Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A tugboat and barge heading west across Rhode Island Sound.
On the far right, a fishing boat heading out, to the south and east.
Between the two, floating on the horizon, Montauk Point (the ‘far end’ of Long Island).
This is the weekly installment of the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created by Lizzi, carried on by Josie and for the last few years, curated by Kristi, it is an exercise in the cultivation of the positive in life, the world and the people who make it up.
It is not a mere and ordinary gratitude blog. No sir (or madam). It is a combination of: diary, journal, personal observations and reflections on the continuing mini-series of life; new entries are shared in a virtual clubhouse that revels in SOC* stories (campfire-scary and otherwise), automatic writing and people who enjoy writing in an environment without rules or requirements, bar one: good intent. (We’ll leave it to the Reader to divine the definition of that one. Like the rare things in life, you know it when you see it and everyone will know it when it’s lacking.)
For us, here at the Wakefield Doctrine, the list of things that elicit the subjective state of gratitude include, but are not limited to:
1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) Wakefield Doctrine fashion
4) Six Sentence Story Where a body can practice the writing thing and follow along with series-ettes that spring up among the week’s posts. An example would be the nearly-for-sure nano-serial, ‘The Case of the Missing Fig Leaf’ (an Ian Devereaux Detective novelina) [Chapter 1 * Chapter 2]
5) “Fern Circles and Push-ups too!” (thanks and a shoutout to David Lee) Forgive the photography. I’m hoping you’ll be able to discern, in the photo below, a bed of ferns that’ve been bent in a curvilinear manner. It happens every year. Go to bed, secure in the knowledge that the ferns are protecting us in their quietly vigilant Devonian way, wake up in the morning to see them flattened (in a curiously attractive manner) silently shrieking, “Oh! The humanity!”)
6) It was lost and then it was found. I have a pair of branch clippers, ‘loppers’** totally essential tool for altering the environment. I’ve had them, well since we moved in. In any event, in true baby-bathwater fashion, at some point last Sunday, the clippers got caught up with a pile of limbs and somehow thrown into the working brush pile. Took a couple of days and taking the pile apart, but I found them.
8) The power of music to take us back in time. Whether we’re in the mood for a trip down Memory Lane or not, we all have songs that will bundle us up like a deprogrammer-for-hire and whisk us away in a mid-sized rental sedan to an undisclosed location where we spend the next interminable stretch of irreplaceable lifetime reliving the past. Damn, let’s see Dante beat that for a way to make sinners toe the line.
9) something, something… have a day of work ahead, not likely to find anything there to put here. But! This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the TToT bloghop and, therefore, experienced Readers will make a mental note to check back here tomorrow.
10) SR 1.3 From the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) from the Latin: ‘Disce Latinam legere et in earn rem pecunia magna‘*** This Rule states: the approaching completion of a list of grats is qualified as an Item (provided the intervening Items are actually typed and not rushed through the mind of the writer, like a gambler putting the overdue mortgage payment on the line in a back alley game of craps.)
* SOC: Stream Of Consciousness
** actually, a real word, the term for this tool that will get you a productive response if you’re trying to find them at the store…go figure
*** ‘Learn to read Latin and earn really big money’
music vids
Can you see me?? Big one (the smile)…audible chuckle…
Now that was a gift. Finding the clippers :D
true dat
I’m impressed that you found the clippers! Companies really should make gardening tools in neon colors; I’ve certainly misplaced my share of tools over the years.
such a reasonable idea, wonder why I’ve not seen them
So glad you found those loppers, a really good tool is not easy to replace once you get used to the one you had.
totally, they’re, like, thirty years old! (ayyieee! that is a lifetime, sorta)
You have good eyes!
I did not include the amount of time involved… lol
Those loppers are the equivalent of my beloved’s red pencil. Only it’s RED! Paint those things🎨
That SWEATSHIRT, tho!!! Clark…how do friends of the Doctrine buy these things!? I have mine and it is BELOVED – I don’t wear it as much because I don’t want it to wear out. lol.
Also, digital detox week went great. I have pics to share…ha!
yeah, came out pretty good, right?
sent a couple of photos back as well
The Wakefield Doctrine U hoodie is the perfect accessory for daily commutes to work.
Vic came out of the shed one day this week with a tool I had been unable to find when I looked for it there. What is in plain sight to him often is totally hidden from my view. It all has to one’s way of filing or putting away. I was looking for it in the place I would have put it. HaHa. Anyway, glad you spotted those loppers!
Love the fern circles. Perhaps there is a creature (deer?) which beds there overnight.
I’m thinking deer beds…’cept, it seems they appear only at a certain time of year (this time) and not others. Probably a scheduling thing among the woodland creatures that I was not memo’d on.
I agree, the key to finding lost objects lies in how one sorts and puts away objects.
Loved your list of thankfuls, all so vivid, with the music, the lost loppers etc etc.
I recently went into the shed – shared by him and me – looking for my trowel where I usually put it. Then I looked, I thought, everywhere else. Not finding them I call him indoors. “I put them back for you,” h says. Right, I think, but why can’t I find them then. When I look further, because they’re obviously there somewhere, I eventually find them just inside the door, thrown in, not put away as one might expect. The door, when I opened it was hiding them.
Putting away is surely as personally-idiosyncratic a human action as singing by ear. lol
The ‘extras’ on the TToT, music and such are the real fun of participation… there’s a reason we have a Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)
Have a good remainder of the week.
I am getting to know folks from Ten Things of Thankful so wanted to stop by and say hello. Thankful to have blog friends to visit daily. Have a wonderful week.
Thank you for stopping by… this is a very interesting community that has grown around the bloghop.
Same to you