the moment came, as it comes to all | the Wakefield Doctrine the moment came, as it comes to all | the Wakefield Doctrine

the moment came, as it comes to all

 (There are probably 2 other people in the whole damn werld who will not only recognise this location but will upon seeing it say, “Man, how long ago was that”!.)

Good Morning.

The Lesson of the Doctrine: it is not enough to simply be able to recognise a clark or a scott or a roger, in order to get the real benefit of the Wakefield Doctrineyou must accept that how the other person feels is genuine. You do not have to agree with or participate in what the other person seems to be perceiving reality-wise, you simply must accept the the clark, scott or roger that you are inter-acting with is experiencing the world in a way that is different from how you are experiencing it.

Thank you and have a very clarklike, scottian or rogerian day today.

For those who want to believe that more is more, yes, I mean you, roger; here is a clip from our FAQ page. I will bet that anyone reading this, who has been here more than 5 times, is now saying, “There’s a FAQ Page? Why didn’t anyone tell me!”

Oh, yeah, for you clarks out there, here are all the parentheses that I was going to use but decided not to.
(…), (…), (…), (…), (…), (…)

And just since we have not tried to give away a hat recently, a free hat for your damn head to anyone who can correctly put the parentheses in their proper place.

Shit, guess I need to provide more parentheses.
(…), (…), (…), (…)

Ok that should do it, I really had no idea that I was so parenthetical. So here is your FAQ page, presented for your convenience.

I think sometimes I am (a scott) then other times I must be (a clark). What’s up with that?
You’re a clark.

Hey, wait you can’t be that sure on the basis of one question!
Yes I can. (I’m a clark)

The question you should be asking is, ‘why does it seems that sometimes we are one form, other times others’. And the answer is that we have the potential of all three, we just get in the habit of seeing the world one characteristic way, i.e. clark, scott or roger.

Is there any scientific basis for the Wakefield Doctrine?
No. (see the ‘About’ page.)

When I read this site, it seems like there is really only one person writing. Can that possibly be true? What happened to the collaborative thing.

I thought this was a FAQ pages, I don’t see all that many Questions.
…I’m waiting for a question… ‘what part of ‘Frequently asked questions’ are you brainiacs missing? There would be useful information if some of you scottian adhd cases or you middle-of-the-herd rogerian mouth-breathers would conquer your fear of anything that doesn’t already have a DYNAMO brand embossed label stuck to this blog letting you know that it was within your admittedly limited range of initiative and realise that you would not be struck down by Jethro were you to actually  reach out and turn on your computer and ask a question.

Will there ever be new FAQ questions?
Yes, yes there will.

I heard that you have been doing this for nearly a year, what have you learned about the Wakefield Doctrine that you did not know when you started?
Which part of your statement are you calling a question? Rather than wait for you to move your lips as your try to re-phrase the question, I will answer this way. The Wakefield Doctrine appears to have an appeal beyond my immediate circle of friends, in fact, it appears to have sufficient appeal to out-weigh my meager writing skills. By presenting the Doctrine in a blog, the virtue and value of this thing is put to the test. And it seems to be passing that test.
What a well-thought out question.

Never mind, you would not get it. Other aspects that you would not get is that the Doctrine is proving itself to actually be an effective tool in aid of an effort to change life habits. (Given the unlikelihood of your comprehending this answer I will continue), and say that anyone reading this with a true desire to ‘change their life’* should read this blog and do whatever they must do to get actively involved in it. This includes, but is not limited to: writing Comments.

*Is it true that if I have to ask the question, I will perforce be unable to understand the question?

No, roger I am not counting the parentheses in the FAQ section, that is a copy/paste from the page.  Jeez, you really need to lighten up.

Of course there will be a clip…scott


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring#1 says:

    …so there I was in this very field 20 or so years ago (on occasion) with thoughts and dreams of the life I was going to have….. All you clarks out there – you have places, benches upon which you sat and “figured” all of life’s mysteries. Funny isn’t it. There really isn’t any mystery at all.
    I have not heard anyone else speak the following words except for (the) Clark: “all that it is is what it is”. But those words sometimes switch to “what it is is all that it is” (These phrases can have entirely different connotations)
    Thank god for the Wakefield Doctrine, eh?. It enables all you non-clarks to quickly identify my comment as coming from a clark.
    You must admit, (now) knowing of the theory of scotts, clarks and rogers can be a valuable tool. If learned and appreciated, it would allow you to know when to tell a clark to stop and return to earth, to tell a roger to please stop talking (for just a little bit) or demand a scott to….just stop.
    Utilizing the Doctrine in an everyday/anyday situation does involve a conscious effort which in turn involves energy which it seems to me not a lot of people have. At least not on any sustainable level. Which begs the question “Why” or more appropriately, “why not?” See me ramble on? I could do this for a couple more pages if I indulged in my clarklike nature. But I will not. This was merely a demonstration.
    But, admit it, you know someone just like me. If not a family member then a friend or better yet a “friend of a friend”.
    What are you going to do about it?

  2. AKH says:

    How long ago was that indeed! When my son was much younger (now almost 20) he used to go there for summer camp when I was working full-time. He hated it. No big epiphanies on life there. Like you said, no mystery there. But then again he was a young scott and I’m sure he didn’t try. More like trying to figure out how he could get of going there, breaking out of jail if you will. And being a scott and all, he didn’t get along with most of the other kids. His true scottian nature was not yet well-defined enough to win his peers over (yet). But that’s another story altogether.