there are three (3) ways to say this: the Wakefield Doctrine (alright….one way) | the Wakefield Doctrine there are three (3) ways to say this: the Wakefield Doctrine (alright….one way) | the Wakefield Doctrine

there are three (3) ways to say this: the Wakefield Doctrine (alright….one way)

Wakefield Doctrine here…hello there!

Did you miss last night’s Saturday Night Drive?  You did, cause we had a full dashboard1 and I didn’t hear your name when the Machine Lady announced. ” the Caller ___  has joined the Conference”.  Hey, it surely must suck to be you this fine Sunday morning. Unless you are among our friends living on the Marshall Islands  ( Official Motto “No way! I was sure today was Thursday”   read more *)
In any event, it was a glorious night to be alive…in a car (literally or digitally) ‘surrounded by Wakefield’.  In attendance this particular evening were:

  • DS#1  battling alligators and overcoming the suffocating and deadly miasma de ennui of wandering herds of feral rogers  DS was ready with  ‘reference ‘n resource’ ,  should the conversation veer into unknown regions
  • Molly was in da house… she is always there, with a laser-like ability to listen…(for you really old people.  think of the character ‘Benson’  in the 1970’s sitcom ‘Soap’  only less acerbic….and not a guy)
  • Alex Crabtree… first time on the Drive…acquitted himself quite well,  we were talking about the weather in our respective geographical regions, ( yeah, out-of-control conversation lol) and Alex hit us with a ‘visual’ to the effect that the terrain is so flat that you can see three ‘towns’ at one glance and distinguish them from their respective church steeples…good chops    (for a scott)
  • speaking of scotts our Ms AKH was riding shotgun… things were not allowed to get dull

All in all it was fun and educational!   ( Why yes! I do need to get all teacherly and semidantic…I’m a frickin clark,  yo ). In any event, Alex will be sending us a photo of his Wakefield Doctrine hat ( on his damn head)  and in case you live in his area,  you might want to be prepared for some changes!  It turns out that Alex was not aware of the Right of Hat!!  I mean, he liked the idea of having a hat of his own (with ‘scott‘ in red letters) but he was not aware of the special powers of said hat…but don’t take my word for it, go read it for yourself here…. ( hey, if it wasn’t true we wouldn’t be allowed to publish it!  and besides it says somewhere in that Post, that the information came (in part) from Wikipedia. So there!)

So, lets keep today’s Post short…there is a Sunday out there… even the clarks need to get outside!  Following is the Post as originally written early last night.

“…how to say this… a person who… is a….”

Followers of the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )  the fun and the challenge, the hurdle to jump and the triumph of good effort are all found in presenting you the Reader with examples of the personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. Let’s rephrase that just a touch,  ‘…examples of people exhibiting behavior associated with one of the three worldviews referred to as clarks, scotts or rogers‘…no, one more teeny adjustment, ‘…examples of the behavior that is appropriate when considering the world as experienced by (one) of the three personality types i.e. clarks or scotts or rogers.
…yeah, that’s better.   Now, where were we?

New Readers?  Do not worry….that (last section?) did not make a lot of sense, we admit that… but then again, if reading and learning, understanding and benefiting from the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) were easy you would have already heard about it, now wouldn’t you? (have)2

1) when a person calls in on the Saturday Night Drive,  the car, which has that Bluetooth thing, uses the audio system to handle the call, that way everyone in the car can hear (you) and everyone else in the dashboard can hear each other and so forth and so on….

2) alright….quick basics:  The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people are born with the potential to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways and that is our perception of the world that drives our behavior/personality types. At an early age we all settle on one of these three ways of seeing the world and we call that becoming a clark or a scott or a roger. However, it is essential to know that we always retain the capacity to experience the world as the ‘other two’ would. This explains why, when some people first learn about the Wakefield Doctrine, they will say things like, “Hey! (their scottian aspect) I tried this personality thing out cause it sounded interesting (their clarklike aspect) but sometimes I act like a scott and other times I am definitely a roger! Your theory does not work! ( hello, roger)”.    
Not to worry, we all go through that.  But as Molly brought out in a recent conversation, when you are trying to determine if someone (else) is a clark or a scott or roger, that you try using the Doctrine like a filter…do they match up with the rogerian?…then try the scottian…and so on.
And do not forget, this is meant to be fun!  Really, it is cool and interesting and will help you change things about yourself that you have never been able to change, but it is fun…so relax  enjoy yerself  and call us next Saturday!


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one