TT (‘like the lady says’) ‘oT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘autumn noir’ | the Wakefield Doctrine TT (‘like the lady says’) ‘oT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘autumn noir’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

TT (‘like the lady says’) ‘oT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘autumn noir’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Every weekend, door’s unlocked. Kristi’s joint is open. Once the dark repossesses the day, (and, no matter what your timepiece says, it’s 1:00 am somewhere), the crowd gathers like russet leaves on your car’s windshield after a nor’easter. The patrons? Well if blog-drifters full of thankfuls and virtual-world pen-jockeys are your style, this is the place to be. The jukebox is still ten cents (a quarter will get ya three); songs that’ll make you feel like a kid again and glad that you’re not. The regulars here, Mimi and Pat and a new blogger, Ana. They gots a way with writing a grat list that fills the joint with murmurs of appreciation like the ‘oohs‘ and ‘ahhs‘ at a 4th of July fireworks show.

yeah, thanks Kristi.

1) they say, ‘the dog is man’s best friend’, I ain’t gonna lie, it’s true

2) I got news for ya, ‘they’re also a woman’s best friend’.

3) sure, you could say Phyllis and I are married, thing is, we’d have this same thing if we just washed up on opposite shores of a desert island

4) I just might go on with this effort to write pulp-style. Who knows, even if I clear the joint, I just might get a little better at word-slinging.

5) Speaking of serial stories with a flash fiction pace, take a minute and get caught up with the story ‘Interlude’ ( Chapter 1 and Chapter 2)

6) You know, the work I do, it ain’t glamorous. The people who come to me always have a real big problem and, though l can’t say I always solve it the way they want, it keeps the electric for my computer on.

7) …had a dame come in a week or two ago, nice person, but messed-up all kinds of bad. Sure, she looked good on the outside, but one look at her eyes and you knew that when she looked in the mirror instead of the Hermès, Louboutin, Dior framing a million dollar smile, what she saw looked like well-trained Afghan with a zirconium collar after a ride through the QuickE Wash ‘n Buff, down on the corner of ‘Hopeful’ and ‘Self-Delusional’. Good kid, though, so I  wrote a link on one of my cards and stuck it under the cellophane on the pack of Luckies next to her drink, where she couldn’t miss it. It was to a place a friend runs, ‘Intuitive and Spiritual’. If anyone l know can get her back on the Path, its Cynthia

8) Sunday Supplement


10) they got this house rule at Kristi’s called SR 1.3… no, it ain’t on the wall, not blue-thread-needle-point in a nice oak frame. If you look real hard past the neon sunset over the upper row of bottles behind the bar; it’s an old, type-written square the far held on the mirror with tape so old it looks like some Egyptian stuck it there…. behind the dusty bottles of Diet-Rite, Tab and Metrecal… the rule is real simple. You get to number nine, thank Kristi and move on…. there’s one more butt than she got a stool at the bar for the TToT





clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Sageleaf says:

    😳 You did that!? For me!? That’s *high honors* Clark. Wow. It’ll be interesting if this character makes contact. Thanks for the shout out. I’ve been procrastinating. I’m supposed to be designing a web course, should have started yesterday and here it is Saturday afternoon and I haven’t, yet. I’m a hunker down after this comment.
    But first things first. Halloween is a big deal at the day job, and I was going to go as Bob Ross. Turns out, brown fro-like hair was sold out all over the land. So in meditation this morning, I thought, MOON GODDESS! That’s what my name means, anyways. So over the hills and through the woods, I pieced together a moon goddess costume. Got my tea. I’m hunkering down…
    Here we go…
    I’m thankful for procrastination sometimes. I get my most creative under…creative pressure.
    Grateful for the Doctrine and people named Clark. I knew one who was a most prominent reporter. Kinda clumsy. Until he flew through the skies.

  2. Grateful for the way you write. Wow.

  3. Cool 10. Chet, nice touch. Got me some quarters, move over!