TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Foundered by LR in Anno Domino 2001 This bloghop has survived the trials and tribulations of most First Gen Grat blogs as it has persisted down through the decades; everything/anything the internet could through at it.

But that was when and this is how.

Following is our list of the people, places, things and events (real and imagined), that have inspired us to believe we feel grateful over the course of the week passed.


1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) work ProTip (category: real estate inspection) Found a couple of panes of glass blown out by the wind off the water. Needed to document the fact,

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

7) speaking of reading and such. We grateful for our eyes (with the free Reading app installed as a child, well before it, like, became popular) that allows us to enjoy books. This week, we’re totally enjoying a re-read of ‘The Wizard’s Butler’ (Nathan Lowell) by If you haven’t read this most-pleasing of word con-joining, you totally should. (We’re recommending you try Better World as a source. ’cause, well, not hammerzone)

8) something, something

9) promo for a manifestation of the benefits of the virtual world in general and the blogosphere in particular: make a note on your calendars! the Six Sentence Café & Bistro is having an Open House on the (aptly) names April Fool’s Day3 And, if in comments below you ask, we can totally get you on the Guess’d List. Watch this Grat Item in the coming weeks for a dramatis personae, setting info and pretty much all you’ll need to…dare we say it… write yourself into the story

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music vids:



guitar/Jeff Beck fans: 0:30



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clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Real estate is a busy business, you are always having to put out fires, aren’t you.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      old saying* about real estate, ‘the commission is not about showing houses, it’s about getting to a successful closing’

      * lol, yeah

  2. Chris Hall says:

    Some interesting things to do… and pretty soon, eh?
    meaning: 9) – plus some great sounds!

  3. Misky says:

    #7: which reading app are you using?

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