Month: November 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: November 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Toosday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘come on, if you don’t grin at something in this post, you’re at the wrong blog!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Hey, it’s been a while since I did a reprint post! This one is good ’cause it’s mostly video clips. (I laughed again, as I did when I post it the first time, so it’s ok for you to read and comment.)

(From November 16, 2012)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I read something somewhere this week that Mercury was retrograde and all talking efforts to communicate were, like totally futile. I think that’s just crazy! But this being Friday and we did have the first Wakefield Doctrine BlogTalkRadio show, today can be an easy day, blogistically speaking. There will be time on the weekend to go into the plans for the next show (Wednesday before the Feast of St Roger at 4:00 pm, EST), plus we have the Saturday Night Drive to prepare for and the DocTees should be hitting their postal targets over the weekend.

So casual Doctrine Friday is officially declared here.* Everyone has their favorite movies and (everyone) has a list of the funniest movies. My List below, starts with Annie Hall, Blazing Saddles, Airplane! Dogma (couldn’t find any clips short enough)

Annie Hall

Blazing Saddles


* casual Friday Readers are not surprised that we can’t let even a causal Friday, list-based Post go out there without some insight on how the Wakefield Doctrine applies! so…casual Friday:

clarks (of the three) are the most prone to over dressing for the workplace, now this is not the ‘over-dressing’ that is high fashion well-dressed that rogers will exhibit …it is more an amping up of what the clark thinks is workplace appropriate dress. So, if we have a clarklike female trying to dress appropriately for an office/administrative setting, then don’t be surprised to see a full business suit (with a touch of the 1940s), but with something secretly out of tune (probably some lingerie that not only was not popular in the 1940s, but was illegal in the 1940s)
scotts to celebrate casual Friday, the baseball cap gets turned around with the bill facing backwards, or if the scott is in, say banking or law, then the wingtips get traded for basketball shoes
rogers usually the best dressed of the three, at least in a mainstream Cosmo sort of way, casual Friday presents a special challenge to the rogers, both male and female, the tailored suit gets traded in for a Ralph Lauren hoodie and maybe some jeans (totally perfect condition, unless they were bought that way) and logos!! causal Friday or not, rogers loves they logos… it’s the herd and therefore it’s good


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


1)  Lizzi is in da house! (“I told you! That grandniece of mine has more moxie than any three nightingales I’ve encountered running across Wellington Square on St Crispians Day!” muttered her great uncle Clive Staples as he rushed down the hallway, loose pieces of note paper, a bookmark fashioned from a pressed cutting of a Mooring oleifera branch, and a spare Number 3 blue pencil dropping from the pockets of his waistcoat.)


Hey! This is the TToT come join Lizzi and the co-hostinae as we offer our lists of the things and the events, happenings and interactions that filled the 7 days since we last met. It’s fun, beneficial and… good for the soul.

So, anyway I’m on a short schedule this morning but, fortunately our Head Mistress, L. Lewis is with us this Saturday am, so to my twisted thinking, that means I can totally toss any compulsion to write a normal TToT post right out the window. (Actual window ->)


(No, I don’t suggest you consider the question, ‘So what we were reading here in the previous weeks were your idea of conventional and normal presentations Ten Things of Thankful?’)

2) Friend of the Doctrine, Cynthia, being the multi-talented lifeform that she is, launched her new website this week! ‘Intuitive and Spiritual’ you should stop by!

3) zoe (leave it to z to take a well loved trope like a parrot on the shoulder and re-cast the (slightly) un-reliable narrator (of nearly all pirate adventures) with a small, boisterous dog! Joules …. on my count…. ‘aarrr’) and her Six Sentence Story(s)

5) Val’s totally fun ‘My World at the Moment

6)Almira‘ in the upcoming Chapter, we learn much more about Hunk Dietrich, Auntie Em, Dorothy and a waitress named Hazel.

7) Phyllis and Una (photo evidence) ->


8) The Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

9) the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) ’cause sine qua non, binyons, sine qua non

10) SR 1.3  the most benign of all the Secret Rules!

Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


Six sighing sentence story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The word this week is….. Draft   (with an ‘R’, clark, with an ‘R’). That should be simple and straight forward enough.

If you’re new ’round here, this is Friend of the Doctrine zoe‘s most enjoyable bloghop, the Six Sentence Story. The title is kinda the full instructions, story of no more than and no less than six sentences. With the prompt word involved in some manner with the story. There’s a crew of bloggers what come around to this place on Thursdays just to take on the challenge. You should join us.


“Do you feel that?”

“Feel what?”

“I don’t know, a breeze, a draft, is there a window open?”

“No, there isn’t.”

“Maybe I should get up and check, just to be sure, just need to get my bearings, give me a second, I don’t seem to be able to move.”

“We’re almost there, it’ll be alright, I won’t leave you.”



-the Wakefield Doctrine- …..TTo………..T (wavy screen here) “…uh oh! what’s he up to now?!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

Hey! down here!!!


“follow me, if you want to ….read”


(“no! there is nothing at all about Christopher Lloyd and the author of this Post… you must be thinking of Daniel Craig”)


Item 1:   July 6 2013

Item 2:  New Facebook group: ‘My World at the Moment‘  started by Val... very cool

Item 3:  Six Sentence Story, by zoe

Item 4: the Gravity Challenge and the Graviteers  over at 2Mile Run

Item 5: RIRW

Item 6: Cynthia and her Book ‘Marina’s Broken Grave’ (if you haven’t gone to amazon (the online-buying-thing-place, not the huge jungle place) and bought this book, then you are missing out! go there and do this thing….we’ll wait.


Item 7: Phyllis and Una…. of course

Item 8: ‘Almira’  Chapter 31 due out by Sunday (Monday morning at the latest)…. St Louis! that’s the scene as Almira and Sterling take one last stop before going on to Kansas City and, from there, to a little old town by the name of Circe.  a sample?  ok…. just a short excerpt:

“I think we lost ’em. What do you say we slow down a little.”

I leaned forward, elbow on the dashboard and looked directly into Almira’s eyes. As focused as she was on the street ahead, I didn’t want to risk distracting her, as we barreled down Clark Ave in the dead of night.

“No, dear. I’m afraid we haven’t. Out the back, and over to the right. There’s a cross street coming up, watch and you’ll see their headlights.”

We must have been doing fifty miles an hour, fortunately the streets, even out towards the city limits were ruler straight. The blocks were pretty large and divided by compass-square cross-street intersections. I looked up ahead at the traffic signal swaying on cables over the four way intersection.

“Traffic light up ahead, babe.”

The car actually accelerated as Almira wanted to be sure I could see the other car running a parallel course to ours. Both cars racing for the center of St. Louis, which, in a peculiarly Midwestern literalness was actually the riverfront, where the city ended.

“Watch now…there, see it? Maybe three blocks back. They’re gaining on us. Our new friends are very much still on our tail. Not counting the winos and the occasional working girl, we’re the only two cars out on the streets of St Louis at 1:33 in the morning, so they’re not having all that much trouble keeping us in sight.”

Once I managed to look at the right spot at the right time, not as simple as it sounds, given the fact that I was a passenger in a car driven by my 8 months pregnant wife, the headlights on the car behind us were not hard to see. Flaring and fading as they raced past cross-streets and the occasional vacant lot in the city block that separated the two streets.

“Yeah, I see them now.”

Looking over at Almira, I was struck by an odd overlapping impression.

She was able to sit behind the wheel only because she was only 5′ 2″, on an optimistic day. That’s probably why, although being very pregnant, she could sit forward enough on the seat to reach the pedals, while not having her mid-section interfere with steering the car. Her posture was very upright, and, if one were able to ignore the buildings passing backwards at blurring speeds, my wife was the picture of a proper young woman, out for a bicycle ride through a park or country lane.

The other part of this overlapping impression happened when the sweep of an approaching streetlight lit the interior of the car. An odd effect, as the light coming in through the windshield illuminated her from the bottom upwards, her eyes being last. There was a feral intensity that, were I not intimately familiar with all aspects of the woman, would an atavistic fear, felt by every cave dweller when the night air was torn by the roar of a saber-toothed tiger.

Item 9: …. to be completed sunday.

Item 10: SR 1.3


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So, the word is ‘Fault’. The ‘word’, meaning the week’s prompt. The prompt being the starting point of a story consisting of six sentences. No more, no less.

A bloghop from Friend of the Doctrine, zoe.  a Six Sentence Story, every Thursday.

So lets decide on what to do with the word ‘Fault’.

…well, what a difference a (half a) day makes! This morning I suggested to Lizzi that perhaps we would throw a tag team on a six sentence story and see if we couldn’t come up with something that’d hit the ball out of the ring (badly mixed metaphor).

Anyway, here you go:


Her face seemed, at once substantial as the mountains that covered the sky beyond the window of the restaurant, yet with each flicker of candlelight seemed to say, ‘I can be known only if chased.’
He caught himself thinking, “Did I remember to charge my phone to call for a taxi later? She will never pass up an opportunity like this.”
Staring over the top of her glass, a crystal and amber moon rising towards the end of a night, she thought, “Is that the flickering of the candles in his eyes or have I drunk too much, or could this be the feeling I’ve heard described in books, that sudden awareness of being utterly, irrevocably without independent ties to the world of the people around me?”

“It’s not your…” she threw the words at him, like a starving chimpanzee tossing its feces, a classic case of an approach/avoidance conflict, culture and passion ala carte.

“Don’t say it!”

“I don’t care if you don’t want to know, we are a part of each other whether you like it or not and that means, as hard as it is for you to accept it, it’s no one’s fault that we’ve ended up this way!”


