Month: February 2018 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: February 2018 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Tee Hee o T -the Wakefield Doctrine- “and a side of arrrts”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘A street sign taken to heart. Car and canine pause, the world waits.’
(Landscape Orientation)
A photo of Una ‘riding shotgun’ as we begin our walk.
Una is in close profile, the left side of her face illuminated from the sunlight coming through the car’s windshield that makes up the entire left half (from top to bottom) of the photo.
In the center top of the windshield (or, perhaps it would be better to say, ‘through the windshield ‘) there is a ‘Stop’ sign, every bit the municipal lollipop that you might imagine, were we all to end up in a good-natured Bosch painting (or perhaps an updated version of the animated movie, ‘Yellow Submarine’ (which, for the record, you couldn’t not love, at least not while claiming to still be young))
The Stop sign is all octagonal officialdom and the street that passes perpendicular to the street we are on is visible as a smooth, grey-blue patch against the winter browns of the hay in a field on the far side of the street. To the right of the ‘Stop’ sign there is a square stone column. Not quite a tower or battlement, it’s the kind of decorative structure that used to be popular at the entrance of residential developments. There would be a pair, one on each side of the street. Perhaps it gave the residents a feeling of security that, should the need arise, a tall gate might be closed, the two stone structures providing a secure anchor point. Or something. For all of the popularity of gates on a residential neighborhood, an actual gated community in this part of the country is more the exception than the rule. As well it should be, what can keep strangers out serves just as well to keep people in. A prison is that which separates some from the others. The relative numbers determine the virtue.
Yes, Una is sitting in the front passenger seat and we can see her face for a change. As luck would have it, we are driving into the setting sun. The light provides the opportunity to see her face. The light causes her to rest (and protect) her eyes. They are nearly completely closed.
One can be forgiven for venturing, ‘A dog, do they ever completely close their eyes?’ And, (as) one, I might say, “a lot less frequently than you might think.” Even lying on the couch (or the bed or the floor) dreaming of slow-running rabbits, the activity in the eyes of a dog is surprisingly consistent.

Humor is a funny thing. (Remember in college, the discovery of new music and art was like that second step into the waves at the beach, the one that just preceded throwing yourself in to the water, knowing that the fun had to do with coping and not doing? In that case, the waves were there already and the fun was, (hopefully), to do what makes swimming in the ocean fun. Finding new music was, at that time, much the same… “hey! you gotta listen to this band, this song..wait  wait  this part coming up.” And you look at your friend with hope, as they get to the part you found so amazing and they’d get a look on your face that, in the alchemy of the friendships of the young, was a look of gratitude and brother/sisterhood as they discovered that you share one more thing in life.)

…yeah like that.

Stephen Wright

Woody Allen

(Sunday morning… 10:58 am)  ‘Hey I was just watching this with Phyllis and saw something that I never noticed. Diane Keaton (and her character Annie Hall) are the epitome of clarklike females. I won’t go into a long discussion other than to say, “Watch the scene (1:09 turn up the volume) where her parents suggest that Dwayne drive them to the airport. Annie leaves the scene but you can still hear her talking…” This Doctrine is truly a wonderful thing.


Jim Gaffigan

One Two Three


Thanks especially to Val. In one of her recent posts did some excellent poetry which reminded me that poetry is not necessarily distantly inaccessible. Shout-out to Carin who can actually do a whole TToT in verse. (damn!)

this guy

Over the wintry

forest, winds howl in  rage

with no leaves to blow.

(Soseki (1275-1351)

and maybe a painting or two.

oh man! A(nother) chance to illegally reproduce one of my favorite paintings!

Nighthawks is a 1942 oil on canvas painting by Edward Hopper that portrays people in a downtown diner late at night. (Wikipedia)

We better stop and take a count!

lets see… five plus Una and Phyllis minus the Sunday Supplement minus the Free Grat Item and minus SR 1.3 Holy Smoke!

6) Phyllis

7) Una

8) Sunday Supplement (check back tomorrow)

9) ‘Your Grat Here’  (anyone in a position of really wanting to participate but are not able to do a whole TTOT post…. you can borrow one of ours! No, serially, send it in and we’ll go right ahead and post it. We’re the Wakefield Doctrine where you can never be 100% of a lot of things. ya know?)

10) Secret Rule 1.3

We’re done!

Wait…. gotta shout out to Josie Two Shoes  hey! Josie! thanks for puttin on the ‘hop this weekend.

So you know how I keep saying, ‘learn the basic characteristics of the three worldviews and then look at the people around you?’ And, of course, by ‘people around you’ I mean anywhere, including music videos. And by characteristics, I mean, ‘by their posture and attitude, actions and reactions, from which of the three realities (that of the Outsider, the Predator or the Herd Member) would they seem to be relating themselves to the world around them?’

I submit this video. Good song, great illustration of the three worldviews. In the three lead guitar players you will see a clark, a scott and a roger.

The roger and the scott might at first be a little tricky. The clark? lol


hey! this is the TToT


Finish the Sentence Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This has been another Friday of…. wait, that’s the closing that Kristi uses at the end of her FTSF. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m gonna go ahead and copy/paste that thing right up front here at the beginning. Given the tendencies of posts here at the Wakefield Doctrine to… shall we say, take the off-ramp that clearly has cones and those fence-looking barriers and such. It might be in everyone’s best interest to let you know what it is we’re supposed to be writing about.

the sentence prompt “I’m really afraid that/of…”
Write about spiders, a fear of heights, our political climate, or anything that makes you afraid or think of fear in general. The link-up will stay open through late-night Sunday evening. Write and then visit either Kenya G. Johnson at or me at to add your blog post to the link-up.
Hope to see you there!

Ok, now that we’ve gotten the Public Service Announcements out-of-the-way, on with the Finish the Sentence Friday prompt:


“I’m really afraid that/of…

…I will be subject to scrutiny that is beyond my ability to control or, failing that, influence.” (Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! I just inadvertently tipped my hand for the ‘big finish’. damn!)

Lets start this over again.

“I’m really afraid of the things that instill, inspire, instigate and otherwise install the premise of fear in my mind.” Before anyone is tempted to think, ‘yeah, real original, clark. FDR did that back in the 1940s, at least according to my (current) history books,’ permit me say that although politicians are not normally thought of as the go-to people for philosophical conundrums and Westernized koans, consider what the guy was reputed to have said,  “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Jeez Louise! I can’t have been the only kid who heard that and, after the other kids got tired of yelling, ‘Hell yeah… If I was old enough, I’d throw grenades and charge those pill boxes’ and hitting the next smaller kid on the shoulder and running off to do something fun without girls, thought, ‘Oh man! It’s true. There’s no escaping the feeling of fear and dread. The president just said so.’

Despite how I felt (ok, sure, possibly because of how I felt) I ran after the pack, yelling, ‘hey guys! wait for me.’ And they slowed down just enough for me to almost catch up.

And so the young Outsider, surveys the social terrain and accepts the fact of life that, like the taste of a certain apple, once fear has been acknowledged it can be escaped only temporarily.

(New(ish) Readers of the Wakefield Doctrine. Yes, the designation of ‘Outsider’ is a reference to one of the three personality types. The clarks. The other two, Predator and Herd Member correspond to scotts and rogers. There is a rule in the Doctrine, referred to ‘the Everything Rule’. What it states is, ‘everyone does everything, at one time or another’. What it means is that, using today’s prompt, all three personality types experience fear. Because they are a reflection of three different personal realities, what fear is, or, as we say, ‘how fear manifests’,  is a reflection of the character of the world that the individual is experiencing. This is a long way around to say that for me, as a clark, I would substitute the word ‘scrutiny*’ for ‘fear’. It makes a lot more sense. And god knows, clarks really need to believe that things to make sense.)

While I might simply and clearly describe what causes me to feel fear, it is helpful to remember a paraphrase(d) saying, “What doesn’t kill me, shapes my world.” In the (personal) reality of clarks, fear is like rain. It is an ever-present fact of the world. It makes us believe that we feel disappointed (the day at the beach being ruined) or grateful (that the crops will have a chance to survive or angry that nature is being indifferent to our wedding plans. We, most of us, believe that our emotional response is caused by the rain. We have a choice. The same with fear (in the world of clarks, that is). We have the choice of how we feel. Unfortunately for our people, emotions are very much a, ‘at arms length’ transaction (as the real estate people say). But it is available. The choice.

[This just in!! Realtime example. Fear is trying to make this post go on and on. We, all of us who would throw our thoughts and words out to the world, know why that is. Because suppose they all …. fill in the blank with your favorite self-imposed vulnerability.]



*scrutiny: From Middle English scrutiny, from Medieval Latin scrūtinium (a search, an inquiry), from Vulgar Latin scrūtor (to search or examine thoroughly), of uncertain origin. Possibly from Late Latin scrūta (rubbish, broken trash”**); (

**  no! really look it up! broken trash?!!…. who the hell are they calling ‘broken trash’   lol





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sitting at my ‘desk’ waiting for the sun to turn the glass in front of my desk back into glass, rather than blackboard and chalk. Six Sentence Story warm-up day is what it is and I figured I’d interrupt my solitaire-as-meditation session and mess of the plain white space of a blank post.

So rumour has it that zoe (the host of this here bloghop here) has given us the word ‘DRESS’ as this week’s prompt word. (For new Readers and participants to be) the idea is to write a story employing the prompt word and, just before hitting ‘Publish’ be able to count six periods. No more and no less. (As implied, the goal is six sentences. Whether you’re going the James Joyce ‘do-you-see-anything-in-my-head,-real-or-imagined-that-suggests-that-I-am-thinking-in-simple-noun-verb-object-constructs-if-so-please-point-it-out’ style or the more familiar Hemingway ‘I can do that. Six sentence, right? Sure thing.’ The fun is in the process (and so is the devil and for some reason, God.)


“Do you like my dress, Mr. Devereaux?”

Simone Sans, the newest dancer at Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge stood half a menu away from my right forearm, the reflective fabric of her dress tried to be a mirror and failed quite enjoyably.

I sat at my usual booth, ashtray and ‘silver’ware standing guard on my drink, the tabletop, all ring-stains and cigarette burns had been shellacked so many times it looked like petrified wood. I smiled at the twenty-going-on-lost girl, “Sure, I like it, but I thought you were in the business of being non-dressed?”

She laughed and hip-bumped my arm, the playful gesture an unstated compliment; in her line of work, physical contact with the patrons was as un-professional as a neurosurgeon bringing a meatball grinder into the operating room, nothing in the rule books says you can’t, but it wouldn’t be wise.

Simone took a half-step back, did a pirouette ending in a curtsy which caused the hem of her dress to rise upwards, the hint of pleasure as subtle as neon on a bar sign.

