I hear you knockin’, go back where you been | the Wakefield Doctrine I hear you knockin’, go back where you been | the Wakefield Doctrine

I hear you knockin’, go back where you been


“…The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness“…(Ezekiel 25:17)

What the hell are you starin at?

oh, yeah …”lets go to that Doctrine thing and see what music videos that have up there…oh, man…look those people are writing in ‘google-spanish’ again, how frickin’  clever of them”…

Hey!  Reader!  Write something!

clarks: those of you who are right now, totally sure they get this Doctrine thing and have the one piece that has been missing to this whole thing and when you write it in, everyone will get this fairly clever thing, but you need to work on the phrasing before you write the Comment…cause…it really is important to get it just right…and hell maybe someday, huh?

scotts: yeah, easy to get huh? you’re not afraid to write a Comment, all those other simps get too complicated..you got this shit down…you know the only thing missing here is more “fucks”…people don’t write Comments cause they haven’t heard you shout it in their face…yeah  we get that

rogers: …not even gonna bother…. you are correct, this is not entirely about you…so there is no reason to give it another thought…maybe another time…having as fuller than full life as you do, it’s a surprise that you are even reading this far…  hey!  fuck you

So why the time? why the electrons glued to your screen? Why I am bothering if this is all such a waste?

Because the the second thing that this Wakefield Doctrinehas, that none of the other frickin theories of frickin personality have is: an accounting for the connection between the different types. By now, we all know what a clark or a scott or a roger  “look like”  and we all remember something about ‘how everyone has all three potential characteristics’…well today’s Post is all about being a CLARKscottroger… yes AKH, just like the hat (on your damn head)

This Post, in and of itself is todays, Wakefield Doctrine  Lesson of the Day:

it takes a clark to create something as unique and non-connected and original as the Wakefield Doctrine…it takes a scott to actually want and enjoy the  shouting it in the face of anyone who gets near and only a roger would take it all this so personally that you will see Posts like this one…so…Readers?

…don’t care if you read this, I know how much everyone enjoys this… and by the way…..fuck you!!!…. (and can you see how this so further validates the whole concept?)


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring#1 says:

    Kudos. (imagine an entire audience doing the “thumb” clap a la Seinfeld )

  2. Girlieontheedge says:

    No one recites Ezekiel 25:17 like Sam L.

    Odd this no comment thing indeed. But I kind of get it. Maybe it’s some sort of mass lethargy that overcomes people when surfing the net. It can be exhausting you know. lol Has the Pied Piper of Hamelin been in cyber space lately……?

  3. AKH says:

    yeah yeah yeah well here’s something for you:
    why the hell aren’t you visitors leaving comments? huh? we see that you’ve been “stopping by” but we have yet to hear from you. afraid? maybe hesitant ’cause you think what you say is not going to be “right?” there is no wrong or right here (well kinda) and you’ll be anonymous. you can use whatever name you want. how about “they’lllaughatme”? is that what you’re afraid of? what good is the Doctrine if we can’t have active participants? it’s great for the small few of us who continue to contribute and comment. but dammit, we KNOW you are following from somewhere. come on, tell us what you think. ask anything you want (as it pertains to the Doctrine) we really do want to hear from you. since you are following, then obviously the Doctrine is of some benefit to you.
    just leave a frickin’ comment already…