Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“Because Una felt like a walk, but it was raining.”
“Why do you ask?”
lol She enjoyed the walk around the golf course. (Phyllis drove. I was, whatever the archaic semi-Victorian Era term for the member of the household staff whose responsibility it was to make sure the head of the household was not inconvenienced, in the backseat.)
Lets get old-school and list the Grat Items encountered starting … now*.
This is, of course, the bloghop that Lizzi created. Our charge is to re-account any examples of people, places or things that caused us to feel grateful. Each week, Kristi throws open the metaphorical doors and welcomes us to come and ‘set a spell’. And, maybe, share the words that paint the picture of a glimpse into a life and reality. ‘Cause, that is the power in this here bloghop. Perspective.
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the blogosphere (in general) and Pat Brockett (in particular). Her mother passed away this week. The thing about this virtual world that puts it on my list this week is that we are, (sometimes), given the privilege of a glimpse into another person’s life. All of us have friends and family. The internet multiplies that, at least for some of us, especially those of us inclined to spend time in the blogosphere. We write stories and we often tell of our lives. This sharing of a life that we, all of us, have very little chance of encountering were it not for the internet, is the true gift made available to us. If we’re lucky. Our thoughts are with Pat and her family.
4) work for being of such a nature that I might not only allow my clarklike nature to function, but with a studied effort, be applied to the performance of the thing that I do. pretty much all one can ask for, in terms of earning a living.
5) Chapter 19 of ‘the Case of the Missing Starr’. A little slow in publishing today. Stop back in the mid-afternoon. Here is Chapter 19 (Warning: Lou’s in this chapter. lol. Nothing bad, but not all Readers find exceptionally-colorful language entertaining.)
6) the Wakefield Doctrine for offering an additional perspective (or three). It totally makes a difference. Any questions as to how you might avail yourself of this productive, and way fun approach to interacting with the world at large and the people who make it up, just ask.
7) Six Sentence Story. Its a combination of one-stop, flash fiction depot and my own personal writing exercise book. (You know the one, the hard blue cardboard cover. Try as you might, you can’t tear a page out neatly, to save your life!). In any event, this week I have an installment of my series of stories about Parchman Farms. Stop by and read. Better yet, come join us next Wednesday. Its a fun use of words.
9) something, something. Hey, it’s raining. Time for the Wakefield Doctrine movie recommendation***. ‘The Final Girls’. ( Watch the Trailer )
10) Secret Rule 1.3
* including photogenic memory**
** ‘Good!’ to whoever asked, is that a rogerian expression? You’re learning your Doctrine, This is, however, only a near-expression, i.e. created by a clark. How to tell? Your reaction to the malapropism was more a smile in acknowledgment of my bon mot. A genuine rogerian expression is, however, always marked by a startled burst of laughter.
*** as is the practice here at the Wakefield Doctrine all have passed the Phyllis test for comfortable viewability-ness
You are correct that our virtual friends seem like family. My thoughts and prayers go out to Pat, Kristi, and family.
I loved the lead line:“…summer shall lie, in the arms of autumn, as the sun moves to the edge of the world.”
Thank you, Phyllis. I just got home today and am now trying to catch up with the virtual “family.”
The Final Girls. Looks good :D
watched it last night. excellent movie
Another grateful focus and love how you cater to the needs of your loved ones.
Thank you, Lisa
When friends hurt, i hurt. Looking forward to catching up with the Missing Starr.
We should be entering the last phase of the story.
That Final Girls trailer looks like a spinoff of I Know What You Did Last Summer. 😂 I do not know Pat, but my heart goes out to her. Not easy losing a loved one.
As for me…I’m feeling the winds of change…I’m feeling the need to “write” again…must be an October thing. lol. Your need to write has been going strong. Congrats on Chapter 19. I’m wanting to research for another ghost story…haha. Clarks and their written statements…
“clarks and their written statements.”
damn! there you go again! a simple phrase thats one of those puzzle boxes (ok, Full Disclosure: I went to see if I could get a clip from the 80s horror franchise, ‘Hellraiser’… nah) lol
but there is something so…provocative that surely, if I had not already posted…
why of course! there is tomorrow! (theoretically) Will try to start afresh on the morrow
Love the picture of Una’s walk. She surely has the good life.
Thanks for #3. It will be a big adjustment for my mom; she spent so much time and energy making sure Grandma was taken care of.