Month: June 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: June 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

till my seas are dried up

Short Post this morning, much to do.  Not much time to do it in.

Trying to come up with something totally cool and catchy cause it will be one year tomorrow when this thing started.  Nothin.  Not only do I have nothing, I am feeling my clarklike aspect start to kick in…in reaction to the perceived pressure of commemorating/celebrating/whatever the hell it is that one is supposed to do on significant milestones. (Sounds like a Lesson of the Day).

the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day.  Not so much a lesson as an observation of the differences between clarks, scotts and rogers in response to societally designated important days. (Which include birthdays, wedding anniversaries, retirement and funerals).  On second thought, let’s start with the point of this whole exercise in blogation which is to present a way of thinking about stuff, mostly people.  This way of thinking is called the Wakefield Doctrine and it is done along the lines of ‘personality types’, as in astrology, phrenology, scientology; you know it’s an ‘ology’ which means it’s scientific and you should read it and believe it. (Plus it is a theory, as in the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) so it surely has to have something interesting to it.  And it does.  Not unlike a supermarket magazine rack, the Wakefield Doctrine has something interesting, something that should be true about it.  And even though pages and pages are spent on talking about the basis or, the underlying principles, the supporting evidence and uses words like ‘habitual perception’ and ‘predeliction’ it is still just one of those things that have enough ‘truth’ to it to make people remember it.  It all comes down to getting up from your computer and going to work and hearing some ‘middle management’ type person hold forth on action lists, performance paradigms all while sucking up to their boss in public (and without the slightest bit of self-consciousness) and then 30 minutes later find that same person gossiping in the break room.  The goal of this blog is to have you at this point say to yourself, “what a roger“, or be with friends and the person sitting on the fringe of the group even though they have been part of that gathering for years, suddenly noticing that that person has been saying things and somehow their words evaporate in the air (like cartoon dialog balloons fading as they move) only to hear those very words come out of the mouth of that really noticeable person, much to the delight of the crowd, who are all laughing and saying things like, “they are the funniest person how do thy think of that stuff” and you look back to the person on the fringe and you see the secret smile and you say to yourself, “I believe I have just caught a glimpse of a clark“…(the scott was there all along, a hub around which the social structure rotates).

That’s what I think I want to say on the (clark: “whatever”; scott: “fuckin aye big day partay”!!!; roger: “I have done a great job, but it hasn’t been easy and you are all so lucky”) First Anniversary of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theroy of clarks, scotts and rogers) blog.

But I guess I will be talking about how far we have come, and where we might be going, blah, etc, blah.  The tone of this Post is attributable to my clarklike aspect, the eternally disappointed, why can’t I be more like, I really need this thing to make up for all my shortcomings, part of me that was really exacerbated by my going out into the blogsosphere ( looking for images for today’s Post) and, by virtue of the search terms (anniversary, birthday, celebrations etc) I was neck fuckin deep in (successful), (self-promoting), (thousands of Readers for year after year), and (did I mention I am the best of all blog-writers?), blogs.  And believe it or not, my reaction was that I need to make the Wakefield Doctrine work even better, faster cause all of what I see in terms of successful, high-profile blogs have a rogerian self-promotion combined with a scottian aggressive confidence behind them.  I need to do better for the Doctrine.

Talk stop.  Music start.

(Since we clearly are of an age that makes the Beatles irristable, let’s get the obvious tune out of the way.  Damn it, this is the Wakefield Doctrine and if we are nothing else we are not going to be (too) predictable, so there is no fuckin way we will be doing the vids that you would think one might might do on Firsaversary Day)

(I need to tell you, I like the live vids better but the only one I could find was Paul McCartney in recent times and though it was quite a good, faithful rendition of the song…he just looks so very, very old…lol so much for not caring about age.)

Yes? Britney? …Sure why not?



you like potato and I like tomato

So we were having a semi-spirited debate in the Comments section of yesterday’s Post.  There were contributions from glenn, DS#1 and (the roger).  The topic was fairly basic, what is the point of the Wakefield Doctrine, it’s raison d’etre…(and whatnot)…

The Doctrine’s position is simply that if we are born with the qualities of all three types, but for a variety of reasons become predominately one (type), the highest form of being would be to have the qualities of all three (clarks, scotts and rogers) actualized to their fullest and in dynamic balance.

As a scott, glenn took the position that he likes and enjoys his scottian self, that his clarklike and rogerian aspects were “unavoidable character quirks” (thereby accepting the basic tenet of the Doctrine, see above).  Further, glenn maintains that since he sees his scottian ‘character’ to be the best he can be, ” I am the best ME I can be when I am fully scottian”, rather than develop his clarklike and rogerian aspects, his thought is to,  “If I seek improvement, I seek it by emphasizing MORE the scottian part of me–and suppressing more the roger and clark”

The rogerian view is proffered by no less an authority than the Progenitor roger.  He be sayin this: 
“… a few months back that DS1 made the point of using the Doctrine as a personal philosophy aimed at internal balance. …that’s the only positive practical application for this. If you try to go any other way, you end up with a completely immobile, static system that will do nothing more than reinforce whatever hatreds and prejudices you already had on your plate when you came in the door. (That is very probably the only real difference in the world between good guys and bad guys, in the end. The good guys struggle with it, and the bad guys just say ’screw it’ and kill everything.)”

Finally DownSpring#1: “I would simply say that clarks do not “need” to be more, they aspire to a higher level.  Always.  Call it self-improvement, self-enlightenment.  It is about evolution…”

Damn!  Is it just me or is not the Wakefield Doctrine the most excellent of ways to understand the behavior of those around us at home, at work and at play. This Doctrine not only allows one to understand the behavior of others, it would allow one to predict the actions and reactions of these other people, yo.

It is not for me to refute any of these statements that were made…they are in fact validation of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).  And as to the question that is at the center of the discussion, i.e. “the best use of the Wakefield Doctrine“.
I would submit that each of the viewpoints assert the contrary:
glenn’s statements indicate a clarklike drive to understand combined with a rogerian relativism (as to the virtue of the other two types)
roger’s referencing DS#1’s statement is of a clarklike tone in combination with a fairly scottian directness
DownSpring#1’s statement while true is wrong…

Not bad for a theory of personality that don’t be havin no graphs and such.  Did someone say “where the hell is da music, mon?”  Yes I have a special treat for y’all.

This first I liked even as a barely heard section of music behind a commercial (I get a lot of music that way, Box of Skulls doing a Mustang commercial, Bing Crosby doing Sugar Crisp and Mike Post who wrote most excellent theme songs), anyway you will have to bear with us on the commercial for a new show, ‘Memphis’, but the band is totally worth it.

Lets give it up for Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Yeah.

See ya, scott…(Have the scotts left?  OK good, they are really trying hard to stretch, to work beyond their boundaries…give ’em credit.  Yeah, I know we all are working beyond our boundaries but consider the scottian world, black/white, good/bad, fun/not fun, predator/prey it is not that they don’t want to ponder the in-effables, it is that for the (un-enlightened) scott those things are not there.  Sort of like going up to a lion or a wolf and asking them if they have considered the implication of the airplanes flying over the savannah, so high that all you could see are the contrails…what’s the lion gonna say?

06 – Midtown at Midnight – Harlem Nocturne

(Forgive the awkwardness of the music here, have not used a mp3 format in the Doctrine to date.  Seems that it will download to your computer and play on whatever media player you have, worth the effort, though).


my bologna has a first name, it’s

no…this can’t be the way real blog writers do what they do! Surely there is a better way to get started than to surf the net for photos and song lyrics and hope that something grabs you. Take today’s session, please*. I started with some line for a subtitle that I have already forgotten, then went to the Beatles for a line from ‘Daytripper’. OK ‘acceptable’ subtitle in place (…takin the easy way out…) on to find a photo…nothin. Typing words into image search…headed towards “Plain and simple”, bunch of fashion photos…tempting, but the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral, so have to surpass on most of those, on to “dry as toast”…still nothing finally one photo has picture of bologna sandwich…boiinnggg, (as the old cartoons used to represent), Oscar Meyer commercial jingle and now I have a subtitle that makes me respond. (clarks + respond =  ) (very funny). So the most difficult part is over with, first paragraph-lette is done and now I just have to keep typing, get a Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day and a video and I can call it a day.

Trouble is, in the course of writing the above, I stumbled across Henny Youngman (“King of the One Liners) and Oscar Wilde (“King of the apocryphal Last Words) In Oscar’s case last words, depending on source, “I’ve always hated that wallpaper. One of us has to go”;  and *Henny:–o0

Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day: the point of all this effort, with the blogs and the posts and the film clips already, is to reduce the Doctrine to a simple to follow plan.
Plan? We don’t need no steenkin Plan!! The derisive laughter of the scotts and the howls of personal affront-hood of the rogers, I can hear in the distance, I think they’re callin my name. Neither a scott or a roger would be inclined to see any point to change/improvement/otherwise altering what they are.
“So”, you might be asking yourself at this point, “why bring it up”?
The answer is quite simple, if you are here a third time, you are not the average clark or scott or roger. (Better make that the average scott or roger, god knows clarks tend not to average, even when they are totally run of the mill).
If you are a scott reading this, I would ask the question: “Hey predator girl/boy, whatcha doing readin? (We can read) glenn’s Comments about how so focused on the real and the concrete and none of this mystico/psycho/mumbo jumbo shit, real life forms ain’t got time for intro..speck…shun, fuck that! scotts are all action orientated and all.
And rogers, sitting back in your chair, yeah you binyon. I know you can write circles around this blog and one of these ddays you will show us all how it really should be done, what with your casual, confident, “hey-I-have-something-interesting-that-you-want-to-hear”, you know pull the herd into a circle around the water cooler, loading dock, break room, “just you and me here in the hall for a minute”.
Both of you, “hey I’m  much too busy to waste time contributing to this thing and besides you won’t let me scream at the Readers, like a 5 year old who is bored and getting angry that everyone around them seem to have something interesting to do”, I’m talking to you. You know, scotts and rogers.

The  Lesson of the Day is this: you are mutated. You are not just a clark or a simple  scott or merely a roger. Not if you are reading this still. You have the benefit of an overly-developed clarklike nature.

lol Come back scott!!  Don’t hit the off button rogers!!  lol I will make that statement acceptable, don’t you worry ’bout nothin.

The fact is, none of the real clarks or scotts or rogers would be bothering with this Wakefield Doctrine thing. That simple. But I am doing all of this because apparently there are enough clarks, scotts and rogers with the flexibility of mind, confident curiosity, the need to grow and improve to keep me doing this thing. The Readership levels are laughable by blog standards, but screw it. There are between 35 and 45 people who show up here on a regular basis and it is not only ’cause I gots some good vids up.  Speaking of which, where the hell is that janitor?

I really am not feeling up to dealing with a metaphorical, un-resolved life crisis figure, so I will end this on the sophisticated note that we have all come to expect from this thing of ours.


by following these simple instructions, your product should offer a lifetime of simple satisfaction

 Hey, hey, hey…a little prolix on the subtitle?

Yes, yes it is. But it being  Firstaversay Week, I thought now might be a good time to address questions, concerns and comments that have been directed to the Doctrine. These questions (and answers) hopefully will let us start a new year with all the benefits of a 12 month learning curve.

First up. (More  a philosophical, than a “why do you” or “how do I” type of question.)

Question #1: So what is the point of the Comments that follow each Post?

Good Question. ( …thank you… ) glad you asked.

(June 27 2009)  Until a better structure is devised, this page will be pretty much free form, notes, entries that sort of thing. But for now the next section will be devoted to a ‘definition’ of the three forms. The definitions will be, perforce, brief characterizations of the form. Since there exists at this point no established system or ‘profile requirements’  we will simply have to wing it.

By ‘wing it’, I mean that we will approach this as a conversation to an unknown and somewhat willing audience.

The above is from the second entry  or Post of the Wakefield Doctrine and shows that the thinking (at that time) was that these Posts would be a collection of opinion and conjecture and….

(   Hold on. Stop…  )

The real question here is: “why can’t we keep doing what we have been doing for the last 12 months”?  And the answer is: “because there is nothing new being added to the Wakefield Doctrine if it is being treated as a message board, a “vote for your favorite music video” site or as a place to see your words “published”.

(Next question, I see some hands raised. You! the one with the necklace made of teeth, you have a question?)

“Thank/fuck you. I (fuck you) think you are doing a real (fuck you) swell good job (fuck you) but I get bored and like to (fuck you) make fun of people (fuck them) so you can’t say I cna’t write Comments (fuck you). Thank you (fuck you) for taking (fuck) my (you) question.”

Good question. Actually I can say that, and have in fact said that.  There is no place for that here for  ‘ad hominem’ attacks and any Comments limited to that just don’t get Posted. Pretty simple, isn’t it?

(Next question?)

So, what should a new Reader think? (About writing in Comments or questions)

The new Reader should know that Comments are moderated and then posted within a few hours of being received. And that no Comment will be refused except the aforementioned ad hominem, or otherwise pointless yelling for attention type Comments.

(One last question?)

Yeah, so whats the deal going forward?

The “deal” is that the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) continues until it proves itself. And this proof will be found in a demonstrated efficacy in altering a person’s perception in such manner that they will be able to act outside the normal limitations associated with their ‘type’ (clark or scott or roger).

Thats all this has ever been about, finding a way to have the qualities of all three, in balance in one person.

(Yes you in back?)

You still doin music and what about when I think it sucks? Huh? what then?

The music videos are there for a couple of reasons. First is as a reward for the effort of writing a Post, second it is fun when a song is discovered that somehow reflects or reinforces the message in the Post and third it is just because.

Damn!! (I just checked and the first time a video showed up in a Post was December 3rd!) Where have my words gone? All that time (July to December) without the whitespace eating benefit of a music video… Well, in any event, lets reminisce our own bad selves with that first vid…L(s) and G(s) I give you Robin (oh, I’m a clark, don’t you even doubt that) Trower.

And though she feels as if she’s in a play

…(a) Dude!!!  (b) oh man! no frickin way (c) Jay, call me what you want, but you gots to see a doctor!..

(Now that we have had our little Sunday morning humor.) We are entering the week of the 26th of June, which means the week of the Firstaversary of the Wakefield Doctrine…yay

(Which might as well be the topic of today’s Wakefield Doctrine, Lesson of the Day.)
When it comes to celebrations in general and anniversary(s) in particular… clarks do not enjoy them, scotts do and rogers make them a part of their life.  In terms of adding to our understanding and use of (the Doctrine), what does knowing this do for us?  Two things: if you are curious about yourself, you can consider the reasons and ramifications of (your types) response to these events…which pretty much makes you a clark; if you are curious about how the other two relate to celebrations then, that makes you a clark (or possibly a momentarily bored scott).  Let’s look at the easy one first.

rogers love anniversaries, cause they are the benchmarks of tradition, the markings of history, all the things that make up the world (as a roger perceives it);
scotts like anniversaries and will glady accept an invitation for a simple enough reason, contained in one word: buffet
do not like celebrations and/or anniversaries in general because they are affairs that by their very definition celebrate fellowship/shared experience/belonging

(…are we almost through here?…I have an Invitation to the Sherwin Williams Wall Paint Exposition…”Drying through the Ages“…have to pace myself here…)

Lol.  Yeah sometimes it do get a bit tedious…

…speaking of tedious…actually speaking of nothing to do with this Post, I have made ‘pop music’ a project.  That is to say, I (recently) made a conscious decision to acquire a taste for pop music.  Now this is such a clarklike thing to do that no further explanation should be required.  But I will anyway, cause we gots way too much white space still left.

The thing of it is, both scotts and rogers live in real worlds, to wit: 
scotts one of appetites and aggression and rogers, damn! rogers live in a perfect world, each and everyone one of them. ( …ok the paint drying exhibit will wait…how can rogers all live in perfect worlds?…huh?… ) Well, I’ll tell you.  Rogers perceive the world in terms of what is quantifiable, accountable, provable. That is why they make such good engineers, accountants and doctors and priests.  ( …hold on! I get the engineers and accountants, I will even give you the doctors…but priests? tell me how the representative of a religion is the same as an engineer… go ahead…I’m waiting… )

Here it goes…rogers believe in the quantifiable, the measurable.  They believe in tradition and history and the preservation of culture and… religion.  While not  scientifically provable as say engineering, (religion) is totally quantifiable.  For example…the Ten Commandments (not Six for the children and Fourteen for adults in business) Ten.  That is the quantifiable way to live a life.  And since “organised” religion is a part of all civil society, rogers are the ones who will be found in the position of Keeper of Rules, Dispenser of Wisdom.   ( …perfect world….rogers….the point?… ) Oh, yeah.
The point here is, the only way a person can maintain the fiction of a quantifiable world is to limit the world to quantifiable things and then forget that they set the limits!

Thats how rogers can live in a perfect world. ( …oh-kay….and this has to do with Pop Music…how?… )

rogers live in a quantifiable world, where all is understandable, all is predetermined.  clarks, on the other hand, live in a world that is unquantifiable.
clarks being the creative one of the three, allow for any and all possibilities, choosing to believe in anything and subsequently believing in nothing. 
clarks can wake up one day and say, “Pop Music really kind of sucks.  A lot of people seem to like it though, I guess I better listen to it and acquire a taste for it”.
(scott: “wtf! that don’t make no sense at all, you don’t like then it is not likable! wtf!!). ( roger : “well I can tell you why you should like the likable things and as for the unlikeable things, well there just is no need for them…lets talk about me…)

The project has been successful.  I can listen to Pop Music with a sense of appreciation (“sense of appreciation”  what a clark!! ( roger and scott))

Well, thank you Miss Sullivan for your help in finding the topic of the day.

And to close, Mr. B!  Do you have some music that might illustrate the point here today?  (oh, sorry about the harsh reference to you and your by-now-totally-aging scottian-wife-who-must-be-so-not-liking losing her youthful powers).

(Note: I like this song cause I am jealous of someone who is capable of coming up with such a catchy hook as that 1234 lyric.  Damn, why did that take so long to come into existence?  It was there all along!)

And to, cleanse the palette…
