Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.
Hosted by Denise defined by it’s numerically eponymous title.
Prompt word:
What? Sorry, misheard what you said, this is the rare manuscript department, maybe over in the self-help section?
Yeah, lots of those in our self-published and flash-fiction shelves, one might say that…eccentricities among indie authors… damn, sorry, my age is showing and the hearing is the first to go, especially with the bilabials; have you tried looking next door in the supermarket?
Sorry, as a delicacy, that stuff was outlawed because of the cruelty to the geese; sorry, damn…my French is minimal, maybe you should check in housewares.
Welcome to the Grocery department, yes, yes we do, we even have a choice: Reynolds and Store brand. How many rolls would you like?
We went a similar route methinks.
A fun word with so many meanings!
Thank you so much for a new (to me) word! Bilabial!
hope I didn’t… no, way, no need to be unintentionally insulting (about the inferred, almost ‘foil’ words …wait, I’ll keep this as my true insecurity is found in my skill in writing, not the skill of the Readers)
I like your fun and clever Six.
yes, ty*
Please disregard previous Reply (I left the keyboard un-attended for a bare moment. Enough time for my inner critic to get at it.)
A foigivable foible.
ty, yo
Nice one: “that stuff was outlawed because of the cruelty to the geese”
I actually looked it up (foi gras) and, according to ‘pedia that is an actual thing. wouldn’t have missed it, what with having the palette of six-year-old and all
Age impacts the ears first, before making its way to the brain :)
agree (and) ‘ayiiee!’ consider what that does (to the individual)… through mishearing/misapprehension of the world around them, our minds make judgements that are skewed. like seeing a stream become polluted and not making the leap to the effects on the drinker from a nearby well
Smile inducing storytelling.
(I second the learning a new word – yes, that very one!)
Ha ha, what’s not to like? Indie writers and/or strange, weird and funny flash fiction people are the best. Plus, a wonderful new word… ‘billabial’ – wow!
One roll, store brand, if I can afford it. Have you priced the stuff lately?!!
I am fortunate as I am but the driver, P is the orderer. (Holdover from the Covid, the bulk of the grocery shopping done only with me going and having Jen put the bags in the trunk so I can drive homw and bring them into the house and such)
Ha ha, what’s not to like? Indie writers and/or strange, weird and funny flash fiction people are the best. Plus, a wonderful new word… ‘billabial’ – wow!
yeah, totally agree, the half the fun of writing Sixes is looking up words and such
As pâté goes, it’s my least favourite. 90% fat and a pinch of salt. But this Six is delicious!
yum, yum is all I aspired to
I’m not sure you went home with what you went out for, but it should come in useful.
lol god willing