christ, what an imagination I’ve got!* | the Wakefield Doctrine christ, what an imagination I’ve got!* | the Wakefield Doctrine

christ, what an imagination I’ve got!*

Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

I was going to publish another instructional Post this morning,  the kind of Post that should help the New Reader ‘get’ what it is we are trying to do at this here blog here. For the last week or two, at the editorial urgings of ‘KH and DS, I have been trying  to keep it simple and direct, more scottian, ya know? So anyway,  this morning I am wandering the internet in search of a ‘hook’ for a Post. I actually know what I want, I am looking for an image of an ‘Easter Bear’. The reason being, last night on my way home from my office, I saw a lawn decoration consisting of two bears in a ‘frolic’ pose, playing with purple ribbons. Of course, I recognised what they were supposed to represent, nevertheless. I was also struck with a double what the fuck1 moment.
Part 1 was, when did it become normal to place major lawn decoration on every calendar-significant holiday, (major, semi and demi holidays)? I am expecting to see full sized fan-inflated, pencil in hair women on my neighbors front lawn next week on the 27th!2 
Part B (of the wtf) was, “Bears’??!? Easter?!?

But that is not what has me typing frantically this morning, leaving my  carefully outlined Post:   How To Work  the Wakefield Doctrine, in 3 Easy Steps, on the floor of my office.  No! That was not it!  Instead it was….

Wait! Better I slow down and say, at this juncture, “would all the New Readers please click to the following links, where you will be brought to a Post that is grounded in the Doctrine, possesses some logical rationale and makes a little sense, we will call you when it is time to return. Thank you, the links here and here and here….”   (er  DownSprings, Progenitors?? you need to remain seated…(this is something that you might get, at least Progenitor roger will…)

(They gone?) Alright… ‘there is an internet bathroom locator’…. Really! The site for Imodium (the medicine for clarks and scotts) has a tab that says, Bathroom Finder!! And it covers the whole damn country!! jeez louise all those years, waiting for the culture and the technology to enable me to drive from point A to point B without worry. We better bring back the Readers, before they go wander off and read, ‘AH Mel  We Hardly Knew Ye. com’)

(OK the new Readers are returning…)

So in conclusion, I need to ask if anyone thinks the social networking thing has gone too far?
I watched a TV commercial for Cymbalta, you know the medicine that may cause you to commit suicide, and at the bottom of the screen was an icon: F!! …As in follow us on facebook!! Again I say, wtf? Who befriends a pharmaceutical?? Does everyone have a Facebook page and is it considered sane, or even near-sane to follow it on facebook.  ( “Hey honey, did you see? Cymbalta totally de-friended Imodium! Won’t Oscar Meyer be jealous!)


(Hey Sacramento and Seattle!! Write us a damn Comment, ok?)

1) aka wtf

2) National Secretary’s Day

*) The title is a line from an incredibly prescient book by John Brunner, Stand on Zanzibar and specifically it is a line repeated by a character by the name of Bennie Noakes


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring#1 says:

    “How To Work the Wakefield Doctrine, in 3 Easy Steps,” the Pocket Edition. Or in today’s vernacular, the kindle edition. What say? Yeah, even better – an App for your phone. Tell me I’m not on to something….