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M2 -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This week, Doug is directing us to employ a fairly common convention in prompt-writing exercises, the classic ‘Finish the sentence’

Totally fun bloghop. Way clever, talented writers. And…and! they let us participate!  Click here to head over to ‘Min Min Prompt‘ (tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya)

(With nothing but utmost respect, we might suggest that our host should have been warned how extremely enticing this particular form of prompt is to those of us genetically-predisposed to the Stream-of-Consciousness approach to writing. That howling? Had I not spent the previous week, laid-low by a winter cold, I would’ve thought to send a note to ceayr by way of warning re: our effort this week, ’cause you know, rhetorical license.)

The world thought it had seen everything until…”

You read the bold-font, italicized prompt and smile. You feel what you believe are hints of stimulation, adolescent fingers lost in a forest of foreign clothing, as the possibilities abound. However, it is early and so, are not concerned with the mundane details of plot and narrative. The way ahead is non-defined, your position preliminary; no commitments have been demanded, nor promises made. Your smile grows, as buttons and hooks conspire to end an age.

‘It’s been a while…’ without thinking, as it has ‘been a while’, you realize two things: you’ve accepted Second Person POV status and you’ve added your own ellipsis’d sentence fragment.

And, in a fleeting return to the rational, realize while first-draft writing is refreshing, you’ve already used 123 of your 250 word allowance.

Your head swells up and your face falls as you realize the only way out is through the door marked: META- 2nd POV notwithstanding.

The metaphorical heat of the beginning, meant to be pruriently (if not adolescently) suggestive becomes the red-glow of self-consciousness as you approach the word-limit threshold. Above the abyss is a sign, red-shades of blue pencil letters: ‘Experimental fiction is a label championed by the undisciplined to defy the skillful’.

Watching the shreds of hope for a Hail Mary story-hook Coriolis down the drain, (in the wrong direction), you type:

“... they were tricked into reading this.



M2 -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to Doug’s new bloghop: The M of M. Click here and join the fun.

The prompt, this week is:


Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.

Stepping back from the chalkboard, white mist descending to the floor in subtle, if not un-appreciated irony, Professor Macnamara turned towards the empty auditorium. A single red light glowed from the camera, placed as the professor’s vanity insisted, in the center and middle of the half-moon of empty seats. Red ‘Exit’ lights beamed their advisory to no one, save the woman on the stage.

“Can anyone tell the class why Ernst Haeckel’s observation is useful to the current threat to mankind?”

Walking towards the sterile cloth-draped banquet table, the reign of monochrome was briefly overthrown as she was bathed in the video prism of a computer-screen full of half-profile thumbnails of her students.

“Yes, Yvette?”

‘It suggests that a novel virus may contain the solution to its eradication in any subsequent mutations.”

“Very good.” A light flickered impatiently around one of the thumbnails; seeing no other request to be heard, Jean reluctantly clicked the ‘Unmute’ on Pierre Hanga-Raruraru.

“But didn’t that strategy prove ineffective in Australia?”

The computer display dimmed as the ‘Class Ending in Three Minutes’ message scrolled over the grid of remote med students.

“Sorry, we’re out of time. Please remember, end of term projects are due next week, upload as ahead of the deadline as possible. The new Quarantine Protocols forbid any attempts to deliver them in person.”



M2 -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to Doug‘s new bloghop: The M of M.

(You should go check it out! Totally with instructions and a bunch of writers with mad wordage skills. Yeah, and we’re there as well??!)

This week, availing ourselfs of only 250 words, we are, all of us, invited to write a story involving the following prompt:

The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley (often go astray)

“Measure twice and cut once,” the five-year-old boy looked at his father who stood at the fluorescent-lit workbench, held up a ruler. Both had taken refuge in the basement workshop to escape the house above and the emotional discord waiting where the other half of the family rested.

“Plan your work and work your plan,” the boy, now a college professor, stood at front of the freshman engineering class, looked down at his dimly-lit lectern and smiled, “Failure is the bastard son of building without knowing everything about your materials.”

“And this will be the baby’s room,” smiling abstractly, the young man glanced at the girl at his side. A diamond on her left ring finger reflected light intermittently, as she leaned forward over the LED-lit drafting table.

“Don’t you understand? She is everything to me.”

“My father used to always say, Failure to plan is planning to fail.” Pacing through the flickering light of the church, the groom stared at the man charged with holding the ring and the cell phone. The device came to life with a sound, an unnatural sequence of tones; half musical and half incantation, the new century’s soul-less equivalent of a trusted guardian.

“Is that her?!! Is there anything wrong? No, just read it to me!” The best-man complied, in a tone as stilted as the grammar in world of texting instead of speaking:

“I don’t love you. You never asked me if I did. Sorry to ruin your plans for my life.”



M2 Challenge -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, so there’s this new prompt-write place we’re auditioning for. (Students of the Doctrine will now be raising eyebrows and reaching for real-or-imagined popcorn…. a clark deliberately going to a party?!?! This we gots to see.)

So, we got this message today, in a rarely-used email account:

In less than 250 words write a story inspired by “strange lights in the sky”.


The new apex predator confronted life: food to be found; predators to avoid.

The sun dominated the daytime sky with a simple directive: live and prosper. Despite His pride in this first quality of the earth, (‘Let there be Light!’), god grudgingly allow darkness to hold sway with a different agenda: hide and survive.

A stable dichotomy held until the upright hominids faced the inherent quality setting them apart from other living things: a subjective life that rivaled, in potential, their natural skills at running, tool-making and subjecting the weaker members of their kind to capricious will.

When the communal fire died down or a hunter stumbled away from the group, there was no escaping the strange lights in the sky. Like the whispers the spinster-to-be fought to un-hear, the night was not so simple and quite enticing:

‘Who am I, why am I here’


Monday-Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that everyone and all of us are: a)born with the capacity to perceive the world as having one of three characteristic natures. This ‘nature’ determines the basis upon which the individual forms and develops their personalities and 2) at an early age the individual establishes their residency (or membership (or backdrop)) in one and only one world. Growing up, a predominant aspect of, (the individual’s), style of interacting with the world is, obviously the character of the reality they are in. While one’s predominant worldview is one of the three, the ‘other two’ are not extinguished. They remain as secondary and tertiary aspects, influences and potential, as opposed to fundamental realities.

…man! we’re out of practice! While we recharge the batteries of the forklift that is clearly necessary in order to move words and phrases about this post, what say we go look in the archives for something a little lighter?

[Damn! I think I remember!* And…and! a fringe benefit of remembering the proper state of mind is to not only feel better, but enjoy an increased level of impulsivity. So here it is…. wait, better call them what were on yesterday’s Livestream,  Nick and Denise and Frank and Mimi and Cynthia (in spirit if not in person). A little more of a ‘setup’ is in order. They were on when the topic we’re discussing came up. The others, Tom and Ford and M. and the others hadn’t yet tuned in.

So the question from Nick yesterday was (paraphrasing here): why is it easier to react negatively (to the world) than positively? Well… this morning: we had to check on a house that might have had some issues with the furnace. Not surprisingly there was a sense of suspense as we drove up to the house. Fortunately, everything was fine. As we drove away, in a better mood, it occurred to us there was a choice in how we could feel. The default choice was ‘Relief’. But the better choice was ‘Celebration’. (Spoiler Alert! The surrounding concept and conclusion is beyond the scope of this intro, but we thought you’d want to know…about the universe and such. lol]

…after all is said and done, what’s in a name? the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine ( 3 labels account for all!!)

Mickey Rourke a clark?1
Prince a clark?
Kristen Stewart a clark?  ( well,  that was kinda easy….just go look at this video)

And what’s with the term ‘clarklike female’?  After all, the Doctrine is gender neutral and you do call (the others) scottian women and rogerian females… why the weird name for the…wait… nah, never mind.

( No! We are not reluctant to answer the question, that is, after all,  how we all learn… well, clarks and rogers in any event.)

The answer, with any luck, will prove to be both simple and obvious

  • a group or multiple scotts results in a pack
  • more than one roger gathering together?  clearly a herd!
  • 2 or 3 or more clark…… results in a… what was the question? (hey they were right here a minute ago!…was there always a floor lamp over there?…wait a minute…

Hopefully that answers the question to everyone’s satisfaction.

scotts are very, very easy to identify…when you see them, chances are they are already watching you! And if you are up for it, take a good look at them, (preferably when their attention is on someone else)  there is no mistaking the gaze, the alertness, they are paying attention. (Go back to the Kristen Stewart video thing above, this time focus on Kelly instead of Kristen)

rogers are not too difficult to spot, given that there are more of them than the other two types ( in any given situation)…besides you cannot help but to run into the roger wherever you happen to be…it is not enough for a roger to gather in a herd…they must find people who are not of the herd in order to get maximum enjoyment from the rogerian experience… now these ‘others’ will be of 2.5 other categories  clarks and scotts  male and female2 and depending on (which) the roger will cause their herd to either interfere with the clarks ( like the old  joke we all loved when we first learned to drive…you know, “Hey want a ride?” just as they reach for the door handle, jump the car ahead… lol now that I remember that it is pretty funny) anyway thats sort of what a rogerand their herd will try to do to a clark…now if it happens to be a scott entering the room  then…er…  think more….  Lunch is served!

clarks are interesting…they have a natural affinity for the company of scotts  and a weakness for the charm of rogers…as to spotting a clark, well that’s another matter, if the clark does not wish to be noticed, then you are plain out of luck! You won’t.. but then again with patience you will see the proof (of the statement about clarks) that they do not want to be the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored. clarklike females are second only to scotts as being easy to spot… with clarklike non-females** (lol)  it is a little more work, but all you have to do is listen to the conversation going on in the gathering… “we cannot directly know anything is real, but then again it doesn’t matter, because all this is imaginary in the first place…”   ( that sort of thing, along with the sound of scottian laughter and footfalls of the fleeing rogers )


* What makes for a dull post instead of a, ‘yeah, that was fun’

  1. Go find the official video of ‘You can leave your hat on’ on the youtube. Watch how Mickey (his character) reacts and relates to Kim’s character. Ain’t no scott and too much humor for a roger (in that context)