Month: February 2017 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: February 2017 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday Post on Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Given that this post is being written on Monday, it is, prima facie, a post intended for clarks.

(How do you know if you are clark, and therefore qualified to read this here post here?  Good question*)

The Wakefield Doctrine provides for three ‘personality types’: clarks, scotts and rogers. Further, the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we are, all of us, born with the potential to become any of the three. Further, it is understood that though we become one type (predominant personality) we never lose the capacity of seeing the world as the ‘other two’ might. The development of our predominant personality type is the result of adapting to the world we find ourselves in, as but a child. The quality and characteristics of the personality types are a reflection of our personal realities, as opposed to inherent drives and impulses, urges and predilections. The Doctrine does not seek to identify your type by your description of what you like and dislike, hope for and fear. All we do is ask you to consider three descriptions of the world. The one that makes ‘most sense/looks good/feels right’ is the key to identifying your predominant personality type as:

  • clark: the Outsider living in a place apart from, a life of observation, a person who seeks to blend in for fear of being discovered yet does not tolerate being ignored; for a clark, the world (and it’s peoples) is a place, it’s ‘out there’, it’s always waiting for them each and every morning and chases them into the night’s darkness
  • scotts: the Predator the only one of the three who would demonstrate the rather banal (popular with rogers) expression that ‘Life is Good’. scotts demonstrate this sentiment, they do not embrace it, by virtue of the fact that, for (a scott) life is meant to be lived, in and of the here and now. reflection and conscience are drags on their efforts; scotts run towards the day regardless of what awaits them and they will chase the day (and the world and it’s peoples) into the night, sleeping only when their efforts exhaust their capacity
  • rogers: the Herd Member they lead perfect lives, orderly lives, lives quantifiable. to be a roger is not only to know what it is to be alive, it is to know why and what must be done to live properly; there are no accidents in the lives of rogers, there are only surprises and wrongs to be accounted for; the day is a set number of hours in which the goodness (and, don’t forget, perfection) of their time on earth is to be demonstrated; without the rogerian influence we would all be roaming the savannah, eating to live and hiding to survive.

So there you have it!

oh…yeah, one more thing!

How to apply the insights and secrets, help and cautions of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)? It’s all about ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’ today. Totally important note: The wording is critical and not what you might think you read. Once more, ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’. As we leave the computer or phone that are whispering these thoughts, do not be as concerned with ‘how you relate to the world today’….be it at school with teachers and friends, girlfriends-to-be, bullies-to-avoid or at work where your life can be twisted into a shape that is better than or into a shape that you are forced to drag through your life, returning home in the evening both embarrassed and fearful, or if you’re maintaining the life of your family (biological or social) and doing this and doing that,  don’t waste you time on how you relate, spend your time in consideration of ‘how you relate yourself, to the world’.

I didn’t say it, but someone did, ‘to thine ownself be true’




*  which, of course, is suggestive of being a clark! for most clarks, we’ve never met a question a question we didn’t find interesting!**

** if you understand the reason for the italics, and the inference… you can stop reading, you are so a clark


-the Wakefield Doctrine- TToT music and video

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(“are you ….sure?”)

Not that the TToT is new, but, with any change* comes adjustment and, as the old saying reminds us, ‘every required adjustment is an opportunity for improvement’. And, so, I will spend today, (and depending on reactions), a couple of weeks exploring new ways to participate in this totally self-beneficial exercise of examining the previous time period and describing those people, places and/or things that elicited a sense of gratitude, either at the time or, upon reflection.

With a name like ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ we can be forgiven for thinking that there is a certain, whats the right word…convention… order… procedure…. format! yeah, I like that one, a format for a Ten Things of Thankful bloghop post. Well, for a start, the word: ‘Ten’ is kinda suggestive. ok, thats enough understanding. As a clark, it’s my god-given right to have such incredible self-confidence in a certain, albeit, limited aspect of myself, to infer the rest.

Since we have the need for ‘Ten’ things established, lets go ahead and deal with the time factor. This is a weekend ‘hop. Therefore I have some time to complete this Post. I am, however, possessed of a surprisingly secure sense of the appreciation readers have for my written thoughts2… So I will start this post now, go out to work, and add to it at the end. Maybe I should re-post the final post, just to be safe, what do you think? Some say Poll? I’m glad…hell, I totally grateful that you said that.

1)  Grateful that someone suggested including a Poll in today’s TToT and therefore giving me the first, often the most difficult, item

2) I’m glad I have time to think and wait for the answers.

3) Two definite items: Phyllis and Una

4) one more definite item, the Graviteers!

5) zoe and her Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) First Ride (after work) with Una

7) this just in…. Phyllis and Una on a walk in the Pachaug State Forest in Voluntown CT

20170225_144944_resized 20170225_150817_resized

8) more to follow…

9) a certain mug is making a stunning recovery…


10) SR 1.3**


*Wendy is now our hostinae for this weekly gratio-reflectatorium1

** SR 1.3 is the representation of the attitude of many who participate in the TToT… it is both acronym and perspective for and upon the process of writing about the things in our (individual) lifes that engender this most rare (for some few of us) of feelings. To be cont’d….


  1. not a ‘real’ word
  2. no, I’m serious! If we built another time machine and went back to June 8, 2009 and found me (you’d have to call me on the phone or write me a letter or email) and said, ‘Hey clark, whats this about your having confidence-approaching-monster-ego-about-the-stuff-you-write-on-Facebook-and-in-your-blog? Of course we all love that stuff, why wouldn’t we?’  I’d be, all, excuse me? write a blog? why on earth would anyone be interested in what I might describe in a ‘blog’. (But a part me would feel hopeful and not tell you to get outa my face).

This is the Ten Things of Thankful so click on the Icon below and join us!


music?  oh yeah, I did say that…. here’s  song Phyllis and I (being one of the more… unique couples have been listening to)


Six Second Sentence -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


It’s Wednesday. About 6:24 in from work. Warm-up. For tomorrow’s Six Sentence Story. zoe wants us to write them. Yeah, and no, I doubt I can keep it up. Papa clark (which so does not work the way that it should).

Anyway. Six Sentences with a prompt word: SECOND  You write a story, six and only six sentences and you send it in. We read it. We comment.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

(Here’s an idea for a Six that I hope will go away before I have to use it: write a story in six seconds. Can’t be done. Can it?) (Planning ahead would not be cheating would it?)

Gotta think about this, gimme a second.


The speaker shouted sincerely to the crowd, cheerfully strident words of welcome and projectile enthusiasm,  “How’s everyone feeling this morning! Are you a leader or are you a second bite of the apple person!?”

The man raised an eyebrow and smiled at the promise of an entertaining morning in the overly air-conditioned hotel ballroom in the capital city.  His companion, less experienced in the secular revival-meeting atmosphere of overhead projectors, colorful charts with blurred legends in blue and red on slightly wrinkled projection screens, played with her phone, checking and re-checking her email. From where the two sat, the lower half of the main screen was obscured by shifting forest of polished bald heads and elaborate piles of desperately youthful, blonde hair of real estate agents and brokers, a congregation of well-heeled faithful in pews of metal and plush upholstery, eagerly waiting on the next sermon of self-empowerment.

As the emcee confidently informed the gathering that the next speaker would share a secret that would be worth much, much more than the price of admission, his companion leaned over and said, “Wait a second, that’s it?! What is this, a shaggy dog Six Sentence Story?”

He smiled, his eyes glowing with compassionate wisdom and whispered, “Shh, most of these people are very young and probably don’t know what a shaggy dog story, and besides, since the advent of texting and twitter, they have become nearly extinct.”







Today I have to leave early. Morning is my time to write.
If I can’t come up with something by five thirty,
I won’t return until mid-afternoon.

The pressure on! Just give me a second.

It may not make sense, and syntax will be lacking, but if nothing else it will be a six.


-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of rogerian expressions and insides into the worlds of scotts’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

CSR copy

I thought I had anticipated every possibility and worried because if things started moving too quickly, there was a chance that I would get blind sighted.”

How long has it been since we’ve heard a new rogerian expression? As I type, I’m trying to remember the source of this most excellent of rhetorical terrorism, courtesy of our friends-in-the-Herd. No luck, can’t remember where I read it, however, I do know that I recognized it instantly. There is that existential stutter followed by a burst of surprised laughter that is characteristic of a true rogerian expression.

On another note: I was talking to a scottian friend/work associate and one thing led to the other and, in the spontaneous (and totally metaphorical) wrestling matches that frequently occur when a scott is involved, came the following:

scotts act (in order) to think

clarks think (in order) to act

being a scott, she affected to not enjoy the insight that resulted. scotts have that innate sense of control and will not play games they are not totally familiar with, at least not for too extended a period of time.

This sort of reminds me of the fun of the early days of Doctrine posts, when everything was new and the excitement was everywhere. It was fun to write posts because the Doctrine was in full self-reveal mode. Someone would say something and the next thing we knew I’d be writing about how rogers have a very distinctive relationship with towels (the cloth type, bath towels mostly, all through dish towels are not totally innocent). And how scotts, when in public but not in the spotlight, will self-narrate their actions and behavior.

Thats back when 500 words was a decent length post.

Guess that’s about it.

…oh, yeah  that post with the funny object in it, this weekend past?  It was a candle molder.


and, in keeping with the retro-ness of today’s post, here’s a music video of a song that I’ve got stuck in my head.


TTOT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


cool thing in a clients’ house… I actually had to ask what it was

There’s an old saying, ‘a good thing that is shared, will never be lost’. This would very much be the case with the TToT. Originally created by Lizzi Lewis and shepherded through the early years (see photos below*), Our Miz Lewis did what all successful people do, she shared a passion.

Josie** has taken up the (there should be some humorous analogy here, but I can’t think of one). Bottom line, she has taken the helm and the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop continues. The ‘rules’ are simple: share ten things that/for which you are grateful for, from the week immediately behind us or any time.

1) Lizzi for creating this thing

2) Josie for continuing this thing

3) the internet for providing the place for this thing

4) my work for allowing me the resources to afford the technology to access this thing

5) Phyllis for creating an environment in which I have become increasingly aware of the parts of my life that I can reference in this thing

6) the reasonable good-sense (almost) to know when a semi-clever rhetorical thing has run it’s course, (fans of horses will applaud this description)

7) Una for being a constant power of example

8) I’m grateful for having come to know Almira Ristani Gulch, the co-central character in ‘Almira’

9) I’m tempted to say, I’m grateful for having gotten this far in a list, which by virtue of being the first in the new order (of Ten Things of Thankful) without getting too weird

10) I glad that I didn’t




*and, before anyone find themselves thinking, ‘my god is she all right?’ let me say, ‘of course she is, she’s a clark and anyone can tell you, clarks are the damn Phoenixeses of personality types’. We keep doing creative things, establish them in the ‘real’ world and then, finding our endless curiosity pulling on our shirttails, wander off to find new and interesting ways to burst ourselfs into flame  (to the wonderment of our friends and the amusement of ourselves at how, ‘we’re alway doing that!’)

** Josie, aka Wendy Harris  (hey zoe! could you explain to Josie how change resistant I am to name in the ‘sphere? (go ahead and leave out the part about chronic-passive-aggressive, ego-centric insistence…. ok?”

So below here are the collection of photos I’ve acquired (no, I said she’s doing fine)…. tell me about clarks and chameleons

fce42d99cc79af0dfc9d6c114ff601e9photo-2Tigger roarWakefield Needles 4 good

(I hope Lizzie doesn't mind my borrowing the photo)

…tell me that the TTofT is not a good thing

Wakefield Balcony

