Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

What a treat we have for you Readers today!

Backstory: was talking Doctrine with Denise and roger (yeah, the Progenitor roger) on this weekend’s Saturday Night Call-in and we got on the topic of translation. Meaning, of course, translation between personal realities.

Essentially, if as a clark I am asked why did the roger does something*, without the Wakefield Doctrine, my description is unavoidable inaccurate, often fatally so. If, that is, our goal in life is to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

So, anyway, in the course of the conversation, we recalled a scene in the beginning of the movie, ‘Arrival’ that while subtle, is totally representative of a roger’s characteristic behavior.

New Readers!! This is kinda Doctrine 104 (Advanced Seminar). All of you who are scotts and rogers on your first visit? You’d be doing yourself a favor by heading over to This Page (on rogers). That’ll give you a total leg-up on today’s conversation. clarks  who’re like, ‘what the hell is the Wakefield Doctrine… wait I think I see, level of new to this blog? We had you guys at ‘Doctrine 104 (Advanced Seminar)’ lol Yeah, no way you’re gonna go back and read the Basics and Principles.


The Everything Rule reminds us that even something as abstract as ‘aggression and drive to control’ is found in all three predominant worldviews. The word we use when considering an interest, social fad, an occupation, avocation, and ‘well-I-gotta-earn-a-living’ us Manifest, as in ‘how does this manifest in an Outsider (clark), Predator (scott) or Herd Member (roger)? To take it one step further (Advanced Seminar 194) we can infer a person’s predominant worldview by the quality of a given manifestation. Which in turns accounts for why some occupations tend to draw one personality type over the other. For example: elementary school teacher, cop/stripper and engineer/revivalist preacher.

So, here ya go. We have the vid set up to start a few seconds before the MC exhibits the behavior that identifies her as a roger. By all means play it from the beginning. The thing that is being demonstrated is how ‘control over the world around her’ is manifested in the rogerian worldview.

No, don’t ask us why. We have complete confidence in our Reader’s grasp of the principles of our little personality theory and, far be it from us to impugn the efficacy of the aforementioned insight into human behavior. But we’ll be all, ‘correct your own tests’ tomorrow on this little lesson. (No, don’t over-think the scene. Consider the question: How would you have responded to the student’s request that the main (whatever) be tuned into the News? We know what you’re thinking, clarks! lol

rogerian insight


* totally one of the direct benefits of alternate perspective made available by the Wakefield Doctrine. The first among such insights as they pertain to clarks and rogers is a new and thoroughly beneficial appreciation of the distinctly rogerian characteristic known as ‘lashing out’. If you’re a clark, new to this blog here, you would do well to write a comment/send email to the effect ‘ok, I’ll admit to being an Outsider (don’t tell anyone) but what’s the big deal with this ‘lashing out’ thing?’ New Readers want to know.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one

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