Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘Cottage in the Woods’
(landscape orientation)
Like an old, worn, threadbare blanket, the blue of the lake can be seen through the winter trees that hold the earth into the shape of a steep hill.
As if a decoration on a wedding cake, placed with determined but un-skilled hands, the cottage shows in the center-middle-left of the photo.
With the help of a winding (question-mark-wannabe) path that begins in the foreground, we see the only color (other than the uncertain-dark-blue) of the lake.
The front door is painted in a shade of red a very shy fireman might pick out if sent to the store.
Remember that cottage in the woods from last week’s TToT? No, not ‘Cabin in the Woods’.. (an excellent movie with screenplay by one of my writer heros, Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard ...cottage in the woods.)
1) the Wakefield Doctrine. A new person at my office. A young woman and a clark. I’m funny about keeping the Doctrine out of my workplace (at least it terms of day-to-day business and such) but she is such a clark, I couldn’t resist. A couple of easy ones, you know, examples of scotts. (lol) In any event, at the beginning of the week she looked up as a left my office and said, “I thought of you this weekend. There was a situation at the supermarket and I thought, ‘Thats got to be one of those scotts.”
2) (1.5) …We continued to talk. I suggested some of the characteristic of the scottian worldview. Finally as I left, I said, (with the raw enthusiasm that I exhibit almost exclusively when talking about our little personality theory), “The single thing that made this all worth the effort? When we realized that the peculiar form of aggression that rogers exhibit around clarks, what we refer to as ‘lashing out’ was all about them and not us. Most clarks, particularly in the workplace, when subjected to a roger lashing out, carry away a certain amount of uncertainty. We tend to think that, perhaps, it was justified somehow. The fact that we as clarks could identify with this feeling lead to the realization that it was not us, it was them. The Wakefield Doctrine, by making this perspective available (and the sharing of a common experience), allows us to drop the guilt and uncertainty.” I concluded, “It was one of the best things to happen to me and to see it happen for the other clarks who realize it. That alone made all the rest worthwhile.”
3) Went back out to the Cottage in the Woods yesterday. (Picture at top of Post). Not so much that I had to, but because I could and I sometimes need to remind myself of that kind of thing.
4) Josie Two Shoes for her un-flagging efforts at keeping this bloghop up and running, available to all.
5) something, something
6) Una

The Black-and-White World between Winter and Warmth.
(Landscape orientation)
Una is the darkest of shapes in this photo of white snow, resisting decay. The trees along the top third of the photo, standing like primitive mathematical symbols, seem resigned to merely exist until a greater purpose for their simplicity can be discovered.
That incipient higher level can be seen in the near-shapes of the letters of Una’s garden along the bottom third.
7) Phyllis. Who at the moment is playing the new family approved pasttime, online jigsaw puzzles. (Thanks ‘15 and Meowing‘ …a lot.) lol We have a new family pet in the house, a totally hyper, multi-piece monkey ready to jump out of the computer and onto our respective backs. Speaking of the Wakefield Doctrine… it’s not a surprise that Phyllis’ skills far surpass mine. It’s not that I don’t have superior visualization, I do, its simply a matter that what she has and I do not, is a personal reality in which everything is meant to fit together. The work of a roger playing a jigsaw puzzle is assembly. The work of a clark playing a jigsaw puzzle is creation. There is no certainty in the world of the Outsider. That produces a need to discover (which, in the eyes/mind of a clark is synonymous with creation) the world inherent in the shapes of the puzzle pieces.*
8) * seeing how this is a Doctrine Weekend I’ll let you in on a little secret. These online games are excellent in that (they) allow you to use your own pictures. Phyllis achieves her remarkably quick time most often when using photos of the house and Una and Bella and ‘all things home’. I seem to do best when I use photos from Victoria’s Secret ad campaigns. (As they say, ‘If it works, don’t fix it.’)
9) This Space Available (for anyone on the fence about participating in this here bloghop here who might benefit from a ‘leg up’, just write your grat in a comment and we’ll totally paste it here.)
10) Secret Rule 1.3
Excellent integrated post today.
Very cool cottage in the woods. I’ve always aspired to living in a cottage by the beach :D but that is a lovely setting. And well, there is water….
So yeah, scotts are easy to spot lol
I’d say, since your fellow co-worker, being a clark in an undoubtedly rogerian majority office, would benefit from learning the Doctrine especially with regards to those opposite of personal realities, clarks and rogers :D
Sad, that clarks immediately assume it’s “them”. One of the huge benefits of the Doctrine is knowing the whys which alleviate some of the self doubt clarks experience.
Yes! Those jigsaw puzzles! It was at “15 and” that I got sucked into that lol. Totally addicting. I will second your “thanks a lot” to a certain cat woman :D
Good to see snow receding. I’m sure even where you are Spring will make an appearance.
yeah… it was a fun inspection trip, didn’t fall down the hill into the lake or nothin
I’m glad for Josie, too. Though I wish there was more time in the day to visit and connect more with all the wonderful people I’d love to connect with more in this beautiful blog-world.
To that end, it’s GLORIOUS when you meet other clarks in the workplace. There’s a fella who works about once a week where I work and he’s a clark. And he GETS it and it’s awesome because in that open office enviro the rogers don’t know what the hell to make of us when we get talking. It’s like we go into our clark world and they just go off and do their thing, leaving us to our geek talk. It’s fabulous.
Rogers in the workplace. You know…I’m learning not to put energy into the rogers so much and it helps stave off some of the workplace rogerian jitters a bit. lol
I’m always thankful for the Doctrine and for…the mandalas I love to make! :D
that is the gift of the internet… increased numbers of people to come to know and even though clarks are a minority demographic, we do encounter each other and in the course of that, if we’re lucky, we can identify with other clarks and gain strength and lend experience to each other.
A very enjoyable post. It’s all that uncertainty. I wish I could look at aspects of life without it, but I’m doomed as a Clark, except when I’m breaking out the other aspect and I can put it away for awhile. But really, accepting the uncertainty is to celebrate the worldview. I think.
there’s always one more question than there are answers, ya know? But we have the dubious privilege of being able to see the world(s)
Does Una like the snow? Cookie seems to love the feel of it under her feet, but we’ve had some bitter winds this weekend which she’s far less keen on!
Una is totally comfortable in the snow and the cold… she’ll like just sit on the snow and watch the woods. that said, she totally doesn’t enjoy rain…
That’s the same cottage from last week’s post? Seeing more of the setting suddenly makes the house more attractive.
yeah, I left out the ‘pile-of-leaves-on-the-bed-because-of-the-hole-in-the-roof photos… lol
Thank you for the shout out :) I am so glad you are enjoying the online puzzles, I am addicted to them. You are too funny with your choice of puzzle theme :) Great thankfuls. Have a nice week.
Loved the description of the Cottage in the Woods. . .”the winter trees that hold the earth into the shape of a steep hill” and “The front door is painted in a shade of red a very shy fireman might pick out if sent to the store.”
I have always been terrible at doing jigsaw puzzles, unless the pieces are large and there are not very many of them, i.e. a child’s puzzle. I much prefer word puzzles. One member of our immediate family is very skilled at doing jigsaw puzzles, but she didn’t get that ability from either my husband or me.
I always interpret your “something, something” as “I’m not telling.” :-)