Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.
Hosted by Denise.
(Still searching for a convention to make it easy on the new Reader to catch up. How about we say, ‘Last installment: Tom’s ‘Tattoo’)
Prompt word:
“If our little ninja-ette doesn’t wake up in the next ten seconds, we’re outa here; screw the deposit, the airbnb rental contract is through one of Lou’s holding companies and besides, I’m pretty damn sure I declined both the optional homicidal au pair and enhanced-human butler,” Rue glanced at the girl on the floor whose arms were twitching as Rocco did something to her ear lobe with the nail of his right thumb and forefinger; without further comment she turned to the man who called himself Moonbeam.
“Tell, me, Mr. Beam, did someone hit a mute button on me when I wasn’t looking?”
Moonbeam, looking down at the girl briefly, immediately touched his index finger to his ear, sub-vocalized a short interrogative and received a barely-audible, but clearly negative response; never taking his eyes off the girl and Rocco, addressed Rue, a frown putting his words in italics, “We’ve all been subject to a certain degree of social ‘what-the-fuck’ this evening, Miz DeNite, but your companion ministering to the girl on the floor appears to have acquired a red dot on his shoulder.”
Seeing the suspicion in Rue’s eye, the envoy from the Co-ordination of Supervillains parried with a wry smile, “Ain’t none of my people, chica. Such a ham-fisted attempt at violence as using snipers and laser sights is beyond gauche, we’re citizens of the last civilized monarchy, after all.
Fortunately my transportation two doors down the street is a quite sufficiently kevlar’d Maybach GLS; I suggest we repair to the getaway car, my boss frowns on excessive use of superpowers with it’s inevitable collateral damage, the local constabulary get so worked up and my mission included a directive to be discrete at all costs.”