Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“Why honey! You don’t have a single gratitude item and it’s Friday! Sometimes I wonder how I put up with you!”
1) (oh…kay so this first TToT may not be headed directly for the Gratitude List bloghop Hall of Fame ( motto: ‘you’re welcome!‘)

” As anyone can see, one of us is sexier than the other, can you tell which? If not, you can’t be much of a man/woman, can you?”
2) There is an under-current of gratitude here. I just know there is, it’s only that I haven’t found my ‘hook’ for this week’s List. I admire my fellow TToT’ers those who, week after week, write direct and simple and heartfelt lists of 10 Items. And not just people like Dyanne or Christine, (they have the advantage of being scotts). There are others that I read each weekend that are insightful lists, that use (the writer’s) personal life examples, what’s impressive about many of these Posts, is they are written with such skill that the gratitude they express becomes transferable and I feel a greater appreciation of the things in my life. Having said that, lets see what’s next in the way of a photo/image!

If you are of a certain age, you will recognize this person… a high jumper named Dick Fosbury who changed his sport in as fundamental a manner as possible. (Look him up)
3) Now there is creative and there is creative. (Yes, this is the Wakefield Doctrine, and properly speaking, I should have a third ‘creative’ in this item to account for all three worldviews.) There are three ‘kinds’ of creative because there are three characteristic worldviews. rogers are creative in the sense that they can re-assemble parts and components, basic building blocks and techniques into new configurations and forms. scotts are creative too…. (lol) and then there are clarks! for clarks creative is literal, they are the ones that build, discover, find, assemble and dream the things that simply never existed before…. oh, yeah that’s right, I am grateful that I am a clark)

(…of course, despite depictions in movies, in real life the Tower of Babel was probably, like, as imposing as the Target store that’s stuck at the end of the local Mall.)
4) I’m grateful for the circumstances that I am in, by virtue of the technology of the day, able to communicate with, get to know and, above all, be allowed a glimpse into the very real lives of people who I would otherwise have had zero chance of ever knowing. However, everything comes at a price. While I can laugh (in admiration) at Christine’s totally excellent sense of adventure that creates the family road trips that I follow along with, I am also privileged to share the sadness of loss, as I did last week, when Susan lost her dog, Bruce. In a way, the latter was more powerful of the two, I do not have children (but still know that road trips are fun),but I have had dogs and do know how incredibly integral to a family they can be.
5) man! this captioning thing, while fun is a lot of work! Lets take a Reader’s request! Kristi! yes? Vacation Slides? Absolutely! Well, no, I can’t do it without captions… well, I’ll try
6) I am grateful for Phyllis and Una and the home that I am fortunate to share with them. (if you are thinking, ‘oh good, he’s getting back on track towards whatever passes for normal for those nice, but decidedly odd people at that Doctrine place’ hate to disappoint you, but…)

(him: “No, I don’t think I look like a mermaid”)
(her: “maybe not, but that hat makes you a lead pipe cinch for being a roger”)
7) what?!
8) Work is something I am constantly grateful for, whenever I remember to stop living in the past or the future and, instead, simply enjoy the variety, excitement and satisfaction of my profession. While stress is a recurring aspect of work that involves: people, deadlines, risk, very large investments of money and high levels of emotional involvement, it is my belief that stress in not mandatory or inevitable, rather I chose to believe that stress is, in fact, fear dressed up like a really hot woman.
9) to paraphrase Real Estate 101: ‘underneath all there is the Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules)’. The premier unique feature to this, the blog that Lizzi built, the SBoR/BoSR is a challenge to us as writers, disguised as licence to cut corners. The coolest thing about this TToT is: a) simply by participating, you have, in fact done it perfectly and 2) in the very beginning, before the acronym and before the linkup, Lizzi engaged in the practice of writing a gratitude lists as Post at her blog… at a time when not only were things …quite difficult, but at time when there were only 6 or 7 Comments for any given Post… she did, in fact, persist and wrote her lists. very cool.
10) is this not an excellent dog?
(ed note: for the benefit of New Readers, the dog above is Ola. She was our first dog and was a perfect lifeform. the photo says it all, “big teeth, big smile”)
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A most excellent dog indeed! Frist!?
That is a gorgeous dog. And this is a gorgeous list. I didn’t get confused even once as I admittedly sometimes do here. Not sure what that means but I’ll take it.
I am thankful for crappy weather today because I can hole up inside today and just enjoy not having to be out there in the world today. I may just finish a book.
it means… well, perhaps I should let the others comment first (nothing bad, but I have been playing ‘catch up’ with the Readers of this here Doctrine blog here, for the last 17 months and your response (to the post) means something to me, at any rate)
Well, how about that? Glad it meant something. Who knew my bleary-eyed comment via phone screen would be such a thing? :)
Get it?
“yuk, yuk” a la Stooges lol
Composing my list of thankfuls. Won’t be finished til tomorrow. Has something to do with Japanese food tonight…to celebrate TWO birthdays. :D
I hope to still call in. Have much to talk about.
coolito senorita
Frist. Frecond. Frid. Fourth. Fifth. Fixth. Feventh. Feighth. Finth. Fenth.
I agree with Zoe – most excellent dog!
And this is a most excellent post! It’s rare to run down a list and at each and every one say “yeah!” or smile broadly, even laugh, feel sad and compassionate. Being able to identify with, aspire to, learn from…good TToT today, Clark. Thanks.
Hey Lisa! I’m with you! The weather here is crappy and I am definitely holing up today. And reading everybody’s TToT posts:)
Wow Clark, this one was a hit. I guess you’re just gonna have to find a different way to eff up! P.S. the roger in me says “told ya so!”
Zoe said what I was going to say …. superb dog then :) Happy New Year!
yes…. same to you guys up in the Arctic! lol
Every true Oregonian knows about the Fosbury flop, so I didn’t even need to google that one. :-)
Nice vacation photo! And yes, that is an excellent dog.
It was on my last road trip. That is, of course, Meteor Crater behind me… (the other fun part was going up the road to Winslow. (yes, I do have a picture of the corner).
I didn’t recognize him in the photo, because I didn’t know what he looked like, but I know who Fosbury is! OK, so I know only because you said he was a high jumper who changed his sport. I didn’t know his name, either. I just know what he did. :)
I get what you mean by “transferable” thankfulness. My mood lightens and I find more things for which to be thankful as I read through the posts of the other linker-uppers.
I, too, really like your vacation photo.
And of course, the dog is awesome.
Ola totally was all that… (I’ll have to get more photos of Mr. Fosbury. The radical nature of what he did has me thinking, ‘clark’)
I’m always very, very thankful about living in today’s world, and not 20 years earlier, or more. It’s great how we can be in touch with so many of our family, friends, and acquaintances around the world.
Oh, and of course, no. 6 is wonderful! I bet Phyllis and especially Una are equally happy to have you :-)
Enjoy your week, Clark!
Yes, Una and I are grateful for Clark (he did create us – LOL),
(I knew you’d say that).
Clark the progenitor, Ola the protector, and Phyllis the provider (the perfect family trilogy).
Okay It wasn’t until I read the comments that I realized I missed the call in thing ….again…
LOVE the dog.
I can’t say I didn’t get confused but I am pretty sure I found my way again.
Ola looks wonderful. The first dog I knew was a golden lab, called Beth, who belonged to my grandparents. She was lovely.
It was a good way to start, and at least we DID start!
yeah… dogs are my real world example of living in the here and now. (they experience all the emotions that humans do, but they don’t spend much time, at least when awake, in the past or the future). I keep trying
OMG I love Shepherds and I have no fucking clue which one of those chicks is sexier and MUST KNOW.
yeah… ya know!
clearly it’s the one on the…. right/left (well, wait, are we talking about my left or her left? and even though, at first glance, I thought they were twins… I was certain, but then I started to do the normal, natural thing…. like in those puzzles, ‘how many differences can you find’… well, I assure you 30 minutes later, I was fairly certain that not only were they not twins, they weren’t even the same person! go figure)
…what was the question? lol
I’m grateful for the Doctrine, Clark, and though I’m a little quiet, I’ve been busy slotting people into Roger/Scott/Clark modes. Tell you more on a vid chat!
It’s always good to hear from you when you can, the view from the rogerian side is increasingly important to (all of our) understanding of the potential the Doctrine holds… (I noticed you put the order: roger (then) scott (and then) clark…. lol New Readers? take notes!
I’m still trying to decide if you insulted me and Christine by calling us “simple”….
I don’t remember YOUR high jumper, but I remember Dwight Stones, who was hawt.
I look at the picture of Ola and think “the better to eat you with, my dear!”
thank you of that clarification…
betcha anything (he) was a roger
I very much liked your photos and captions this week. So, definitely more of the roger creativity bent, I know. What do you mean scotts are creative…(lol).