Month: December 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: December 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘only 5 Days until Winter is over!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


No, serially, I mean it! Winter is finally coming to a close. In a week, the days will be getting longer. Slowly, of course, minutes a day but there will be more daylight on the 22nd of December than on the 21st.

That is my number 1 Grat Item: winter’s dying of the light is reversed for another year.

Item 2: Lizzi who sent us a Christmas card. photos:

20161216_183004  20161216_183021

thats Lizzi’s card on the window in the first shot and in the second that her’s right dead center. Observant friends of Lizzi will notice something odd about the card. I will leave it to you to discover the semi-puzzle. One hint: Phyllis (who manages the Christmas cards….and lights…and decorations…and tree… lol) is a roger.

Item 3: Phyllis and Una. Una is an excellent watch dog. In evidence, the following video:


4) Hypo-gratiudinous Item: frickin snow today. Even as I type, the frozen water falls to the ground like tears of a child, at once powerless in the face of youth and inexperience, insisting (as some clarks and a few rogers) that what we believe should be, should, in fact, be. And so too, the opposite. Snow is like that for me.

5) I’m grateful for getting that out of my system. (SR 2.3 chap:6 para.8, states, in part: “should the creation of a list, while assuring a more positive outlook on reality in the forward process of time, not be sufficient to excise negative emotions, items of hypo-gratitude, framed in the overarching context of this exercise, can, in some cases be effective; thumbing of noses and middling of fingers, while often effective, is to be discourage…[sec.1.5: except when it feels good to do so]’

6) ‘Almira’  too bad the book is so giant (this week will see the publishing of Chapter 37 ayiee!) So let me recommend some Chapters, if you’re in the mood for reading something really fun but the thoughts of opening the first page to what surely is a 300 page book (were it printed).  Try:  Chapter 9 , Chapter 11 or Chapter 29
oh yeah  don’t forget to Vote at the bottom of each Chapter!

7) Una enjoys the snow (being a dog, Una makes the best of everything in her world)

8) Something something

9) (still fricken snowing…. )

10) SR 1.3


Ten Things of Thankful
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Six Sentences -the Wakefield Doctrine- early pre-edition

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



The prompt word for this week’s Six Sentence Story is ‘Pine’

Friend of the Doctrine zoe’s rhetorical calisthenics, down in the proscenium in twenty minutes!! Hurry, don’t be late!

This (that you may or may not be reading) is a very, very early warm-up. Warm-up words are essential to my participation in the rather cool, totally challenging and always satisfying Six Sentence Story ‘hop. As the name implies: stories, six sentences and a use/relationship/bearing on in some manner the week’s chosen word.


Unspoken tales and legends scribed in scent and carcasses tell of your people, one queen and innumerable brothers, thriving and roaming the earth since the late Cretaceous, cities of mud and leftovers reaching towards the equatorial sun. It is a life of constant work, the pull of fatigue shared on shoulders and carapaces as weary as your own, there is no skyward to tempt your sight, the future is ahead and slightly upwards, always and without exception. You sense the presence of God’s work in mirrored forms that teem, supporting, carrying and, ultimately passing over, your final contribution to upwards progress.

Being hungry is trait, to a dinner never late, 2 forks and 2 knives, un-napkined chitin, the ranks and files with none but one knowing their place in the house of Isoptera. Your queen and all-mother, the reason for the world and the urgency in your endless toil, upwards the city grows, carrying the earth to the sun.

You feel a hard jostle, scents of impatience and insensate passion, ‘over to the south, tunnels blocked by paradise, it is a vein of Pine, let us dine!’





Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘I’d like to introduce to you, the act you’ve known for all these years…*’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I joined a writers group this autumn. I joined because of the Wakefield Doctrine.*

Amanda Torry is a member of the writer’s group I joined, the Romance Writers of Rhode Island (RWRI). She is a published author of YA and contemporary Romance novels. She is quite accomplished, here is the link to her books.  Amanda also has a blog, ‘amandatorreyauthor‘, as many of the writers at the RWRI do.  She recently decided to do a series of interviews with the member writers in the RWRI, guess who got included in the mailing? Yes, yes I did. Once again I owe it all to our favorite personality theory, as my first reaction to the invitation was, ‘yeah, right. not published yet, what would everyone think? clarks hanging out with the writers and such and now he’s participating in a blog post interview? someone call ….someone!’  lol.  yeah, I’m still a clark and my first impulse is to run away from attention. But, ask any serious student of the Doctrine, (like, say Cynthia or Lizzi or Denise ) they’ll laugh and say, “Of course you’re almost correct. Get your copy of the Doctrine and go to Page 5, paragraph 23 and you will find the statement, ‘clarks abhor the spotlight, but will not tolerate being ignored.’  Ha!”

So, enough stem-winding.**


Happy to Welcome Author Clark Farley!


* the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that reality is, to a certain degree, personal. The three worldviews are the best example of this notion being expressed. Each of the three personality types are a reflection (of the efforts) of the individual to cope with the world, as they are experiencing it.

  • clarks (the Outsiders) are hiding with colorful, yet totally forgotten barrage balloons over their heads trying to navigate an essentially hostile world.
  • scotts (the Predators) recognize the hostile and adversarial character of life and embrace it, a totally carnal lovers embrace while sky-diving with only one parachute and
  • rogers (the Herd Members) see the world, accept the hostility around them as one of a number of characteristics that, combined make for a perfect world and devote themselves to understanding each and every component of the world, knowing that by knowing comes acceptance.

In any event, I’ve read that published writers tend to join writers groups, in person writers groups. And though the thought of in-person meeting of strangers is a little daunting, I am determined to become a published author, and so I looked for a writers group in Rhode Island. There was only one that I could find, the Romance Writers of Rhode Island. lol  and I’ll leave your imaginations to provide the fairly amusing scenario of my walking into my first, real world meeting of the RWRI.

** yeah, another fun but totally anachronistic expression




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Photos and videos,

The Summer is over.

Feet and hands cold and distant,

The world pulls downwards.

invisible lands invite.

L Lewis has authorized me (and the co-hostinae) to invite you to participate in her bloghop, ‘the Ten Things of Thankful’. You might want to give this offer some serious consideration. The path of the remainder of your life will be altered. Rather, we should say, the path of the remainder of your life will be different, if you do choose to join us this weekend. But that is a decision only you can make. We are here simply as one (the nearly innumerable) choices that you have today.


1)  a surprise gift from an internet friend, Friend of the Doctrine and Graviteer…. valerie


2) a video of a walk with Una

3) speaking of spontaneous gifts, for Phyllis just in time for Thanksgiving:



the shiny axe on the left next to the stove

the photo makes it kind of hard to see the axe and rather than anyone thinking that I enjoy giving flyswatters as gift (lol…. kristi did spot the axe in the 2nd photo)


4) computers and the internet, jeez talk about your ‘cottage built of bread and cakes, with windowpanes of sugar’ this internet surely is the milk-and-bread ordinary magic lamp


5) I will include a otohp from work this week. Not because it’s representative of anything exception about the workweek….


6)  speaking of work!  ‘Almira’  (I am learning the world of writing and books, tales and such) but man alive! this week’s chapter (Chapter 35) took more than I’ve been accustomed to bring to press. But! there should be a Chapter 35  ready, maybe even Sunday evening. We’re approaching a key point in the story and one of the challenges to writing Almira is the fact that we have semi-paralell story lines. We started (or tale) with Dorothy Gale returned to Circe from her first year in college (Sarah Lawrence) and almost immediately travelled back to 1912 to meet Almira Ristani. We have been following Almira through her life as it lengthens to intersect with our starting point, Circe Kansas 1939.

7) the Graviteers totally deserve a shoutout. We battled our way through that most dangerous (foodisticallly-speaking) of the Big Three holidays, Thanksgiving! We totally walked out the other side of the-Thursday-that-would-not-end like well… like these two:  (violent content follows)

8) I actually have more time than usual today. Normally a full-on work day, there is some latitude in my schedule that I will totally take advantage of, so I’ll leave item #9 free for now.

9) (Just in case: I am totally grateful for the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) for making this (temporary) exception (and seeming non-compliance) for the balance of the afternoon. But there will be something new here by EOD.

10) SR 1.3



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(saw this in a couple of sites, but I think the source is:

(saw this in a couple of sites, but I think the source is:


Friend of the Doctrine zoe hosts this here bloghop here and every Thursday she challenges us to come up with a story that is Six (and only six) Sentences in length.

If I might beg the readership’s indulgence, this week’s Six Sentence Story is a snippet (a scenette, if you will) from Chapter 35 of ‘Almira‘. I’ve been trying to write this Chapter since last week and keep stumbling, like an overly eager 5 year tying shoelaces to the opposite shoe, yet so determined he just gets up and runs anyway, so I write and type.

(The set up: Sterling and Almira Gulch have just spent Sunday afternoon at Emily and Henry Gale’s house. Almira’s exceptionally gravid condition and Emily’s enthusiastically insipid efforts at being a host make driving back to the Baumeister’s a pleasure. Even if it is a dark and starlit December night.)



“Remember that night last spring, at your father’s house, when we spent the night in the farthest corner of the back yard, and you read Gulliver’s Travels to me as we sat, together alone?”

Almira’s voice rose from the dark side of the front seat of our car, the small orange glow on the end of my cigarette a tiny fire, lighting the woolen hills of blankets she had gathered around her for our drive home through the cold Kansas night. The other side of the front seat was extra dark because Almira had taken the three blankets (that she made the sales manager give us when we bought the car right off the showroom floor), and built herself a …. not a nest.

While great intelligence is an asset in any man or woman, what set Almira apart was her passion, her will to love, to bring together, to fight when necessary and to protect those in need of a champion; despite the fact she was as near to bringing a child into the world as possible and still be able to run to the car after an excruciatingly tedious social occasion, what she had on her side of the Packard’s front seat was not a nest.

As a mother-to-be, my wife was not a member of the gentle and kind and complacent families of God’s creatures, building warm and dry nests, from pieces of branches and threads of straw meant for comfort as they brought new life into the world, trusting in nature and good fortune that she might be over-looked by the larger (and hungrier) varieties of God’s creatures at her moment of weakness.

Almira had taken the new, very expensive brown woolen car blankets and built a den.

