Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop, aka the TToT.
(Which is), a weekly practice in:
- blogging (which, to be more specific, is the writing of blog posts, the stuff the blogosphere is made of)
- gratitude (or to be more concise: the practice of reflecting on and sharing with others, the people, places and/or things in our respective worlds/realities/lives that have elicited/stimulated and/other otherwise made us feel grateful)
- writing (see above… there apparently is an important difference between concise and precise)
- reading the stories of others engaged in a similar exercise/practice/discipline, this provides an opportunity to take advantage of what is arguably the single most powerful technique available to those with a desire to self-improve themselves
- in the interest of sharing, this last is: perspective (and acceptance, a necessary precursor)
Kristi is the Grand Marshal of this here Rodeo. She does yeoman’s work at keeping things on the table (as opposed to everywhere else, like it would be if you were greeted by your spouse just before lunch and informed that they brought some guests home, as six chimpanzees, a Labrador retriever service dog and two German Shepherd puppies burst through the door.)
(Pre-grat list reservation on the above: Nos. 7 and 8 for the visual of the ensuing meal and the mental casting of: a) the spouse and 2) one of the dogs)
1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) the woods, including the horizontal tree growing next to our cedar arch (see photo at top of post)
4) friends in ‘the sphere’… Kristi Campbell (one of the cool kids who invited me to hang out with them, when I first ventured into the blogosphere through the facebook door). Apparently she is celebrating a birthday (or so, my tertiary rogerian aspect informs me).
5) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) an aspect of this TToT community that allows for people like us to feel like we can participate.
6) Six Sentence Story. now host to two! (count ’em two!) serials constituting what may be the first nano-serial story. (That would be ‘The Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ (an Ian Devereaux story) and ‘The Whitechapel Interlude‘ (Book 1 from ‘the Order of Lilith’)
7) see above intro** (this is about the lunch)

Yes, to whoever said that, ‘Not a chimpanze’…. though, who said this orangutang wasn’t the one dropping them off for lunch?
8) **yeah, this is also a courtesy ‘visual’ for our intro about the guests to the surprise lunch. (And, and! a remarkably appropriate accompaniment to our famous Barber’s song.)
10) Secret Rule 1.3
(“More Rossini!!”)
Who are we to say no?
“Holy Pink Floyd, Doctinaires! Wait for the singing to start then go back to the GSD gif lol
I think Una would have stayed in the car. She hid in the big dog water trough when her doggy daycare decided she was too big for the puppy/small dog room. I went and picked her up and we haven’t been back.
that was no way to treat a dog
Friends are the reason i keep coming back. It’s been too long since i’ve sat back and enjoyed an opera.
funny about Marriage of Figaro, I knew of it (as did all of children of Saturday morning cartoons) but I didn’t ever have a sense of it as ‘a story’… until after I started writing this blog and then, I stumbled across the video I used this week, which, with the libretto as English subtitles, totally made a difference.
Chimps and shepherds and a lab, oh my! Sounds like a fun group!
I think Labs and shepherds would make a good combo, like the favorite uncle and the kids
Delightful all. I love the Shepards bounding out of the car. Makes you want to be out in the field crouched down, arms open, waiting to see who comes in for a hug first, lol
Magpie, I believe, is the perfect send off music for my impending road trip :D
they are demonstrating that scottian capacity for fun that is in most dogs, especially GSDs
I know! Adorable :)
Ah, said the orangutang after dropping them all off. . .at last, some peace and quiet and time to just quietly stare back at anyone willing to look at me. Una’s decision to hide in the water trough sounds like the perfect plan if the room with the large dogs had the kind of energy as the German shepherds in the video. Such an enjoyable TToT. I enjoyed the captions on Figaro.
yeah, fun that whole image/scene of surprise lunch…
Phyllis was there before Una had a chance to get tired of being in the water.
This TTOT went dog wild! Love it!
It was fun to write!