what’s past is prologue; what to come | the Wakefield Doctrine what’s past is prologue; what to come | the Wakefield Doctrine

what’s past is prologue; what to come


It’s a Post being written at 2:30 am, what can I say? Have come to rely on the photos at the beginning of these Posts to impart a certain…frission*

At any rate, the practise of late has been to write these first thing in the morning, against the deadline** which is based on the condition of having to leave the house to earn a living. But tonight this morning, thought I would try to get up earl(ier) and see if, by getting away from the pressure of a deadline, I could produce a Post of more interest. (So far…not so much.)

…damn, thats what I like about writing these Posts…following is a video courtesy of the ‘left field’ portion of my brain.

(Have to account for the timeframe. I did start at 2:30 am but got as far as the Civil War, Andersonville no less(!) and had to fall down on the ground and sleep. While the topic was generating so Post-worthy, I just could not get anything going. Fascinatingly awful subject/period in history…but nothing to hang a Post on. Now if a roger was writing this, he would have been all over that topic…(hey, did you just see something?)…as a matter of fact the Progenitor roger…(there! saw it again, didn’t you see it?) now he would have been the person to consult on the topic of Anderso….( gotcha!! ha!  a topic!!)

Apologies to rogers for the rather odd juxtaposition of images, initial topics and music videos…(damn catchy tune,  Katy); so lets talk about the oh so very rogerian quality of nostalgia (definition: a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.)
Yeah, I can accept that as the definition of the interest that rogers have for the past. However, that is only the ‘external’ description, what we should want to know is what does nostalgia mean to the roger. Now, “I’m just a lil ol country blog writer” (Deforest Kelly; 19xx) so I won’t address the technical end of things but I do know my rogers.
Theys love their old-time, historic periods. And the reason is simple.

It provides them with the perfect herd.

(Refresher: rogers are the social one of the three (of clarks, scotts and rogers, of course!) and as a social being, they live for the group. This grouping is a herd by virtue that it is not structured on a competitive basis, as say a pack of scotts would be; it definitely has a group identity, a clear us versus them as opposed to clarks who are all them versus me.  You know,  a herd).
So, to wrap this up, the reason that rogers yearn for the past is that the herd so comprised is perfect. Once identified and given a face, people of the past never change and are entirely dependent on the roger who has ‘created’ that herd.

…not such a bad topic!  I think I will try something a little different today. Will come back and add to the Post, once at ‘noon’ and once before Studley-time (which is about 5 pm EDT). If there are any rogers reading this and want to contribute to the topic ( the rogerian love of nostalgia), write damn it, write.


…Sorry, couldn’t wait ’til noon. You know that subtitle to yesterday”s Post? (…we can sing in the glow of… a star that I know of…) compelling rhythm for a song lyric. Was associated in my head with a fifties-greasy song by Dean (‘”hey everyone alcoholism isn’t just ugly, painful, humiliating and family destructive, it’s cool by the standards of a culture that is totally based in a form of elitism that forces its will on the people without even the benefit of making it’s own standard known) Martin.
…come on!! you know the song…lol
Anyway… liked the lyric so much I decided to find a video that I would not be ashamed of promoting…Come on lets hear it for the Gypsy Kings  (who is notgetting visuals from Robert Rodriguez’s Desperado (with Antonio and Salma)


Kinda not noon, definately out of touch with my own thought processes (that produced the above). But a promise is a promise. So here goes…

Let’s focus on the rogerian quality of nostalgia, as a opposed to nostalgesia, which would be more appropriate being applied to clarks (who wants to volunteer why that is?).
Anyway it has been proposed that rogers love the past because it is made up of dead people and dead people are much better herd members. And also rogers live in a perfect world which is both their strength and their total weaknesses.(Anyone want a shot at that one? ) Hey, come on, you think Post topics grow on the damn trees?

Go ahead be like that. I happened to know why the perfect world and why that is both the strength and the weakness of their types.

So write a Comment, convince me that you know the answer and I will send you a hat (for your damn head). (Sorry, Progenitors and Downsprings not qualified to enter)

* an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
** “Seventeen feet from the inner stockade was the ‘dead-line,’ over which no man could pass and live.” [Lossing, 1868]


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Glenn Miller says:

    Alright. I’ve been scolded. Slapped on the wrist. Admonished. Upbraided. Taken to task. Reprimanded. I wrote a comment that was too funny. Clark felt compelled to delete my thoughts. I’ll try to be less funny. More….mainstream. Velveeta-like. White bread. Non-offensive. OK. OK. French people do NOT stink. OK? Not that much anyway. Not as much as I said in my deleted comment. Far less than that—OK? Oh yeah. I also said that different countries reflect one of the three types. China is a clark country. The US is a scott. Canada–rogers. Go ahead. Expand on that if you like. But leave the French alone. For some reason, Clark feels protective toward the French. As I said, I kid the French. Mon coeur goes out to them. I kid because I love….My heart overflows with with sweet milk of human kindness…Oh my God! It nearly killed me to type that. In conclusion…fuck everything. In a nice way…

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    so are there any takers on the hat-related question of:
    “…why is it that the core strength and fatal weakness of all rogers is their attraction to the past”?

    (I’ll give you a hint. It has to do with perspective…)

    PS: glenn had an interesting point, about the styles of various cultures, from a Wakefield Doctrine point of view, we will have to come back to that at some point, but frankly we are way behind on our understanding of people and the Doctrine, much less a whole culture.