Month: December 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: December 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Summer’s Guardian, resolve undeterred.


This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. It is most graciously hosted by Kristi. Each week, writers offer insights and remembrances for those people, places and things that inspire a feeling of gratitude. The style of writing is only enhanced by the substance of their lists. And, we get to participate as well!

Note to new Readers and/or participants-in-waiting. Ten Item grat list? Easy-as-pie, yo. ⅄on ɔɐu po ᴉʇ’ sʇɐupᴉuƃ ou ʎonɹ ɥǝɐp¡ Don’t worry about nothin. The TToT has something that no other grat blog in the ‘sphere has… a little ‘ole book of secret rules. (I’d say more about this here, but, as an experienced blogger, I’ve developed some sense of resource management. Want to read more ’bout this book? Head down to Grat Item Number 7.)

Without further ado (holy smoke! is the internet a clark’s dream, or what? I went to check on the correct spelling of ‘further ado’ and that lead to seeing a mention of ‘eggcorn‘. Apparently there is a term, eggcorn, very similar to mondegreen, a cool linguistic term form mis-hearing (in a creative way). Damn! This totally need to be a Grat Item.


1) Only seven more days until winter ends

2) Una

3) Phyllis

4) The Case of the Missing Starr. In this week’s chapter we get re-acquainted with a favorite character from another WIP, Anya Claireaux in  Chapter 27. (gettin near the end…)

5) The Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)…. the BoSR/SBoR’s motto:  “Hey! We don’t make this stuff up… you do!

6) The Six Sentence Story (of course) head over there next Wednesday and send Denise in a story that has six and only six sentences in it. Tell her, the Doctrine sent ya.

7) That thing, up in the intro, with the inverted text? Sure you can! While this blog’s theme is gratitude and it, (the theme, not the blog), can be quite the weighty subject, ain’t nothin that says it can’t be fun. (I’ll you in on a little secret, I’m totally fighting the urge to stick some EE Cummings in one these here Items here. Just because. Not a poetry guy, but… hey, Mimi! You know the pome I’m thinking of, I totally know you do. lol)

8) something, something

9) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE If anyone is out there, liking what they read but are hesitant to send in a blog post, send us a sample! I’ll put it right in the comments. Try it out!

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (see Item 5)



TV show theme music

and, for fans of PDQ Bach, this by Peter Shickele


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Your host is Denise.

Your charge is to write a story of precisely six sentences in length based on the prompt word.

Prompt word:


The change was neither sudden, nor universal; to the small percentage of people who noticed it first, the word ‘modification’ seemed more comfortable a way to note the difference.

‘Yeah’, those unable to avoid hearing their own thoughts, like pearls forming in shells at the bottom of a toxic sea, ‘Like a change in hue or a lowering in volume, certainly nothing really is missing.’

‘The times change’, as unavoidable as following waves in an incoming tide, an increasing number found themselves thinking, safely unaware of how jealously they guarded this seemingly innocent conclusion.

As water, in a boiling pot remains confined until the energy exceeds the limits of containment, finding a more liberating form as steam, the sense of shared loss grew, no longer constrained by the logic of, ‘We all must eventually grow up’ or ‘Its time to set aside childish beliefs.’

Like the light of dawn, at first confined and easily ignored, inevitably becomes the day, touching all, an awareness of change spread.

The spirit of the Season was absent and, as granite monuments of a cemetery offer nothing more comforting than a reminder of the past, the void in their lives grew and their world became forever less joyful.




music (no, seriously. even though this choice of music made way more sense when I was still trying to write a different Six, I still like it in an ironically-whimsical sorta way.)


Finish the Sentence Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I wrote this post earlier. You will note the double ‘sentence-to-be-finished’. That, however, is not the reason for the, ‘blockquote-hey!-before-you-get-started’.

Hey! Before you start, have I ever mentioned how powerful Kristi’s FTSF prompts are? No, I’m serious. I’m not asking a rhetorical question. Well, if I have, then, thank you. I guess I’m still in the timeline from which I wrote the finish-of-sentence in the lower half of this post. Well, it’s true. Since I started participating in this ‘hop, I found that there is something about it (the prompt, sure, more likely, it’s the people who participate.)

In any event, seeing as I’m revisiting the post I wrote earlier, let me tell you about another…lesson that changed how I thought. (wavy screen here)

I must have been in 11th grade. I had a dentist appointment. It was autumn. Let’s say, early November, as it was getting dark by the end of my after school visit. I’ve always had a terrible time at the dentist. (Hyper-sensitive teeth, clumsy dentistry, being an adolescent clark, whatever.) In any event, this dentist was willing to use gas for simple cavity filling. Small, rubbery nose-piece, breath deeply, wake up, go home. Fine. The appointment was uneventful and otherwise normal. As I was coming to, I felt the familiar ‘reverse vibration’ that seemed to accompany the process of returning to consciousness. I looked out the window facing the chair and saw the wet-yellow leaves on a tree, along with the skewed rectangle of the light from inside. No big deal. Got up, drove home. (oh! shit! that means this must have been later than 11th grade. seeing as I’m sure I was there by myself. which was a good thing, given what happened next.)

I returned to the dentist for another visit, ten days, maybe two weeks later. Same process. Same weather, dark and dreary. Once again, the appointment was uneventful. Rubbery nose thing, disappear into unconsciousness.

except, when I returned to consciousness, accompanied by the same ‘reverse vibration’, looking out through the same window, with the drooping leaf tree, I was certain it was the first appointment. My stomach, like, totally dropped towards the center of the earth. Even as a part of me insisted that this was the second visit, not the first, I could not let go of the idea that, somehow I’d looped back in time and was in the chair, ten days, two weeks before.


But wait, there’s more! (lol) Now, among you Readers, there are, by the way the Wakefield Doctrine perspective allows us to, two groups: clarks and rogers and scotts with significant secondary clarklike aspects. (IF that makes no sense, read up on the Doctrine or, better yet, ask. Don’t worry, its not a bad thing if you’re in the second group.) Most everyone reading this will smile and think, “Yeah, I can imagine what that feels like. Sort of like the time…

But, (for the clarks) the second thing that seized my mind was, “Stay calm. You can do this, just as long as they don’t figure out what’s happened to you.”

lol  (ya gotta love the world of the Outsider, no?)

Enough, now on to the regularly scheduled post


We’re back visiting with our friends over at the Finish the Sentence Friday bloghop.

This week’s prompt is totally like, when you were in school, and there was a new teacher coming in mid-semester and he/she gives an assignment to do a book report and you remember one that you actually saved from before. Even better, that classmate was absent that day and no one in class mentioned it was a repeat assignment.


So this week’s sentence to complete, down there in bold italics* the sentence that lies on the page, all interrupted Lego house, structure insistent on ‘house’; details and features needed to make it ‘a house’ still in pieces in the box and under the bed, I’d like to try1 to use the ‘Eureka Moment’ of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) to finish the sentence…

The lesson (or event or whatever) that changed how I thought…” aka “The lesson that changed how I thought…”

In the early 1980’s, Scott (the progenitor scott) worked at a music store in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. He was the only full-time salesman and (also) ran the store’s repair department. In addition to musical instruments, the store provided repair services for a wide range of electronic equipment, including  tape recorders and other audio equipment.

One day I happened to stop by the store to visit. While there, a young man walked into the store, went directly to the ‘repair department’ where Scott and I were talking and without preamble placed a ‘duel cassette recorder’ on the counter. A duel cassette recorder was designed to allow one cassette to be copied directly to another, what today we would call, making a back up. The controls on this ‘dubbing recorder’ consisted of two sets of tape recorder controls: Volume, Treble and Bass. Where it differed from a single recorder was that it also had a Master Volume control. As the name implies it controlled the volume level, for both recording and playback. The tape recorder the customer placed on the counter appeared to be new and showed no signs of damage or abuse. I stepped back, Scott looked up and said, ‘What can we do for you’?  The customer said, “This thing is brand new, it worked for a couple of days, then it stopped working entirely. I can’t figure out what’s wrong”.

Scott looked at the device for a second, then, without a word, reached under the counter, brought out a roll of black electrical tape, and, tearing off a 2 inch piece, taped over the Master Volume control (after returning the dial to it’s highest setting). He then slid the device back over the counter and said, “There, it’s all right now.”

The customer asked to plug in the recorder. Taking a cassette from his pocket he put in the machine and ran it through it’s paces. Satisfied that  his ‘broken tape recorder’ now worked like new, he thanked Scott and walked out of the store, a totally satisfied customer.

My reality shifted. For reasons not clear to this day, although I observed what scott saw as to the nature of the problem with the dual cassette recorder, I realized that the character of scotts solution implied a reality, a ‘context’ that was clearly different from mine. At that moment I accepted that the personal reality that I experienced was not necessarily the one that of anyone else. That the manner in which Scott perceived the ‘problem’ was fundamentally different from the way I witnessed it.

From that moment, standing in a small music store in Pawtucket, I’ve been observing the behavior of others knowing that what they are experiencing is not necessarily that which I am, I try to understand, “What kind of reality does this person exist in?”

So the rest, as we might have written in our book reports….

“In conclusion, it is clear that Hawthorne, in The Scarlet Letter, intended to portray Hester Prynne as a victim of the injustice of early American social mores.

The End.”


* ‘bold, italics… man! how obnoxious would the person, who was ‘bold and italics’, be?! I mean, I’d want to hang out with someone who was ‘italics’** and I know I already have a friend (or two) who are ‘bold’. But both?  probably would not be too much fun.

1) experienced writers (and Readers) of Finish the Sentence Friday are smiling at the caveat. The gift of our hostinae, Kristi and Madra and Tamara is disguised two ways. Innocent looking prompt, ‘sure, seems direct and straightforward enough’ in a context in which genuine creativity is encouraged and celebrated. This last, about the positive atmosphere at the FTSF ‘hop, should not be underestimated.

** hell, some might argue I tend to be kinda that italics sort of guy, whatever that implies lol



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. It is hosted by Kristi. It was created by Lizzi.

The theme is gratitude, the rules are virtually (ha ha) non-existent and participation has been shown to be beneficial both to the writer as well as Reader.

The thing of it is, taking the time (and really, when you think about, you’re not taking time, rather you are investing time), the TToT is a good thing. (After all, the ‘time’ we’re talking about is investing isn’t so much ours, as it’s a resource all of us have access to, in a set amount each day.) Of course, investments are not always successful. They are not always wise, or in our best interest. Once made, in our little metaphor here, they are irrevocable. You spent yesterday doing what you did, feeling as you did, learning what you did. Ain’t no going back, ain’t no refunds.

As a wise investment, sharing those people, places and things that elicited a feeling of gratitude will always produce a healthy return on your investment.

1) Una  She understands the world on the most fundamental level, that of the physical senses.

2) Phyllis  She has the competence to navigate a world at once full of goodness yet rife with hazards created by the fear and insecurity of others.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine  it offers an additional perspective on reality and the people who make up our worlds.

4) Chapter 26 of ‘the Case of the Missing Starr‘  Hey! sign up (wherever the heck it lets you, over at the blog where I have the serial story) the story is almost over. At least this chapter.

5) Pat Brockett co-hostinae  ‘A season and a time‘  Pat’s blog is possessed of a quiet wisdom, her words are gentle which only accentuates the strength of conviction that lies beneath, like the boulders that determine the path of a river.

6) Lisa co-hostinae ‘The Prolific Pulse’ A relative newcomer to the ranks of hosts, Lisa’s blog is a testimony to how creative drive can, with discipline and practice, produce a variety of work that makes one sit back and think, “Yow, how does one do that.”

7) Dyanne co-hostinae ‘I Want Backsies‘ known among the traveled and not-so-travelled highways and byways of the virtual world as ‘Dyanne?-an-adventure-would-be-good-right-about-now,-watcha-got-cookin’

8) Mimi co-hostinae ‘messymimi’s meanderings’ Mimi and her blog provides a proof that innate kindness is not weakness and charity of the heart is, with some, limitless.

9) THIS SPACE AVAILBLE. (You know you want to)

10) Secret Rule 1.3. (Secret Rule 48.2 chap 4: if it’s a Sunday and the 8th of the month, ya gots to go look it up.)


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Six Sentence Story

Denise is the host.

The rules are: a story based on the prompt word. The length of the story to be no more than and no less than six sentences.


Prompt Word:


Darnell-James looked at his friend, Eustis McClintock, sitting in a chair next to a summer-orphaned wood stove and said, “Been five years, this store don’t look nothing like I remember, and I know you never set so calm when the gas pumps have a line of out-of-state cars in front.”

Jutting a chin that showed a half-week of white beard, Eustis said, “If you remember, the back wall of the store was six, seven feet further back, behind where all those little glass and stainless steel doors are now; a fella from the city showed up last year and said to me, “Let me bring you a little of the 21st century and I will give you back your quiet life.”

As the two men watched, a young couple came in through the door, looked around, in that skittish way first time tourists did when forced off the interstate, saw the refreshment section of the back wall and, finding what they believed they came in for, swiped their credit cards and took their coffee and plastic-wrapped pastry back out to their car.

Seeing the half-perplexed frown on his old friend’s face, Eustis said, “The man who installed these cases said something about a circuit; a credit card in the slot completes a connection, the little door opens, whether it was ready-made hamburger or a souvenir tee shirt, said it used an electric eye or a laser or some-damn-thing; the important thing being a circuit is closed by the credit card.

“So, what you’re sayin is,” a grin started to wrinkle Darnell-James’ face, “If the circuit is unbroken, they can buy.”

“Yes, lord, buy and buy,” both men laughed like boys setting out on a homemade raft in the middle of a hot summer day.



