Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Somewhere not near land, where the clouds serve as mountains and earth never rests.
(Not my photo, thanks to whoever)
This is the time of the week for reflection on the week, (or month, fortnight, score, or all the way back to when the beginning of the school year drew nearer with each morning that was cooler than the week before), and note those things for which we are grateful.
Our host, Kristi is the provider of a place where those so inclined might take a moment to share (and by doing so, further reflect upon), the people, places and things in their lifes that make them think, ‘Hey, not bad. Not bad at all.’ (And other, perhaps more sublime, expressions of gratitude.)
1) Phyllis who found the hidden glasses tiny-screwdriver repair kit (talk about coals to Newcastle! (See Grat #2)
2) Glasses needing fixing (and the tiniest of tool kits)
3) Chapter 6 of ‘The Case of the Missing Starr’ Readers of ‘Almira’ and other stories know how fond I am of researching the ‘real’ world in the service of writing a credible story. Nothing earth-shaking in that. I knew ‘the bad guy’ of the story was a giant corporation. It’s chasing Starr because she has something of theirs. I decided on Bayer AG to form the model for my antagonist. So I cranked up the Wikipedia machine and read a cursory history. Two words: damn! (That is all I have to say, other than, ‘You can’t make this kind of stuff up!’) As always, the new Chapter is at the Facebook and on my blog at: ‘The Case of the Missing Starr’.
4) Taking Una for a walk on a Friday afternoon:
5) Toiling in the fields, tending the crops. (The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye, provided you believe the fence on the right is fifty feet tall.)
6) On the drive to Wakefield last evening, we reached the ocean and the Towers (in Narragansett, RI)
7) Did somebody say, “Where’s a aww photo of the indigenous fauna?!”
8) Returning, as we close out this week’s TToT, to the ‘coals to Newcastle’ theme, here is a rose (with thorns) and a total goth plant (thistle), showing them how it’s done.
10) Secret Rule 1.3
music video: nothing yet, stay turned.
Great pictures, and definitely AWW for mother and baby waiting for the apples to drop.
gotta remember to send the royalties to the Disney Corp
I’m glad Phyllis was able to find the tool kit for the glasses. Those tiny screwdrivers are so easy to lose, but so important!
Drexel might prefer Una-like walks; I noticed last night he was limping a bit, for no apparent reason. He seems a bit better today, and I’m hoping he will be completely healed tomorrow. Otherwise, he might get an Una-walk to the vet.
The fawn is definitely cute!
Plus (being a roger) Phyllis not only adheres to the principle of everything in it’s place and place for everything, her reality conforms to it. I did look for it, but I was searching for an item. Phyllis was remembering the place the toolkit belonged in and…there it was.
The walks in the car, while less physical exercise, are, imo, fun for the variety of scents that Una gets to sample as we drive the two miles around the golf course.
So many great photos to enjoy!
I usually need to give those tiny little tools to my husband so he can fix my glasses, because I can’t see to fix my glasses without wearing them to see. LOL. Yeah for Phyllis finding them.
Everything in its place helps to keep some people sane, however in families with varying personalities and ways of existing, what is sometimes needed is a good old fashioned treasure hunt and accompanying laughter after the item(s) is found.
Why, of course, that fence is 50′ tall. LOL
What a magnificent structure (the Towers) you have in RI!
The mature deer around here don’t even wait for the apples to drop! They stand on the hind legs and grabs apples and limbs, pretty much mutilating the lower branches.
Fortunately I have various back-up glasses strewn hither and yon. As a matter of fact, the glasses I am trying to repair are not my prescription glasses. Those work too well* and subsequently only worn to work.
Alas. the hypophotonic conditions have caused premature dwarfism in the corn.
Try google maps and the streetview will provide the perspective that includes the adjacent ocean.
Always fun to read these TToTeez. Talking about those glasses repair kits, I thought of my days (briefly, anyways) working at an eye doctor’s office. I know more about polycarbonate lenses, axes and cylinders than will ever be useful. But I’m still grateful. When you “walk” the dog, is this precisely going 7mph in the car with Una inside? Yeah, like Kristi said up there: Una-walks. 7mph. Does she eat snacks while in the car?
The gardens and creatures all look like they’re thriving. This is good. Hehe. May your harvest be plentiful. Haha.
…and yo ho ho to you and them, down in the semi-mid Atlantic zone.
We walk by car, Una riding shotgun with her window open. Seven miles per hour seems to be the ideal sniffing speed. (I have likened the process to having a bid-assed radio with total fidelity and a large, easily turned dial. Una gets to listen to a bunch of scents in the two miles of our walk.)
I am glad you could repair your glasses, and hooray to Phyllis for finding what was needed. Hopefully Una enjoyed you walk on Friday, we had to keep that short because of the heat.
Have a great, productive week ahead!
She does always enjoy our walks, short as they are (about 15 minutes, door-to-door)
You too!
Lovely photo share!!
Thank you Lisa!