Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A remarkable continuation of the ‘Kill’em with Kindness’ approach to the Slings ‘n Arrows Constituency, Jack’s (C.S. Lewis to his dog) long-lost, putatively-illegitimate grand-niece, Lizzi R, has a demonstrably beneficial effect on the virtual world, even to this day.
This week, among the people, places and things we’re grateful for are the following:
1) Phyllis
2) Una
4) Landscaping Update: The decision has been made to continue with the ‘Let Nature take Her course’ approach with the front and side Meadows. Slightly tempted to mow it all before the full-on Winter arrives. But no, we’re gonna stay, ‘stepped back’ and see what grows, totally unimpeded by the Efforts of Man (and Phyllis and Mia)
5) moderate weather (for the season)… as the the old, crocheted-homily reminds us, ‘There’s a bright side to every climatological tipping point!”
6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop Six Pix of the Week: ‘The Black & The Gold‘ by Spira (aka the Gatekeeper (a Proprietor @ the Six Sentence Cafe & Bistro See Grat #9 below )
7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop ‘Corn Pick of the Week: ‘the Unicorn Challenge 08/11/24‘ by Pensitivity
8) something, something
9) the Six Sentence Café & Bistro (that blue? a link to our under-utilized free WP blog created for the purpose of enhancing the immanent reality of what amounts to a cooperative, socio-virtual metaphor. A place where those with the desire and good intent can go (and/or reference independently), in the virtual world/online that has: a consistent form, a varied constituency and unlimited potential (for story-telling, speculation, reflection and all the other fun aspects of ‘fiction’). Stop by sometime. (“We’re looking at you, Frank) lol (no, not a gotcha, just a friendly invite to a currently ongoing serial adventure involving the tall, thin man, Mimi, Tom, Nick, Chris, Denise and a new ‘character’ Rosetta Storme.
10) Secret Rule 1.3