Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
According to my new writing schedule, this week’s Monday’s Post is expected to be ‘something educational, (in terms of the Wakefield Doctrine), something fun (like the Posts I used to write, the ones with all the bullet points and the slightly scandalous inferences hidden among long, run-on sentences, a lot like the way you studied the whole weekend to learn phrenology because ‘you want to come up and see my etchings’ wasn’t creative enough for you) and, finally, a little (or a lot) self-promotional of my serial, ‘Blogdominion‘ (link to Chapter 1 is here… yeah, that right, click there, or if you’re still reading there’ll be another link at the end of this sentence… right here. No! don’t worry, you have time to click on the link and read it, we’ll wait and won’t get into anything too involved or complicated, until you get back. ( Hey, for anyone familiar with the Beverly Hillbillies, didn’t that last thing, about where the link I was putting in this Post, didn’t it make you think of the old bit that Jethro Bodine used to do with his expensive Swiss wristwatch? “The exact time is 5:04..oh 8…no! 10….no!!” Still funny 50 years later! and, (jeez some of you people read kinda slow…no, we promised to wait)… anyway, there’s a secret zen lesson in that silly joke about the watch. That the here and now is not something we can anticipate, because if we stop to note its presence, then it’s already over…) hey! you’re back!! Great!
I had planned on making a reference to the seeming contradiction of being a clark and deliberately finding the most public of forums to practice my writing, but let’s instead cut and paste a passage from the Page on clarks:
… you know what? never mind. Never mind reading something that has already been said (about clarks). If I’m going to write the book on the Wakefield Doctrine (after I successfully write the serial, ‘Blogdominion’ (and… maybe one other story after that), then I need to keep my Doctrine chops fresh. And besides, the Wakefield Doctrine isn’t some text booky kind of personality theory with sections to memorize and like all the things that they try to make you learn in school! Hell no. The Wakefield Doctrine is simply a perspective on life. We all have at least one of them, (perspectives, not Doctrines). Our perspective on the world is what puts ‘the personal’ in ‘personal reality’. The Doctrine says, ‘hey! you’ve got your perspective pretty well memorized and immortalized, how about one more? It’ll help…really!’ (And you’re, like, all, ‘yeah sure. the world is what I run into today at work, dropping the kids off at daycare, dodging those assholes in the corridor that I have to go down, ’cause that’s where my locker is, getting in and out of the supermarket fast enough to get to the gym… you mean that imaginary world?’)
lol ok. I get it. It’s Monday, not a lot of time for the metaphysics. I’ll keep it as simple as possible and if you don’t believe that reality, (real reality), is personal, write us a comment and we’ll do a whole Post on the subject tomorrow. But for today, know that your world will be experienced as if it were the following:
- the world of the Outsider (clarks) experience the world as a stranger would upon entering a country that they studied up on, learned all about, took 8 weeks of Berlitz* even found a store that sold clothing that is (supposed to be) fashionable in this country… they get off the plane, get past Customs and now need to meet one person (someone they’ve never met) and they have no idea where in this country they are …go!
- the reality of the Predator (scotts) if people who you’re responsible would only either hurry up or get out of the way, the day would go a lot more pleasantly! You know that you’ve got everyone’s best interest at heart, but sometimes… well, you gotta make ’em do the right thing, get the most of life!
- the life as a Herd Member (rogers) life is a simple as you make it and if people would just slow down a little, then you would be better able to help them understand what clearly they are not understanding… understand?
There you have it! Your Monday Morning Wakefield Doctrine pre-game locker room pep talk. No! really!
Don’t forget!! Go to juke pop and read Chapter 1 of Blogdominion! If you’re going there for the first time, don’t forget the Prologue, (kinda necessary to the enjoyment of Chapter 1, well, guess that’s why it’s called a Prologue…. and vote!! and like and comment and stuff!
*for you not-so-old people, Rosetta Stone, ok?
Frist? But I haven’t read Chapter one yet. I’m going.
I voted! Gimmee a pin!
The story sounds intriguing. I look forward to the developing serial that is Blogdominion.
P.S. Really? Phrenology as a pick up tool? Such a clark. But I totally get it! LOL
I just LOVe the story. I want more. I also want to read a chapter on each one of the dangling scenarios in the Prologue. A novel, perhaps?
thank you! (funny thing about this… Sister Bernadine started as a not-very-nice foil for Margaret Ryan, but, for reasons not quite understood, she started to remind me of a friend (from years ago) and she (my now unfortunately deceased friend) totally hijacked my character! lol) Like the character now…
Chapter 2 will get us up to speed on Tom Fearing (the blogger wannabe) and Ed Willoughby (the legendary now-in-hiding blogger) and of course, the real villain, Unit 17!
dont worry about texting the link … why didnt ya just say it was here??? too caught up in getting BACK to work! LOL~!…I wanna reread … I feel like if I pick it up I will have forgotten important stuff… so I gots to do my homewoik… Its a great story so easy reading…
thanks…Chapter 2 this weekend