-the Wakefield Doctrine- (“I’m not just the Doctrine writer, I’m a follower too!”) | the Wakefield Doctrine -the Wakefield Doctrine- (“I’m not just the Doctrine writer, I’m a follower too!”) | the Wakefield Doctrine

-the Wakefield Doctrine- (“I’m not just the Doctrine writer, I’m a follower too!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Woke up this morning feeling a bit…pre-aggravated.  Looked around, nothing to write about. Sat in front of this here computer here and… still nothing. The thought then occurred to me that this situation is not all that uncommon (well, alright, not uncommon among clarks) and there is something that the Wakefield Doctrine has that would be helpful (to me).

…still nothing.

Now, I’m starting to get pissed off. (yeah, I know….progress!)  Finally I went searching the blog archives for old Posts and stumbled upon the one below. As I watched the amazing video clip/illustration of the personality types, I realized what I should have remembered as soon as I woke up: ‘I am responsible for how I feel’.
“Hey!!! but…but!”,   astute Readers are trying to yell at their computer screens, unfortunately before they’ve finished swallowing that last sip of coffee, leaving caffeine-based punctuation on what they’re reading,   ” but!!! you’re a clark!!  you’re not of the world of feelings! you are a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile“!!
When it comes to emotions and feelings and such, I am indeed, ‘a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile’, fortunately for me, I have the Wakefield Doctrine to remind me that, though I live in the world of the Outsider, all seemingly intellectual and not all feely and such, I do have, within, the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’.

I began to feel a little…. not better, more  ‘ok, there’s something that I can do about this‘…. which, as we all know, is my scottian aspect asserting itself. Our friend Christine is, at this moment, muttering at her computer, “damn straight, yo” , (or words to that effect.)
Of course, we all know that part of the conflict within clarks, when feeling ‘pre-aggravated’ is a result of the resistance of their scottian aspect to the notion of simply letting the world roll over us.

Hey, this has been good for me, but time to get to work. I am leaving y’all with a re-post from way long ago… it’s about scotts.  You all know a scott. (If you’re a clark, then it’s your actual best friend, if you’re a roger, then it’s your current favorite best friend… and if you’re a scott, it’s your clarklike best friend, though you won’t think that at first*)

(from November 10 2011)

The Wakefield Doctrine  has a thing about looking at people, you know, how they act and stuff?  …we guarantee that if you got the smarts to understand this, (and not everyone does),  then you will know more about that other person than they know about themselves.  Pretty frickin cool, no?  But if you’re looking for one of those,  “Six Ways to get any Boy to Like you” or  “Satisfy the Woman in your dreams!! ”  or ” How to get your Boss off your back!”  self-improvement things  then stop reading. Right now.
This Wakefield Doctrine thing is so not that kind of personality theory.  (Not saying that you won’t be able to ‘satisfy the Woman in your Dreams’ or ‘get your Boyfriend a Job’), just that what we have here takes a little more….  flexible intelligence. So.  Read already!

No, the Wakefield Doctrine is not like those other self-development books….the Wakefield Doctrine is fun and it is useful and it is fun…

Today we are going to talk about scotts!  (Want to get a quick overview of the Doctrine?  go here and read….be sure to come back!)

scotts, scotts scotts!  where to start?   … hell, it’s Thursday, lets take the easy way out just to get the ball rolling, so to speak.1

Some bullets points relating to the nature and character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are totally emotional but in a way so very different from rogers,  mercurial is the right word for the emotional characteristic of scotts
  • scott   in a band?  the ‘front man’ every time  (don’t believe me? go look at the photo of the progenitors, click here  those three mugs were in a band together (yeah, I know!) and can you tell me who the front man was?…hell  you know which one is the Progenitor scott without anyone telling you, don’t you?)
  • at a party scotts will  introduce themselves (…..to everyone)
  • when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, …hardly ever both.  (ed note: 2014  ‘ha ha’)
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (go ahead….ask us why)

Seeing how the scottian population is, of late, growing here at the Doctrine, lets cater to the their totally famous short attention-spans  and use a video that shows us a scott doing what they do best!  Watch and learn, binyons!

How scottian was David Caruso’s character? how clarklike was DeNiro’s character?  and the cop that backed down to the scott?, not toorogerian !  Hell! he was the only one in the scene to have a hat on his damn head!
So lets review:

clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.    scotts are often wrong, but never uncertain.  scotts make good leaders, (at least when decisive action is required…when long-term objectives take precedence over short-term victory…not so much).     scotts are ‘the life of the party’… scotts are the best of joke tellers and are natural mimics.  scotts will feed on rogers and enjoy the challenge of clarks… scotts will give you the shirt off his back/ the use of her boyfriend but will not tolerate being ignored… they are un-selfish and short-sighted… ingenious and stupid…  emotional and shallow… sexy and predatory… endearing and dangerous…  get the picture?


1) that’s a joke for the scotts reading this


* meaning…if your back is to the wall and you’re going to have to go up against overwhelming odds, your clarklike friend is your best bet… most of the time, passive and half asleep, get them riled up and they be crazy


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. christine says:

    I’m more of a “hell, yes!” than “damn straight”, but it means the same. And yes, I was thinking that. :)
    A prominent throat tendon?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      yeah those things that stand out in the front part of the throat (vertically, to either side of the throat… I believe the medical term is: ‘rip-the-flesh-from-the-vanquished-prey-onus)
