Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).
This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.
Hosted by Denise, governed by a single admonition to make the story six sentences (no more, no less) in length.
To get in the mood, aka get the backstory to this week’s Six, follow the link: …Previously on the Six Sentence Theatre.
This week’s prompt word:
“Stand aside, woman, ‘The Game’s afoot!'”
Diane Tierney, now back at her hostess station of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge laughed; it sounded like everything that humor conjoined with sexual tension can be and hardly ever is, joyous abandon with an undertone of the carnal.
I smiled, ‘Into the breach fair maiden…’ and immediately stumbled over my words as I exceeded the safe duration of eye contact with a woman who was, from our first encounter, at once intimidating while simultaneously supercharging my atavistic drive to protect her from danger, real or imagined.
“Dear Sir, your commingling of literary allusions makes my knees weak and fluttery,” Diane, had she been a character in an olden days romance novel, would gather adjectives like willowy, alabaster skin touched by a rose and eyes of a deep blue to be mistaken for violet; I found her intriguing.
“Far be it from me, Mr. Devereaux, to interrupt you in your mission, so, until next Mid-Week Lunchtime Special, I’ll see you your Conan Doyle/Shakespeare mashup and raise you a simple, heartfelt, D. H. Lawrence, ‘Give me the democracy of touch, the resurrection of the body.’
To my credit I not only did not walk into the glass outer door, I transformed my stumble off the sidewalk into a manly jeté as I crossed Weybosset Street headed towards the palisade of hand-drawn picket signs milling around in a clumsy oval.