Month: January 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: January 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Personal Relationship Advice, Wakefield Doctrine style

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) Personal Relationship Advice Post (slash) Guide.

clarkscottroger sometimes the lines blur

This is the second in the series of really-trying-to-get-found-by-search-engines Posts,  with all the keywords in the title and all.  Hey, you want to hear something odd?  (yeah, ok…odder) The Post that is ‘the landing page’ that Readers get here by lately is the “One, Two, Three, Four Can I have  a little more”  Post. Wish I knew why that was,  I would write 6 more of ’em and we would be damn popular.

The Relationship Advice that the Wakefield Doctrine has, offers everyone something different. Well, it offers everyone three different things….( jeez!  all right!  ) … the Wakefield Doctrine  offers everyone three intertwined viewpoints that are related, but in practical terms, comprise three totally different personality types.  (You people got that? can we please move on now? I do have a life and it is not getting any longer… )
(All kidding aside), the above illustrates the challenge inherent in any theory of personality,  that is predicated on knowing the frame of reference  of the subject. This, in contrast, to the many personality theories that simply are a laundry list of actions, behaviors, traits and tendencies. They have it totally easy, all they do is say look at this list and pick which most describes you. Like you’re gonna pick the traits that are in conflict with your self-image! Even here, at the blog of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, people are people and if you read a description of a persoanlity type that you think is not complimentary, you are probably not going to sign up under the  “loves children, gets off on the suffering of others, cherishes family but does not like to share, self-conscious to near autistic levels” category, are you now?

Here at the Wakefield Doctrine, we got you covered! You do not have to describe yourself, all you have to do is describe the world. The world that you experience, the world that you live in, the real world. Gots nothing to do with you, nothing personal,  all we need to know is what type of environment do you wake up to each and every morning? Here, try this:

The world is:

  • a puzzle, full of things that are interesting and people who are relating to each other in a way that is just out of reach, almost but not quite understandable
  • a challenge, invigorating, everything and everyone is in motion, every detail is important if it is moving towards you, so does not matter if it is moving away…
  • makes sense, what are you saying what is the world like? it is that it is..
  • full of people, they sound like people you could relate to if only you knew more
  • food, shelter sex
  • tradition, stability, continuity
  • where the joy of life lies in the simple things, the hunt…the chase…the pre-kill…the kill…
  • knowledge like a crossword puzzle, you know everything is supposed to fit together, you really don’t think they put in random pieces, but sometimes….maybe they did…
  • the beauty of  people as they learn about how they can work together and that rules when followed are not rules, they are as it must have been meant to be…

See?  Wasn’t that better? The 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are described in this short list. The beauty part is that it is not about you, it is about the world. No one here is put on the spot to reveal what they think is the right way to act, at risk of looking like a loser. NO. We simply say, tell us what the world looks like to you and we can tell you which of the three types of personality you are,  a clark or a scott or a roger.
Pretty simple, isn’t it?

(Speaking of pretty simple.  Ms. AKH raised a question about the scottian character that is actually kinda of informative…in a simple.. scottian way, nothing overly complicated but an interesting illustration of one of the basic ( have I used the word simple too much yet)…quality of the scottian personality..let’s listen in…)

… scotts respond on instinct which is both their strength and their total weakness…strength because of the speed of response, weakness because of the simple matter that just as scotts are comfortable being submissive, providing that they know their ranking, they (scotts) have a point of give up that makes them the easiest of prey…

…scotts are COMFORTABLE being submissive? the easiest of prey?! do tell…

 …stand by that statement… it has to do with the concept of ranking. Ranking for a scott is as critical to the well-being of a scott as does the presence of the herd for a roger
the clue to this (being true) is that this ‘submissiveness’ is only to a dominant equal

…thank you for clarifying this for our new readers


3 personality types as described in the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

With today’s Post, we are going to get all search friendly. We will be using and placing keywords like clarkscottroger, personality theory and 3 personality types. The reason that this makes us ‘search friendly’,  is that when a person does a google search (for say personality types), google ‘goes out’ and surveys every site in the internet and when it spots a keyword, that particular site will be included in the search results. Given how we want people to hear about and learn about  the Wakefield Doctrine and it’s incredibly useful and unique advice on relationships and other personal matters, we thought we would try to give the google a hand.  We are aware of this search-ability thing  because our own DownSpring,  Ms AKH  says so. Far be it from us to question a scott in possession of specific technical information. Ms. AKH has been totally at work trying to figure out how we can get the Doctrine in front of everyone on the internet. Aided by her trusty sidekick Doug, (think Batman and Robin…only not as gay) she has made suggestions with a persistence that while not as much fun as the Death by a Thousand Cuts, does have an effect over time.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a unique way to look at the people in your life. Your family and your friends, your co-workers and fellow students. Everyone.  The  viewpoint, the perspective that the Doctrine offers you is incredibly helpful.  Very simply, we think that the more you understand about other people, the better your life can be. If that does not make sense to you then perhaps you might have more fun at a blog like,  or  (tell ’em the Doctrine sent you).

Have you ever had someone say something or do something that caused you say to yourself, “Why would they do ( or say) something like that?”  You know how it feels. One minute you are enjoying the company of another person and the next minute they do something that you just did not see coming.  And it isn’t always  the mean or cruel or spiteful things, sometimes it is the just the un-expected things that make you wonder about the other person. The kind of actions or statements that has you wondering if you really know that person or not. And it is usually nothing overly dramatic, one of your children begins to do their chores without having to be asked, or your husband compliments you on something that you did without thinking.
If you have ever been in any of these situations, the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is just what you need.

There are more theories of personality, personality types and 20 Questions Schedules that offer  to tell you who you should marry/ go out with/ get rid of/ try to be more like, out there in the world than you can virtually shake a digital stick at. Everywhere you turn, someone is telling you that they can help you figure it all out (whatever ‘it’ may be…perfect mate, lose weight…find job or the perfect line to get that girl of your dreams…).  So, your question at this point should be, Why another Three Personality Types?

Because you have not yet found the one that you really are satisfied with, an approach to life that you believe is helping you get what you want, otherwise  you would not still be reading this here blog here, would you now?

So, in closing we will pose the question floating above many Readers heads ( you  know, those thought balloons that cartoon characters have over their heads to indicate thought as opposed to speech): So what? Why should I bother trying to understand another person?

Answer: No reason. At least there is no reason that can come from us. We know we like the Wakefield Doctrine and we also appreciate  the value we find from knowing about clarks, scotts and rogers. Chances are, if you have read this far and still want to see something written that will convince you that this is the real deal, personality types-wise, then you need to get on back out there, keeping searching the internet for the answer. The Doctrine is not for everyone. Hey, who knows? You might find a site that will take you by the hand and guide you to happiness. You never know, it might happen.

So, here is the lowdown on the Wakefield Doctrine.

Everyone is born with the potential to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways:

  • an outsider never a part of, feeling shy yet never going un-noticed, creative yet un-willing to take credit for their creations, living inside their heads, trying to have a life sustained by the energy from remembering past triumphs and fearing future defeats and searching for the knowledge that will change it all
  • a predator, always on the prowl, living in the world of predator and prey constantly on the alert for (larger) predators and never resting in the hunt for food, eschewing the subjective and reflective life beyond eat, sleep, defecate and reproduce…in other words, a natural leader
  • a member of: the team, the family, the group, the community, the world is one of rules and standards, the highest good is to preserve the past and the most efficient way to accomplish that is build structures,  physical and social and cultural and moral, your legacy is that you are what you identify with

 …and at a certain age we become predominately one of these three. Our personalities, our traits of behavior are simply appropriate responses to the world we experience, given the ‘bias’ described above.

We retain the qualities of the other two characteristic ways. With some people, they are extremely ‘of the one type’ and as such,  their capacity to see the other two viewpoints is deeply buried,  out of reach. Others,  such as the people here at the Doctrine (and by definition, you the Reader ) are not as caught up in their predominant viewpoint and can imagine the world of the other two.

So come on down. Glad to have you. Read this stuff and write a Comment and ask for a hat. Go visit Friends of the Doctrine like  girlie-on-the-edge and  KJ Workman

But we always try to have fun here…

enough frivolity!


and started to fly in the infinite sky

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

This site is dedicated to presenting what we have come to call the Wakefield Doctrine. A ‘homepsun’ theory of personality, the Doctrine (as it is often truncated in name) offers a unique, useful and fun way to look at the behavior of the people in our lives. Sometimes referred to as a ‘theory of personality’, the Wakefield Doctrine is more of a ‘shorthand’, a codex quare infernum sunt sicut agens,  if you will, that has evolved over 20 or 30 years of observation of the human condition.

Here at the Doctrine, composed as we are of a number of… highly disparate personalities ( …hey he called us disparate…whats dat mean…bet its somethin dirty…) as often as we butt heads over means and methods employed to present this theory of personality, we nevertheless remain  inextricably bound by the truth of this thing of  ours, in that we all share in the traits of the three forms, clarks, scotts and rogers and it is only the preponderance of one (set of traits) over the other that causes one person to smile sweetly and invite the other to a false level of intimacy while a minute later another (of us) is capable of pushing away the group and ingratiating themselves into a group that had heretofore been reviled.

Go figure.

What I started to say, we are always trying to move on, grow and develop. So for the fun of it…lets try to be Mel!!1



Fox Sports chairman calls for shorter NASCAR races


CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Fox Sports chairman David Hill believes NASCAR races need to be shortened to fit into a three-hour broadcast window.

Hill said Monday night the length of races — many stretch well into a fourth hour — is one of the problems that’s contributed to NASCAR’s sinking television ratings.

“I think the racing is far too long,” Hill said during Charlotte Motor Speedway’s annual media tour. “There is more diversion, more opportunities for stuff than any other time in man’s history.”

Hill said the ideal for Fox would be a four-hour broadcast window, with 40 minutes of pre-race coverage and 20 minutes of post-race coverage. Asked if he’d push NASCAR to shorten any of its races, Hill didn’t miss a beat.

“NASCAR doesn’t negotiate,” he deadpanned.

…Hostage Negotiators were flown to Charlotte as satellite photos indicated a dramatic increase in the traffic heading into the city. “Mostly F10s and quite a few Camaros”, remarked imagery specialists, when asked about what the photos indicated. Tent cites have begun to spring up in the suburbs around this  city often described as the  “Mecca of race car drivin and such”  In Washington, the White House (…”thats right! it’s call the White House and it always has been called that, so shut up!”…) announced yesterday that is is monitoring the situation, but plans no action at the present time. When one reporter asked, “Will President Obama go there to speak to the NASCAR-istas?” the terse reply was,  “yeah, right!”

Well, that was…fun…kind of interesting.
Mel, dude! Hats off with the topical Posts…they lot harder than they look. Not only do you have to take the time to find a story, then you got to clip it from the source (like boning a fish, leave it looking like the original, minus it’s structure!). Then,  getting the photos in place, (that took about twenty minutes right there)…and finally, if that were not enough,  you need to write something (quote) original (unquote) something funny has to go after the story!! Like thats gonna happen every other day. Damn.
I think I best be leavin the topical stuff to Mel, the prospect of a future in which I spend my time cutting and pasting news stories from Yahoo News just to get something up here, nah… one day has been quite enough, thank you. Besides, I suspect  that the target demographic for the Wakefield Doctrine is not gonna have Yahoo on their Twitter account. Just a hunch, but given today’s experience trust me when I say, you do not want to spend your excess free time at Yahoo News! You know Fox News? and their whole politico-cultural-reactionistic mindset?   Yahoo makes Fox look like the Berkeley Free Press, (except not as subtle).

1) Mel, the creator and author of the excellent Spatula in the Wilderness…. (co-Protagonist in the soon to be completed screenplay for a totally indie film Project…working title: Oh, blog!  Part 1)


you shoulda been there


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers). Your source of all things clark, scott and roger related. Accept no substitutes, damn it.

You like totally should of been there1 last night. We caught a glimpse of the future and one thing is for sure, I am glad to be part of the Wakefield Doctrine. Granted the vision that we saw was a bit fuzzy and maybe there was a drop-out or two as the evening progressed,  (just to cover the full demographic of our readership, picture sitting at your computer and the download time goes way down, constant hourglass-thingie. You get some aluminum foil and tape it to the monitor and every now and then you flatten the foil out, maybe bang the side of the screen with the heel of your hand.)

Last night’s Wakefield was sort of like that. In attendance was:

  • glenn downspring and avatar of the scottian male (NA culture circa 2011)  riding shotgun2 it is becoming increasingly obvious that a navigator, co-pilot or at very least a PA is necessary on the drive to Wakefield theses days
  • DS#1 from the Sunshine State, she appeared to have assumed the role/function of the Designated Rational Adult (DRA) which was fortunate for the rest of us as besides the constant danger of mistaking a RED stoplight for a GREEN stoplight, the path to and about Wakefield is apparently lousy with wormholes and timewarps3
  • Ms AKH  who, once we got tired of seeing ourselves on the video playback, was called to inject some maturity into the rapidly devolving dialogue
  • my-own-self driver, chief cinematographer (’cause it was my camera)

Anyway, I think you get the picture. The camera recorded 21 minutes of a virtual meeting of Progenitors and DownSprings during an actual drive through Wakefield…in high def.

Tell me this is not very promising.

Before we lose all our new Readers and/orVisitors and FOTD  (Hey Mel! We will work the bugs out of the system before you get “the Call”, we totally promise. Clear your calendar for Saturday night, early March around 7:45 EST (6:45 CT check your local listings).

New Readers? This is not your typical Post here at the Wakefield Doctrine. This is actually more focused than most that you will find. But we try to always have something useful and instructive in terms of the Doctrine, how you can use the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to better understand the behavior of the people in your life. And all kidding aside, this thing of ours is actually a very useful tool for that purpose. What we have here is a simple and fun way to get a ‘quick look’ from inside the head of the other person, the person you can’t figure out. Seeing the world as the other person does, has always been the Solomon Stone of psychology, self-help, most major religions and hardly any political viewpoints.

Here at the Wakefield Doctrine we simply say, “The people you live with, work with, and play with are either a clark or a scott or a roger. And each of these three types experience the world with a different bias, a different set of rules (for behavior). If you are a clark and your husband is a roger, then with the Wakefield Doctrine you will understand why the hell he does those really annoying things that he does, at the least opportune times. And if you are a roger and the girl you want to go out with is a scott then here is what she will respond to if you want to get her to like you”
That kind of helpful advice. We have that and much more, and if you are still reading, chances are you have the kind of “flexible intelligence’ that it seems to take to get this whole theory of clarks, scotts and rogers thing and do something good for yourself.

That and hats! We have (nearly free) hats (for your damn head). Simply write a little Comment at the bottom of this Post and we will send you the appropriate hat. Don’t worry, we will know which hat to send.

Well, that’s all for now….

Hey! AKH  you seem to have the magic touch with getting the Doctrine out to these yahoos…I will leave the linking out in your capable hands. Now get out there on that (digital) street and get us some Readers…. (ha, ha)

1.)  Why in the car on the drive to Wakefield, of course!
2.) the Progenitor roger has a Post that includes this ubiquitous , america-car-obsessed-culture-based term, go read about it at the Lag a Muffin
3.) the timewarps and wormholes are a Wakefield related epiode(s) that we will be studying as it is not clear whether they are  a phenomenon coming from the drive in and of itself or merely the result  of a common history of the passengers in the car…stay tuned!


thats un savoureux petit Doctrine, miam miam

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Lets talk.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a ‘theory of personality’ the same way that your grandmother or mother (or wife or husband) is a chef. What they can do is produce food that you and your family look forward to eating and of course, everyone enjoys and benefits from their efforts both as  food and (as) a social occasion. Not only that,  your husband or wife or boyfriend or grandmother uses most of the same tools and ingredients and equipment that Le Cordon Bleu chef will use. Both will work with food in a kitchen environment that is essentially the same  and (all) produce meals that are good and good for you, the only difference:

your grandmother will never be on television, your mom will never write a book that will be found in bookstores, your wife or your husband will never have a meal named after them (on the menu of a restaurant).

Who is the better cook?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine.

Do not think that we are apologizing for our grandmothers or our lack of empirical date (supporting this here theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, here). We are not. But just because the techniques and tricks and recipes of your “family chef” have certain limitations, does not preclude us  from being determined to try and rise above the confines of the ‘novelty blog’ category with the Wakefield Doctrine. Point in fact, it is the goal of all involved with this blogsite to take what we have learned about human personality and behavior and, with no small amount of chutzpah, put it in front of as many people as possible. Our very immodest intent is quite simply to get people to see the world through the lens of our little Doctrine

There is no “WHY?” question here. (The only possible answer would be, “Why not?”)  To take that approach would have the fault of being  un-necessarily modest. Our intent is, with all of the means available to us,  presenting/promoting/publicising/pushing the Wakefield Doctrine in order to have some effect on the world, if only 30 or 40 people worth. Maybe more than that, (perhaps 300 or 400) people will read about this thing and find the same usefulness that we do and these people will benefit from having come to this blog and learned about our ‘theory or personality’.
But hey,  everyone starts out as someone’s son/husband/brother/grandson/girlfriend/yeah,they used to live right down the street before they turned into a celebrity or an authority or a mover or a shaker (the Hollywood variety not the Pennsylvania type).
Take Martha Stewart (…”please”) she was someones mother at a point in time prior to becoming a valued NYSE listed commodity…might have been your mother, but probably not. She was Alexis’s mother

Be that as it may. Lets take a quick look at our “cookbook” so that  our more credential-dependent Readers can continue to enjoy this blog and still get something useful from your visit today.

clarks: quiet but always manage to get noticed, introspective but aggressive, creative and intellectual yet capable of blindingly stupid stubbornness when they believe they have an understanding of the situation;
scotts: free-spirited extroverts who feed on the discomfort of others, natural leaders who inspire confidence and will spring into action regardless of how ill-conceived the action or ill-prepared for the unexpected they might be;
rogers: precise and exact and they would have invented OCD (if it had not already existed), sociable, likable and prone to extreme prejudice, with the right tools they will build the infrastructure of the civilized world just so they will have people to pass judgement on

Thats a pretty basic set of ‘recipes’ or down-home culinary technique, isn’t it?
Don’t you think your grandmom had fun teaching your mother to cook on cold winter evenings? The food at your house? doesn’t it taste as good as the food you could learn to prepare by spending 5 years in a culinary school? No? You think the chef, by virtue of all their formal training  is better off? Well, here is a little look at their world


What does the term “seasonal affective disorder” or “seasonal affect disorder” mean?


It has long been observed that the incidence of depression varies with the seasons. For example, depression and suicide seem to be more frequent in the population during the spring months in men but more common in the autumn and winter in women. In the 1980s a small group of patients considered to be suffering from manic-depressive illnesses were noted to follow a cyclical pattern with depression in the winter and mania in the summer. It was also noted that latitude had an effect on these illnesses in that moving north made depression worse and moving south had a beneficial effect (at least for those living in the northern hemisphere). The term seasonal affective disorder (SAD), has been coined to describe this small group of sufferers.

Melatonin (Circadin) helps as a treatment of seasonal affective disorder.

Which modality will you be using? We’ve been training all year and summer, but I’ve been reading extra materials based in the theoretical orientation of my program. Also I’ve watched other students’ sessions and “expert” example sessions.
(This last is a direct quote from a site catering to pre-doc psych students who want to worry outloud if they will be wonderful enough when they go into actual clinical practice (I believe the preceding quotes from various psychological advice sites would answer their question, don’t you?


Question by ‘mysteryasker person: Need advice with psychology/counseling careers?
I have a passion for all types of psychology and counseling. I am most interested in family therapy. However my dream job is to be an equine assisted therapist, or practice hippotherapy with troubled teens and children and adults with autism and asperger’s. I do not want a job where I am smiply trying to decide what mental illness this person has. I want to work with people who don’t necessarily have a psychological disorder but instead need guidance or help with personal/emotional/family issues. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is it better to pick a profession you’re passionate about or to go with whichever pays the most? I personally feel that if you’re passionate about you’re career youll go farther. Really need some help on this one. If anyone can give me a list of careers in the field I just described and the pay rate I’d really appreciate it! Thanks.

Best answer:
Answer by xxxx and her family (pf equally unqualified answer persons)
before becoming a good therapist, it is better to get your self evaluated by qualified psychologists.
check your IQ and EQ levels, attitude and aptitude tests and get your behaviour and mind fully analysed by psycho analysts and behaviour therapists.
then only you can choose whether to become a family counselor or clinical psychologist.
you can do a major in special education and get employment in schools for mentally challenged people.


(Dr. xxx’s un-related advice):

Well Kim, you are in one of the most unfortunate positions a person can be in in terms of family or friends. Many of us have gone through a situation where a friend or loved one seems to choose someone who is probably not that great a match. There can be many reasons why people choose to pair up with someone who might be detrimental to their life or their other relationships, but it is rare when someone is able to intervene and help that person make a meaningful change in their life. You usually have to ask yourself a couple of questions, such as “what is my sister getting out of this relationship, and why does she stay in it?” I recently read an article about research being done by John Farra at Central Michigan University that lists six possible reasons why women in particular choose poorly in relationships, and these are:

1. Low Self-Concept or Self-Esteem
2. The Need to Nurture
3. Excitement
4. The Need to be Nurtured
5. Wanting to Control
6. Chemistry

Now these six apply more specifically to why women choose “bad boys”, but could probably apply more generally to why people make their choices in relationships in general. Once people better understand the motivations behind their relationship choices, they can often more readily act in a more healthy manner in the relationship. Of course, the biggest issue here is whether your sister sees her future husband’s alcoholism as a problem, or if she even defines it as such. The question I would have more specifically for you is how are you defining the term BLAH BLAH Frickin shut up BLAH (I added that last part, ed.)


Hey Ma! Wait!  Don’t start cooking without me! I wanna watch….