Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop on it’s One Hundred sixty-third anniversary! Long a beacon for those of us with an abiding interest in: self-improving ourselfs, finding other bloggers of like-mind and making sure we don’t lose writing-momentum. (This last is, actually, kind’ve a real thing. Taking time off from this admittedly odd pastime/avocation involves a very real risk of not returning. Not that that is a bad thing. Only if it was not intended.
[ed. damn! found the TToT post I was looking for…on the first try! from the beginning. the links actually, still kinda work!]1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Six Sentence Story
5) Mimi (who, if you want to get a laugh, visit her site, not sure which day, and I won’t link into it (the humor feature but it’s a regional humor thing. up here in New England there’s an old, old act called ‘Burt and I’ so I guess every region (at least those with a strong culture or mix of cultural influences) seem to have them.
6) hey! we should do the Summer Re-Run thing and count (it) as 6-8!
Re-Run TToT from August Two-thousand Thirteen! (a vid ‘oT to boot!)
‘… the Top Ten Ts of T for the 11th Week!’ the Wakefield Doctrine (well, if you must know, for a lot of different reasons!)
August 17, 2013Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)I am ‘happy’ to have another Post to contribute to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. Created by Considerer with the aid, support, encouragement and participation of Christine and them, this is not your typical bloghop. While there is nothing wrong with the ‘typical’ bloghops (I participate in the Twisted MixTape Tuesday run by Jen (My Skewed View) and Kristi (Finding Ninee) and Finish The Sentence Friday Janine ( ‘mommyholic) and Kate (‘bottle of Whine) and Stephanie (‘for Real) and Kristi.
What makes our TToT different is that it is a true ‘weekend blog hop’. By that I simply mean that it starts this morning and ends tomorrow night. If you want to participate you can do so at any time this weekend…and (here’s the difference) people come and read and Comment throughout the weekend, so if you have trouble today (I am a great example, I have to work today, so I’ll get this Post in and read who ever is around…later in the middle of the day, I’ll pop in and see what’s going on…then the end of the day and so on). And… Comments? that’s a little different here too! Jump in anywhere we totally believe in cross commenting. So… I think I have put this off as long as I can… my List of Ten Things:
(…yeah, I know!)
(too late to quit now!)
(…lets wrap this up!)
Ok… I had fun doing this…. (did someone just imply that they were….?)
Number 10 I am grateful that I am able to submit the above as my TToT of this Week.
We’re here all weekend (‘try the veal’) Be sure to tip your Waitress… and Comment (‘dammit! Jim I’m a Wakefield Doctrine writer, not a videographer!)
9) something, something
10) Secret Rule 1.3
music vids