Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to ‘the Unicorn Challenge‘
A photo-prompt bloghop hosted by jenne and ceayr, it has the simplest of rules: keep it at (or under) 250 words.
“Half a pound, make that medium ground,
of that splendid, open-range rabbit.
And, what do you say, since it is a holiday,
two grilled squirrels-0n-a-stick.
One for here and one for home,
A puppy’s dream, for when Santa comes around.”
Perfect as the life form.
Superb, Clark.
thanks, j.
In those moments I turn up the volume on the inner critic (the one saying, ‘Watch it buddy. There are folks here who write poetry for reals. You’re setting yourself up to get told, ‘back in your place’) And then… I write it anyway.
Simply because I’ve been undeservedly fortunate in the company I’ve found myself since the afternoon I hit ‘Publish’ for the very first time.
(Seems to occur to me, and I would recoil in horror were the thought, ‘This has been true since before you can remember…why have you let the negative in for so long…?’ be spoke aloud), but the company one keeps (with a slight wobble in consistency, only to keep the “Standard Variation’ folks in business) that one’s social experience in this virtual world is predicated on one’s willingness to make available to others that which we wish for ourselfs… tolerance without judgment. I feel the pull of a lecture so allow me to stop typing. lol
Awww, I’d give it to him, no problem.
Mmm, mmm, good!
damn words just crawled out on the keyboard and jumped up and down
I do so enjoy when you get oh so serious and do something profound!
Short, sharp, excellent.