Month: October 2017 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: October 2017 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The blog is Six Sentence Story. The host is zoe. The prompt word is ‘FLUID’


The darkness is not the worst thing.

When I try to remember how I came to be here it’s like trying to tie frozen laces with fingers numb from the cold and you have to use the muscles in your arm to move your fingers; I know there was a time when I was not here, then pain, followed by being moved and finally, falling.

But the lack of knowing is not the worst thing.

I can feel something above me pressing down without touching, it started, before I knew I had a memory, with a dull booming sound, then it stopped.

But the silence is not the worst thing.

It’s not cold and it’s not warm, my skin and the air are in harmony, I feel the rising fluid only because one (countless) hair is gently pushed against the next, a shapeless folding close in a relentless caress, I can’t tell if it is blood or water; knowing that one might be of unlimited supply and the other is definitely not, that is the worst thing.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘A wooden dock and a salt pond’
(The reluctant darkness of inner Earth, freed for a day’s holiday, wrestles with the sun) A newer dock extends from shore out into clear, sky-relfecting water. You can tell it’s new(er) because the planks running horizontally up the dock are varying shades of green. The dock ‘recedes’ into the center of the photo and is bracketed by four square pilings, each topped with white ‘deca-something’ shaped caps. (They come to a point, the four sides of the post/pilings easily seen in the photo).
The salt pond fills the lower-center of the photo. Across the center a distant edge of land runs from left to right and divides the sea from the sky. This day there is less difference between the two than usual. The sky is filled with soft-mountains, in shades of white-almost-clear at the top of the scene down to dark as night, the weight of the clouds turning them into ‘almost earth’ at the bottom.

Before we begin, acknowledgments and shoutouts. First among acknowledgements would be Josie Two-Shoes, our host and safe-harbor provider. The blog invites all to share those elements, aspects, parts and sections of daily life that inspires and/or causes us to feel grateful. Pretty simple, isn’t it? Well, no, not necessarily. There are those among us who, while certainly recognizing the valuable and positive effects of such an exercise, might be inclined to think, ‘oh, man. suppose I can’t think of enough things or…or, maybe they really aren’t grateful things. And it’s up there for everyone to see.’ Not to worry. Two words: Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules). It is not a ‘part’ of the theme, it’s more a consensus among participants that, while every group activity has some level of rules, or direction or guidelines, the spirit of this exercise is the only critical element. The spirit of good intent. The BoSR/SBoR allows that anything goes provided the person claiming it’s imprimatur lets us know how much they enjoy it.

The primary photo was taken ‘at work’ today. Tell me that that doesn’t get me at least 3 Grats

  1. I have the opportunity to go to the shore, beach, and other water-related places in the course of doing my job
  2. Clients of long-standing, by definition, people I enjoy spending the time with
  3. Variety in the character and nature of the requirements and demands of the business I’ve chosen, (a line from Godfather I*)

Una and Phyllis

  1. Phyllis for providing the concrete in which I can anchor my more ethereal nature, like not using a wobbly table when attempting to build a really tall house of cards
  2. Una for being a role model for how to get the most from life and
  3. (deal) with the stresses that are a by-product of Item 3

Writing (‘Home and Heart’ and ‘Almira’) because of the things I come across in the process… take this story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well (please!) I found my way to that story as part of the exploring process to discovering where Sister Cletus was born (in central Croatia, around 1936). This part of learning to write surely warrants two mentions

  1. seeing paintings and photos that signify the reality of tales and stories that form the warp and woof of human history and culture. the sense of beauty (or horror) it might evoke in one person is not as critical as the fact that it becomes part of what people hold true down through the ages. The factual or imaginary elements have little or no significance, at least to one who believes in the power of perspective. That a (talented) person went to the trouble to paint the painting and it has survived and been enjoyed (for reasons esthetic and religious) says that it’s real.
  2. learning about things that are/were/could-again-be as awful as singularly expressed in the second photo, which (to my dismay), was a real thing.

‘Christus und die Samariterin am Brunnen’
Maria Anna Angelika Kauffmann RA (30 October 1741 – 5 November 1807)



Sisak children’s concentration camp was a concentration camp during World War II, set up by the Croatian Ustaše government for Serbian, Jewish and Romani children. The camp was located in Sisak, Croatia.


9) whoa, getting a little heavy here, for a gratitude blog hop. But I will leave my items in place. While there can be no denying the horror of the potential heights to which man’s inhumanity to man can soar, it exists, side by side with the good.

10) SR 1.3


*  Godfather I scene with Hyman Roth and Michael Corleone

(man, talk about the weird paths one encounters when writing stuff. As has been my practice of late, I’m going to include a music vid. The basis of its inclusion is the same as it’s always been, whatever is stuck in my head at the moment. the only effective way to get it to stop is to pass it along. ….you’re welcome)


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