Month: July 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: July 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Tuesday Questions -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


When uncertain as to what to write and time is running out try:

  1. Cynthia’s most recent Comment
  2. the 4th Comment in the 7th Post, 11 months ago
  3. …just frickin write about the Doctrine!
  4. …and hey!!  you (no, not them, you), as the invisible narrator and writer of this here Post here, I am personally inviting to join us on the Adventure of a Lifetime… the ‘Hurry-up and Weight Gravity Challenge’!!  everyone is there, come on!! it’ll be fun!

Lets do the hard one first, followed by 2 and then number 1 on our little bullet list, ok?

3] The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on behavior. Ours, yours and their’s. The Wakefield Doctrine is not ‘the Answer’, however, the questions that it would have us pose, (to ourselves), can be very, very helpful in understanding the people in our lives. The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them. While most ‘personality theories’ and quizzes and surveys and questionnaires, prompt most of us to think how we can help/change the other people in our lives, the Wakefield Doctrine does nothing more than offer an opportunity to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. All the Doctrine claims: if I am able to appreciate ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you‘, then I will understand you better. What I do with this insight, that knowledge, is entirely a different matter. However, since we all have the potential to experience the world as does the Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) or the Herd Member (rogers), then it’s easy enough to see how I might: a) become a better person, b) develop into a more efficient hunter, c) better appreciate the ways that life can affirm the individual.  Plus, the Wakefield Doctrine is fun.

2] ”  zoebyrd says:
August 11, 2014 at 5:53 pm • Edit
yeah, okay….whatever. ”

….yes,  lol  (hey, I don’t make the rules!… well, sort of, but you’ll have to ask zoe what she meant in that comment on the 7th Post, 11 months ago)


What I wanna know is how the hell you’re so good at figuring out all the clarks, scotts, and rogers. Granted, you RUN the Doctrine, but…
In my office, I’m still not that good at automatically ID-ing everyone. Most of the are rogers, I know. I can tell that I’m probably the only clark. I think the admin assistant (who pretty much runs the place) is a scott. I think. I think. She’s intense. And I don’t wanna piss her off. LOL
PS – closing tomorrow. It’s been a friggin’ harrowing journey. Originally scheduled for Friday. Then the lawyer screwed up. Then scheduled for 11 am . Then the mortgage officer screwed up. Rescheduled for 4pm tomorrow. Sheesh.

Lets all think positive HUD RESPA thoughts for our friend Cynthia!


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of syllabi, weight loss challenges and… those ‘Emperors of Emotions’, the ‘Doyenne’s of Drama’… rogers!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So my Summer Reading List:

‘The Grapes of Wrath’ by John Steinbeck
‘the Kinsey Millhone Alphabet Mysteries’ by Sue Grafton
‘Spenser’ by Robert Parker
The point of a Summer Reading List is to look at the characters from popular, famous and otherwise widely recognized from the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine. Expect to see a ‘Character Report’ at least once a week… towards the end of July and continuing into August.

You know how you’ve been thinking, “Damn! It’s the height of Summer and my weight is almost where I want it, maybe now is the time to lose/gain those tiny little extra pounds, before the weather changes and the seasonally-appropriate clothing tricks me into not making the effort. Wish there was an easy way to do this!“?  Good news! There is!  Come join a bunch of us at the ‘Hurry-up and Weight Gravity Challenge‘.  There’s a bunch of people having fun while altering their attraction to the center of the earth! The Rules are simplicity itself! Take a photo of your scale every morning before 8:00 am (local) and send it in and then encourage your co-participants in their efforts. There is even a Special Rule, aka Kristi’s Rule for anyone who might be feeling a little self-conscious…go check it out or just check with Kristi.

Busy work week in the ‘real’ world, so following is a ‘re-print’ from 2014

Today will we repeat what is implied throughout the Wakefield Doctrine: there are three worldviews that we are all heir to, that we all find ourselves growing up and developing in from a rather young age: the world of the Outsider (clarks), the reality of the Predator (scotts) and the life of the Herd Member (rogers). Each of these three have qualities that good and admirable and each of these three have weaknesses and indulgences that are not so good and admirable. None of the three is better than the other two. Observant Readers will detect a (slightly) overlapping symmetry to the three worldviews, that when balanced would result in an healthy and life-optimising person. (yes, that is a made up word). But that’s not important now, what is important is that we make sure all our new Readers understand that, rogers are not the ‘god-I-hope-I-don’t-turn-out-to-be-one-of-them’ personality types of this here Doctrine, here.

So to review:


(adv rogerian; pronunciation: ‘roe -jeer -riann’)
The ‘initial metaphor’ for a roger is that of any animal that naturally associates with it’s own kind in a ‘herd’. The primary characteristic derived from this metaphor is one of ‘belonging’, being a group member, similar in all important aspects to the others in the group (herd). ( In contrast to the clark personality type, a roger, especially when in the context of the herd, is never, ever an Outsider.)

The predominant characteristic that is attributed to the rogerian personality type is that rogers experience the world as an ordered place, the nature of the world, (to a roger), is that it is quantifiable, definable and predictable. To a roger the world is, basically good and it is a place of Rules…provided, of course, the rules and guides and laws are recognized, expressed and followed.
This perception is paired with a drive (within the personality type) to impose order, through rules and laws on the world.

While clarks ‘gather by themselves’ and scotts organize ‘as a pack’, the characteristic grouping of rogers is the herd.

rogers are the friendly ones, of the three personality types, the person you will mostly likely recall having a long, pleasant, you-know-I-can’t-really-what-we-talked-about, conversation with
rogers are the warp ( or maybe the woof! lol) to whatever social fabric you might care to consider, be it civic, religious, scientific or other cultural expression
rogers require rules and traditions, they are, in fact, the only ‘reason’ that human civilization has any continuity whatsoever
rogers are behind the creation and perpetuation of, virtually all human institutions, religious, civic, political
rogers do not create, they maintain, they assemble, they are the machine operators
rogers are the engineers, accountants and physicians
rogers are the judges, the firefighters and high school teachers (except for gym teachers)
(from: the Page on rogers)

And so, there you have it, rogers in all their hail-fellow/gal-well-met, bonhomie, ladies and gentleman! may I present: the people person, Mr Precision, the pain in the ass, the woman whose dinner table looks like a page from a gourmet magazine (and is equally tasty and enjoyable), the man who carves ships and manages to put them in a damn bottle (without anyone even hinting at a necessity to do so), the Mom who makes sure that her Child and those other children all wear the latest in Elementary School Fashion (provided the elementary school is in Calgary and the year is 1957), the father who promises to teach his son to work on cars but forbids him (the son, not himself…he has other things he forbids himself, much to the dismay of the Mrs.), to even touch the tools that are totally clean and (some) hanging on the pegboard over the spotless workbench, matching perfectly to the silhouette outline, the girl elected Chairperson of the Yearbook Committee two years in a row!, the linebacker, the catcher, the girl who will become an engineer because it is such a stable and reliable line of work, the friend you had that was your best friend up until a scott enters the scene and then, depending upon gender (of the scott, not the friend) you would end up: beat up and ignored or ignored and beat up! rogers represent the majority of the population and we would not have the user-friendly and increasingly impersonal conveniences of life without them.

lets try this:

Court Room: the Judge is a roger, the Clerk is a clark, the Bailiff is a scott (the Prosecuting Attorney is a roger and the Defense Attorney is a: clark if mostly unsuccessful or a scott is often successful(when not being barred from the courtroom)
Operating Room: the Surgeon is a scott, the Nurse is a clark and the Anesthesiologist is a roger
Construction Site: GC (general contractor) is a scott, the finish carpenter is a roger and the guy who does the cleanup is a clark
Local gas station/repair: the Owner is a scott, the mechanic is a roger and the kid who keeps trying, unsuccessfully to get a job there is a clark
the Best Date ever: (before the age of 23): she is a scott and you are not
the King and Queen of the Prom: (Junior Year: she is a roger and he is a scott Senior Year: she is a scott and he is a scott)
….hey! I’m doing all the work here… you want more examples? write a damn Comment and request or better yet, give us one that we don’t have yet
That’s enough for today.

That wasn’t bad, was it?


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “start with Item 1…”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


“Dances with Balloons”


The brainchild of Lizzi Rogers, the TToT is a celebration* of the benefits of the effort to become aware of, and share Ten Things of Thankful. (That there are (usually) things (and people, places, processes and stuff) in life for and about which we can feel grateful, and share them with this here group here. For my part, I will List the following:

1) this bloghop

2) the ‘Hurry up and Weight’ Gravity Challenge  and those who are participating ( Kristi and Val and Lisa and Christine and Alex and Joy)

3) the calendar (for the decency of having July follow June)

4) technology as manifested in cell phone cameras and, of course, these electrical computers

5) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) because, when you get right down to it, isn’t life about our individual best efforts to find, learn and apply Rules to help make the best of the decisions that we encounter each and everyday? And maybe, due to personal choice and/or upbringing, the set of Rules that we have available are kinda staid and one size-fits-all, so when there is an opportunity to find (and learn and apply) a Book of Rules that no one has quite pre-written, well, that kinda cool, non?

6) Una and Phyllis

7) the simple, easy to take for granted, fact that I am able to work and move about the planet, both in response to er…. responsibilities and for fun and recreation

8) something something

9) (see?!?!  that!  right there…. Number 8! I will take the position that while there seems to be incredibly liberal ‘rules of participation’ to this here ‘hop, the underlying attitude of participants is the basis of allowing it to be as opened ended as it is.) English translation: we are all free to submit Posts of any sort to the TToT and sometimes Posts are not exactly 10 Items, despite the very name of the bloghop. However, almost without exception, when a person does participate, they demonstrate the spirit of this exercise. I would go further and suggest that, when there is a Post in which the writer throws up their hands in frustration or, simply states that their week did not abound in gratitudinous events, that is what this bloghop is all about.

10) 1.3  (likely the first Secret Rule discovered early in the TToT), SR 1.3 is probably the better definition of what I was after in Item 9.  Sometimes, (often for some of us), putting together a List of 10 Items can be…. difficult, and not necessarily because good things were in short supply, but because, sometimes (our) ability to perceive the good things is compromised and sometimes, some of us, struggle. SR 1.3 states (in part): “the completion of a List of Ten Things of Thankful, can, ipso facto, be used as an Item on (that selfsame) List….baby”



Ten Things of Thankful

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


* 2 of the 4 definitions in wiktionary:

  1. The act, process of showing appreciation, gratitude and/or remembrance, notably as a social event.
  2. A social gathering for entertainment and fun; a party.

hey! Finish the… sequencesemestersoliqu sentence yeah!! Finish the Sentence Friday!! -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


My first job

…was making pizza. While that may not, at first glance, seem to be a very geno-culturally likely job for a 13 year old me, (that picture of the three guys on this blog? the guy in the middle? me… only with a few million miles of high hopes, un-realistic plans and an amazing level of half-hearted persistence, picture him as a 13 yo… Opie?  sure.. like that, only less boyish charm… I’m thinking Harry Potter with bad complexion and an inferiority complex…. you know, a clark).

The pizza place was just up the street from where I lived. A little storefront, three booths, (the molded plastic type bench seats), a counter  to place orders and a square hole in the wall behind the cashier, where the orders would be placed…. wait  wait!  just a damn moment! The memory is returning… I made the pizza but I didn’t bake or cut or do anything other than roll out the dough and put them in round pans. What the hell!
Here I am, thinking that I would remember adventures that involved late nights (in those days, ‘late night’ meant 1:00 am…), unruly customers (there was a functioning Navy Base in town in those days… you can just imagine the dialogue between the tired cashier/owner and a drunken sailor, one day away from shipping out on an aircraft carrier for 3 months at sea!), and the fact of the matter is, all I did was stand in the back room, take out trays of dough (that were in this wheeled cabinet… where balls of dough, previously measured and cut and dusted with flour, have spent 4 hours rising), and roll the dough into a pizza shape and put them in a metal pan and, finally, stacking them up, awaiting the order for a pizza, when the skilled pizza guy would take the pan, spread the sauce and pepperoni and such and bake the pizza.

I wasn’t making pizza at all!

at last!! I finally understand why I’ve always had such trouble living up to my potential in school and, why my resume is replete with oddly difficult and challenging jobs, none of which required me to bring to bear any knowledge or expertise, learned and otherwise acquired in high school, college or graduate school!  These jobs, including, but not limited to: spindle threader (giant mill building filled with fabric making machines), machine operator (bending sheets of steel for swimming pools), commercial fisherman, replacement window salesmen, were, I now see, were simply to prepare me for this, …blog-writing about the Wakefield Doctrine and sharing the strangely interesting perspective that it offers all who read, understand and apply (the principles).

..thanks, Kristi!

(oh, wait!  I do remember something about my tenure as pizza preparer! I became bored somewhere about 3/4s of the way through my 3rd day on the job. No surprise. And, if we’re honest in our recollections, we can accept that when you’re 13, boredom is so easily transformed into resentment. Being a clark, finding an outlet for this energy is all the more important and so, I found myself  writting little messages on the bottoms of the pizza crusts (you know, like with toast?  make a depression and it’s barely visible until the browning of the toaster creates the contrast.) Nothing overly aggressive… at first, things like ‘Hi!’ and then, “Help me” and… as the novelty wore off, predictable stuff like, ‘are you sure?’  ‘who really cares?’

This is a fun bloghop. Allow me to return the favor and invite everyone to the TToT, which is tomorrow.


Another. Attempt. At. Six. Sentence. Stories. -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Taking a cue, (and exhibiting the remarkable secret-ego of the clarklike personality type), from Lizzi, (who writes with a skill and youthful abandon that I can imagine, yet know that I have too many years of practice being careful to even think about attempting), I will again charge zoe’s bloghop with quixotic relish.

“…I’m sorry, but six pounds.”

“Yes! the test was done 3 times and …and! the answer remains the same: six pounds.”

“No, at this point, there is no reason to check a 4th time. Ontologically, there is no basis or grounds for hope of a different outcome.”

“No, there is nothing that can be done. The standard of deviation in matters of this…. nature, is no more than .7 pounds, and even that is when one is in a state of rest that statistically, most of us can only dream of attaining.”

