Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Thistles shouting at the world.
Man, who needs Star Trek to tell us about alien pod spores that will, like turn Spock into a randy Vulcan (with the totally desirable Jill Ireland*) when thistles are growing right there in the backyard! Seriously! I mean look at ’em! All goth-angry green things spitting chlorophyll into the air, towering over the contemptibly passive lawn, spikes a mile long (that the ‘experts’ insist are not poisonous… now) and the PODS!! and…and finally, these ridiculous, high school pep rally purple puffs. “flowers’!
Yeah, ain’t nothin to worry about there..
*the first Star Trek…maybe the second or third season, when they accidentally hired some adult writers…
Weekend: Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) blog hop ✔️
Hostinae: Kristi, Mimi, Dyanne, Pat Brockett, Lisa Tomey ✔️
Photos and videos of semi-wild animals ✔️
Actual (and reasonably coherent) list of Ten Things that have elicited a feeling of gratitude ♻︎*
1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) the Wakefield Doctrine. Had a very enjoyable conversation with Cynthia and Denise last evening on (the still running, Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Call-In). They are both insightful on matters Doctrine as well as the nature of the everyday search for the secret of the universe. And, as often happens when such people speak, I found myself gaining more than I was giving in terms of practical understanding of everyone’s favorite personality theory.
4) Jim Gaffigan
5) Labor Day. Given my recently acquired appreciation of the early days of this country’s labor rights movement, here are some links. Even though I was skimming the internet for information, facts, events and people for a certain revisionist sequel to Wizard of Oz by the name of ‘Almira’, I was amazed at how much I didn’t know about this time in history.
6) Chapter 11 of ‘The Case of the Missing Starr’! (This week’s chapter is at the edge of what I already knew of the story, i.e. an effort to write a 1st person detective story (ala Raymond Chandler, Robert Parker, Sue Grafton.) My abilities failed me and I couldn’t come up with anything. However the principle of exploring new worlds (for me, in the case of learning to write better, is: Keep moving. Better to be finding new places you haven’t been lost in before than it is to stand in one spot and bemoan the loss of forward momentum.) In any event, rather than stand around trying to figure out how to provide backstory and do flashbacks while remaining in First Person POV… I just wrote what I thought is a continuation of the story.
7) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (Which is an offer to anyone out there who wants to try it before they buy it, i.e. you’re pretty sure you’ll enjoy participating, but are a little daunted by the idea of a Ten Things…. send me a comment with your ‘FREE TRIAL GRAT ITEM’ allow with whatever attributions you desire and it’s totally here at Number 7!)
8) something, something…
9) Shopping for food and everyday staples and such…. in gas stations and drugstores. Probably not entirely the most welcomed development of this glistening and shiny 21st Century are the secondary effects of the online purchasing paradigm. Sure its convenient and easy. A few clicks and it shows up on your doorstep. (Kudos to whatever marketing genius developed that ‘Your Item is on the truck! The truck, (with Your Item), is barreling down the highway. The driver of the truck, (containing Your Item), totally had to stop at Burger King. Watch out your window, the truck, (being driven by the person who needed to use the restroom at Burger King), is trying to make up for lost time and is speeding down your street with, Your Item!’
In any event, one of the side effect (or perhaps it is part of getting people used to doing all their shopping online), the regular supermarkets seem to be reducing the variety of items they stock. First victim: Saran Wrap Premium. Nope, Stop and Shop no longer carries it. Fortunately, ‘Spicer Market and Gasoline’ does. Second victim: Maxwell House Instant Coffee (it’s ok, I can enjoy instant coffee in the morning, it’s not like I’m a roger.) No longer on the supermarket shelves. CVS Pharmacy to the rescue.
10) Secret Rule 1.3
* according to my computer this is the: Black Universal Recycling Symbol’