Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Saturday Night Drive Re-Cap! (but first, about that last Road Trip…)
Rules Governing Wakefield Doctrine Road Trips
- you must be going somewhere for another reason, business conference, pre-set sales calls, a visit to your sick aunt Earlene
- the target destination must be recognizable to most, if not all Readers
- (most important Rule) you must return before midnight of the day that you would have gotten back anyway
- there is no minimum time that must be spent in target destination, however long it takes to get a photo and declare ownership by Right of Hat
This last trip I was in Ft Worth Texas (for a Conference) and went home (southern New England) by way of Key West, Florida. Itinerary: Dallas->Houston->Tampa->Key West (rental car) -> Ft Lauderdale-> home by 10:00 pm (2 hours to spare!)
Last Night’s Saturday Night Drive was more fun than most…a nearly full-complement of DownSprings! Only one missing was progenitor roger. (…if there are any Readers out there of the rogerian persuasion, write us a Comment, we want you to Call-in next Saturday!! (Mel…. you know you want to). Just let us know of your begrudging interest and, as clarks, we will try way, way too hard to get you on the air.
Last Night’s Topics for Discussion:
- Jenny’s Conundrum,
- tomahawks,
- Summer in Big-Square-States and
- input from all on the latest chapter of the someday-this-will-be-a-book manuscript. Specifically: Strategies for Workplace Conflicts very good input from DS#1 and Molly and Ms AKH and glenn. Ms AKH provided the critical scottian ‘contrast’ to the suggested resolutions of the three Scenaria that we are using as a context in the Book.
- …oh yeah! we also did a video that may or may not follow…stay tuned!
On the topic of Jenny’s Conundrum, Molly started to expand on her Comment (at the Post). Mostly focusing on the value of determining the nature of the questions (if any) being put forth by Jenny’s group of clarks, Molly’s suggestion appears to be along the lines of consider the nature of the question and infer the personality type, (better just go to yesterday’s Post and read it yourself0. Molly’s Comment was very ‘on the mark’ in that the initial phase of understanding the personality type of person is always to look for ways to infer how that person is relating to the world at large. Do they seem to see the world as ‘outside, apart from (themselves)’ or do they seem on the alert for threats or signs of weakness (in others) or do they seem assured that everything (or most everything) is as it should be? (a clark or a scott or a roger)
…to be cont’d