let’s join this Post, already in progress | the Wakefield Doctrine let’s join this Post, already in progress | the Wakefield Doctrine

let’s join this Post, already in progress

( …I don’t know…well, don’t look at me…I’m not looking at you…yes you are…you are me, so how the hell can I be looking at you…huh? tell me that… )

Sea Monkeys

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) and at present the scene of intro/retro/serio-comic/limited -pectations. Or something like that. You have caught us, and by “us” we mean the entity who is writing these (particular) words, which is not the exact same thing as the entity who is writing these Posts in general and totally not to mean the person writing (or attempting to write) the whole current Wakefield Doctrine blog. (Don’t get me started on the role of influences and/or implied interactions with both known and unknown people).

In the ‘early days’ of this blog, (ha, frickin ha,  “early days”, don’t make me laugh… this frickin thing has been around all of a total of 12 or 13 months, not exactly ready for the Smithsonian, yo). And yes, I am using the term ‘frickin’ a lot, and yes I am using it as a verbal placeholder for the word ‘fuck’, and no I don’t believe that this constitutes a less than honest use of language, only fuckin glenn is so self-limiting as to think that there is no such thing as over-using an invective, or any word for that matter. (And besides, with all the work AKH and DS#1 are doing to try and get the Doctrine more Readers and in general get us more ‘mainstream, they would both be all over me for getting us classified “Adult Content” or “Pretentious and Gratuitous Use of Vulagarity” or “Why Bother?” by the google search engine.

Well, Mr. Post Writer, now that you have successfully cleared the room of any new Readers, Visitors or anyone other than the regulars who are used to your specialbrand of meandering, overly self-absorbed Post writing that fortunately shows up on an unpredictable, but mercifully rare occasion,  What it is now? 
Before we get into trying to write a Post, one of my favorite rogerian expressions, just passed us by. The source of this rogerian expression, I swear I did not make up. There was a Comment written to a real estate blog from a person claiming to be a successful broker; this writer concluded his explanation of the personality of the average agent as:  “…and in my opinion and experience, I have found most agents to be much too self-absorbent”. Really. He actually wrote those words. (New Readers? If the concept of a rogerian expression is confusing, then clearly you have not done even the most basic of reading about the Doctrine. All the information is here, in these pages. What say you just stop here and go back and read each of the pages on clarks and scotts and rogers. It is all listed in the Table of Contents. There you go, go read quietly and come back when you have a little better grasp of this thing of ours.)

Damn, lost my train of thought. lol (yeah I know that is an outdated expression, that nobody uses anymore. Well,  fuck you.)

All of this (Post) is the result of letting myself get distracted by the ‘numbers’. (These would be the numbers of Visits and/or Readers…roger). And even though all of us know that it is not about the popularity of this thing, every now and then and on some periodic basis (fuck you , glenn) we get caught up in the “why bother? mood.  We get stuck thinking, no one makes Comments, no one seems to be interested, blah, blah, self-indulgent, blah.
But then…there is this Post. Clearly we have not given up yet. (For regular Readers,you can skip ahead at least two paragraphs, you know what I am going to say…”but there are the DownSprings”….”there are the Friends of the Doctrine”…”and the fun we have”…blah…more blah…screw it. Hey new Readers!…make a Comment and buy a hat.)

Thats right, I said buy a hat (for your damn head)!  (AH HA!!  the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day!!)

It is within the Wakefield Doctrine, the fact  that clarks maintain that to give and share with others is the necessary price to pay to be allowed the modicum of the appearance of the hint of being accepted by the rogers (mostly) and the scotts of the world. By definition, it is the clarks who will give without asking (directly) for anything in return. Unfortunately (for the clarks), the rest of the world will assign to these gifts the value implied by their being freely given. Zero Cost = Zero Value.  So to apply the Wakefield Doctrine to itself, (lol) we will be allowing people to purchase genuine (accept no substitutes, don’t be fooled by cheap, un-authorized imitations) Wakefield Doctrine hats (for your damn heads) for a low, low…hey if you have to ask…price of $19.51 per hat.

Come on down. Place your orders. Buy soon and buy often. Hey! don’t forget, Christmas is just around the corner. Someday you will say to yourself, “oye, for me I could have bought a hat for such a low price!”.

yo B get us out!


Dude anything other than scott-bait?


Hey, I’ll take predictable! lol


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Girlieontheedge says:

    Liked the Post today Mr. clark. I agree with your decision to offer Wakefield Doctrine hats(for damn heads) for sale instead of simply giving them away. Which of course brings me to your point about clarks being the all giving, hey what about me folks. Generosity is instinctive, selfishness not so. It is imperative for a clark to learn the “proper” type(s) of selfishness. This can only serve to make life better in the long run for everyone. But I preach to the choir do I not?:)

  2. Doug says:

    Wow what an interesting concept you have here!. Do you have a quick ten point test that will help me figure out what personality type I am most like! Does Wakefield Doctrine have an RSS feed?

  3. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Good Comment, heard a lot (of good things) about you from Ms AKH.
    Not yet at the 10 ten (thats t t ten) point system. We tried last year to do a ‘forced choice’ questionaire thing. It was moderately sucessful. But, the metric thing is totally on our short list of action items to effectuate by end of Q4 2-10.*
    We had an early, kind of half-serious effort to develop and objective measure in the form of “…you might be a clark scott or roger” (found in the table of Contents).
    The biggest challenge in this (measuring), is that we are all three (have the potential qualities of all three) it always comes down to predominant style. This business of being one of the three is very distinctive, once you get the Doctrine down, you know one when you see one.
    But a measure/survey/test which at the end of, a person can apply a score to themselves to determine if they are a clark scott or roger is proving surprisingly tricky.
    But we keep working on it. Fortunately there is no ‘faking it’ and while sometimes a strong roger will appear to be a scott, the core qualities that distinguish the two can always be determined.

    Our challenge now is to find away to communicate with people at a distance and get them to experience the fun of the Doctrine, once we get that down, everything should follow.

    *if you read the preceding sentence without laughing, chances are you are a roger…nothing wrong with being a roger, some of my best friends are rogerian