual blog. (totally wise and funny woman-person)
THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. (if you have to ask, you need to keep coming back on the weekends and read and comment and such. not the worst thing a body could do on a Sunday)
Secret Rule 1.3. (Chapter 3.7 para. 45 ‘Sure there are ten, just go ahead and count ’em. ..err ibid. op.cit. valorem.’)
* thanks out to Val for the photo of ‘the ocean end of the Jersey River, which, is not, of course, the ‘real’ name for the water in the photo. (Certainly, Officer, here is my Proof of Assurance and valid Poetic License.)
** self-promotion courtesy of my tertiary rogerian aspect. (it’s a real thing in the Doctrine..actually it’s part of where you’re really starting to get a beneficial result from everyone’s favorite personality theory.)
Una and Drexel have different reactions at the vet, don’t they? If Drexel were human, his innocence and trusting nature would probably get him in trouble. Una seems to have a good balance of caution and friendliness.
That also reinforces the qualities that I see in Labs, the laid-back confidence. Ola in telling contrast, did not enjoy going to the vet, but when we got out of the car (and the visit clearly inevitable) she would pull me towards the door. Best defense is a good offense, lol
Una is very attentive to her doctor to make sure he stays well. Such a sweet doggy.
She is that
Very nice post and yes the music is perfect.
Thank you
At first when I saw the photo of Phyllis and Una and then read your description of the vet’s office I wondered if they were both on the “harmless steel platform.” Those two are inseparable friends and protectors.
I would love to explore that house with the wrap-around porch!
I’m overdue in reading the last two chapters of the Hobbomock Chronicles, so I need to see what’s been happening. I’m sure it will be interesting.
The same thing could be said about the SSS, but I have not forgotten.
Yeah those scales (in vets offices) everything a dog does not enjoy: shiny, slippery, movable platforms lol
It’s great to put images to the places you create for us.