Understanding and a little bit of lovin’, thats all in the world I need | the Wakefield Doctrine Understanding and a little bit of lovin’, thats all in the world I need | the Wakefield Doctrine

Understanding and a little bit of lovin’, thats all in the world I need

…The lyrics are Hendrix…the photo is something from a regional theatre production…out in Mel‘s part of the country…you know…the Midwest.. let me make some assumptions about a part of the country that I have not only never been to, but have very little direct knowledge of, other than what I have a learned on television*

The first assumption is that this is the part of the country that the middle-of-the-bell-curve personality types live…the healthy (on the outside), the moderate (of spirit) and the down-to-earth in worldview people will be found. In other words…rogers… Of course, the most likely of the three (clarks or scotts or rogers) to be found in the Midwest are the rogers…they are the solid, conservative (in the fullest sense of the word, not limited to political inferences), religious (in a simple and fundamental sense) and overall, most down to earth kind of folks that this culture will have produced…

(Hey heres an idea! Lets write a Post ‘on the fly’…in other words half finished…I will write and then leave for a time when I finish each section and see if anyone notices…need to get to work for now (2:06pm EST)

(I’ll be back…any ideas for where this Post should go next…thats why Jethro invented Comments.)

(3:39pm and I’m back)…and…a scott is in da house!  Damn, Glenn you really need to learn to not be so circumspect in your (written) Opinions…lets all stop and reflect for a moment on the vagaries of Life that combine to put us in the place…nah screw that…a blog is the ulitmate public forum and by the rules (at least here at the Doctrine) all Opinion will be presented, and as all writers are responsible for their words, all Readers are equally responsible for their own reactions to (these) words.
National Lampoon once did a joke ‘satisfaction guarentee’ for their magazine: “If you are entirely satisfied, simple return the un-read portions of the magazine to us and we will return the un-spent portion of your money”; or words to that effect. (Study Guide Alert!!! clarks do not tell jokes very well). (gotta run..be back…

(9:42pm) Hey, we tried…a bit of an experiment in writing these here Posts here…not such a success. Tell you what I do like, these pictures. The new format really makes a photo necessary, both as an anchor and a visual cue to the content. And there is an internet world full of pictures and snapshots and photos.

But plan on a lot of little Posts for a while.

Anyway, thats all for now. Lets get out with some video entertainment.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Glenn Miller says:

    You are right about the midwest. I have been there. Lots of bedrock, Republican, staid, steady, conservative types. Those are the labels they like. These are some other labels they do NOT like so much–Fucking stoooopid. This country is swelling in the middle with a mass of utter stupidness and ignorance that is staggering to comprehend. That is why W can be “elected”. Hateful–these lumpen proletariat hate anyone who is different from them. Black?–they hate you. Gay?–they hate you. Smart?–they hate you. Their religiousness is not the compassionate, caring, nurturing kind. It is fucking scary. God hates all people who are different too. These people call themselves “God-fearing”. If “God” is like they say he is–we oughta all be “God-fearin”. That God is an asshole! Punishing, petty, mean-spirited, vengeful. Come to think of it—no wonder they worship a God like that. He’s just like them. The midwest is poulated with small-minded, backwards, primitive, ignorant, hateful people who are proud to be hateful and ignorant. Fuck them!

  2. Terri says:

    Glenn, glenn, glenn, glenn, glenn, glen, glen, oh yes…glenn with two n’s. where do I begin. Let’s start with the lumpen proletariat. In Marxist theory they are the lowest of all, the pond scum of society, the criminals, vagrants, the unemployed and unemployable. Lower than the proletariat, which is the class of society that does not have ownership of the means of production, and must sell their services for a wage. Since the most recent census may have new and compelling numbers previously not publicized that we cannot yet access since the tallying is not complete, let’s then review the previous census to get an idea of who the lumpen proletariat are, where they live, and for whom they voted. Oops…they don’t typically vote. Unless there is a member of ACORN close by who can give them “guidence”. And most likely there is a member of ACORN close by, since the lumpen proletariat, the homeless, mentally ill, disenfranchised members of society by and large dwell in urban areas, not the vast empty prairies of the midwest. And the racial composition of the lumpen proletariat? Guess what they are not comprised of- white, middle class Republican mid-westerners. In fact, the 1.7 million or so of the lumpen happen to have a whole lot of color, 49% are African-American, 13% Hispanic. Only 35% are Causcasian. As I consider this sad demographic, a small-minded, backwards, primitive, ignorant and hateful person who is proud to be hateful and ignorant comes to mind, and reminds me of that Michael Jackson tune. You know, the one about the man in the mirror.

  3. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    “…and will ye be claimin a hat (for ye damn head) nu lass?…”
    I’m sorry, I typed in the word ‘dialectic’ and somehow ended up with dialect…oh well
    the Doctrine will account for you both…to the benefit of the other at the cost of neither…
    …wait a minute…there is no contest in this Post!! what the hell are you people trying to pull…

    but since this is all about the Comments…I will give you the chance to win a hat (for your damn head), simply answer the following question correctly: if the Midwest is the land of rogers where are the scotts and where are the clarks…(careful now, this is, in fact, a trick, question)
    “Sae ponder thes weel lassie an’ dornt answer tay quickly lest ye lose yer standin’.”

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    oh, wait forgot to tell you two…next Post……………..scotts!!!

  5. Terri says:

    Gee, Clark…I may be in love….that Scottish brogue made me melt into a puddle on the floor. Scott’s live in New York, Boston….east coast and Rogers…do I care where they live?

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    scotts are territorial, not regional…they will be found working the herds anywhere there are rogers
    clarks are always everywhere, but unless you are a clark (and enlightened) most likely you would not be aware of them…
    (I did mention trick question did I not? there will be another contest soon…keep trying

  7. Terri says:

    Glenn, darling, could you help me out here with a comment for Clark. You know how it pains me to drop the f-bomb (except in certain situations), but somebody needs to tell him how effing stupid his theory is sometimes. You and I have already had this conversation about how I don’t understand how men could spend so much time on this mental masturbation endeavor when they could be, you know, actually masturbating. So, I guess my damned head will not be newly annointed in sartorial splendour (no new hat), and this is due to my non-satorial unenlightened Scottishness scottian“nature”?. However, still standing by my original premise. Scotts are both territorial and regional, emmanating from the East Coast. Could give a flying (expletive deleted) about rogers and clarks. Can’t imagine finding a native Scott in Sedona, Arizona. But can picture it full of aging Harrison Ford types with the ubiquitous earring in one ear. In fact, will reward the finder of a non-transmigratory scott inhabiting Sedona with throat tendon flexion of the most concerted kind

  8. Downspring#1 says:

    Terri, you fledgling clark you. STOP IT!
    Now read what you wrote: “…tell him how effing stupid his theory is sometimes.”
    How can a theory be stupid part of the time?