Month: October 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Here we are again. Sunday. The traditional (Judeo-Christian) day of rest. And, though not sharing as impressive a history, or, at least not in terms of the time it has shaped this most significant days of the week, the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) has been present down through the years, inviting those so inclined to share those people, places and things that have inspired the experience of gratitude. As the photo above makes abundantly clear, Summer is over. But, as the old saying reminds us, “The virtual world has everything except weather and smells.” So we will remain warm(ish) until Summer time comes back.

1) Una

2) Phyllis (not in photo.) That bench by the water? Her handiwork last Spring.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine. …because, sine qua non, binyons, sine qua non.

4) working near the ocean

5) generators (most of the lower half of the state lost power Thursday. We have a whole house generator and did not lose power. lol)

6) rogerian expression of the week:  “…I considered it very carefully, but it did not pass mustard.”

7) Chapter 18 of ‘The Case of the Missing Starr‘  The first link is just the newest Chapter. If you haven’t been following along, the second (link) takes you to the beginning.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE For any visitor or occasional Reader who would like to participate, but does not have a full-on post ready to link. Send in your Grat Item (and any message) and we’ll totally post it here.

9) Sunday exercise project in the woods. The vertical red thing is my trusty pole saw. My well-worn copy of “Physics and You” is off to the side not in frame. lol

10) Secret Rule 1.3. Because whats more fun for a group activity than having rules? Having Secret Rules! (Spoiler Alert: Like the vinegar invisible ink letters of childhood, the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) will make available the perfect rule for your situation, provided you brought along a candle and a decoder.)




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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Our host, Denise, provides a new prompt word each and every week. We get to make up a story utilizing said prompt word and send it in, provided theys only six sentences in our story.

(Jeez, this one took a turn-for-the-weird, no? Can’t wait to see what it is I think is complimentary music. lol)

Prompt word:


The trees carpeting the arcadian hills of rural New England wore their orange, russet and yellow leaves like humorless Harlequins in an 18th century Commedia dell’arte, forced to play a role at odds with their nature.

Carved into the flanks of unambitious hills and along the edges of shallow valleys, the asphalt ribbon offered a view of the countryside purely a function of both botany and velocity. The automobile flew along the two-lane road like a railroad boxcar, only in reverse, as gaps in the forest appeared and vanished without preamble or warning; vistas available intermittently.

Cresting a ridge, the increased elevation accomplishing what otherwise took millennia, the forest on the left parted and the lowlands became visible. At the farthest point visible, a brightening of dawn’s anonymous sky as the sun pushed itself up over the horizon like a drunk fighting to clear himself from the soft-wreckage of night’s bed.

Ahead on the right, more the collar than the shoulder, as the road remained two-lanes-by-mutual-consent-only, appear a series of signs:

It’s said that

Man proposes

God disposes 

Surely neither

Is by accident or design

Burma Shave.





TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

What can we say. Summer has fled. Like grade school friends at the sound of cop cars howling towards the field where you thought there was an abandoned house. All the warm days that seemed like they would never end are being elbowed aside by a wind that is a total stranger. (Though there is something familiar about it now, how it lurks around corners in the afternoon, daring the sun to stay around a little longer. It pushes at the back of your legs and flips your collar like a sixth grade bully, mindless energy without a focus.)

Despite the seemingly-gloomy intro*, this is still the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Kristi, our host, arranges the electrons, throws open the curtains and welcomes all who would join us.

So lets get started with our Grat List.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) Hypo-grat: Escape of Summer and, like the uncle your mother always referred to in a noticeably casual manner and your father frowned and kept it short with his silence, moving into the breezeway between the house and the garage for as long as it takes before Summer is ready to return.

4) Chapter 17 of the serial story, ‘The Case of the Missing Starr’ (Interesting thing. Feedback that I’ve been getting and feedback I’ve solicited indicates that everyone is enjoying the supporting characters. The MC, well, not that Ian Devereaux’s a bad character. He’s ok. And that’s the interesting part. He’s just ok.

(I’ll wait while the wisecracks and giggles die down. “Yes, Dyanne, I do realize that Ian’s the only First Person character in the book.” “Why, thank you, Mimi, I do believe that he just needs to get comfortable in the role.” “Jennifer? Very good insight, there are some ragged edges to our main character and he does have a certain propensity for keeping them out of sight.” “Lizzi... what a nice thing to say! I don’t doubt that he’s holding back, the better to highlight the supporting characters.” “Yeah, Denise you did see the glint of a bit of a darker side of Ian in this, Chapter 17 that was a little surprising.”)

5) As always, the Wakefield Doctrine. Not only does it provide insights that make some of the more incomprehensible actions and reactions of the people I interact with, more understandable, the Doctrine gives me a context and framework in which I might better understand myself. And as the old saying reminds us, “Can’t reconcile the inconsistency of others? Better stop at the nearest mirror, yo.”

6) The nearby-edness of the ocean. Totally not diminished by weather or the seasons. No such thing as a bad or un-inspiring time to be face to face with them waves and such. (Photo at top of post, Wawaloam Rd** earlier this week.)

7) Friend of the Doctrine, Cynthia and Denise of the Six Sentence Story bloghop for calling in last night on the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive. Excellento

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. If anyone is new or otherwise spends time here but has not reached the threshold of posting a post, this is the Open Mike (might be better called, the Open Keyboard) segment of our TToT. Got a single Grat Item that you’d like to try out? Totally send it in! (In the comments give us the item and preferred attribution and the next thing you’ll read’ll be, “And now, for the first time, lets have a warm TToT welcome to (YOUR NAME HERE)”!!)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3



*  but, actually not. And for two very good reasons: the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

** no, really, that’s the name of the road



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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks. scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Every week, our host Denise, offers a new prompt word and invites all to write a story utilizing that word.

Easy, right?

Well... there’s this thing about the number of sentences in your submission. Six sentences. No more and no less.

Hey! Is that Bogie up there in the post photo? Means one thing to me… Ian Devereaux and The Case of the Missing Starr!

This week’s prompt word:


With the precarious self-confidence of a high school athlete, I walked to the head of the line of noon-time customers waiting to be seated at The Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge, holding out a folded sheet of paper, “Your new dancer gave me this note and insisted that I deliver it to you.”

Diane spared me a quick glance as she executed the critical function of a hostess in a strip club, bestowing pre-absolution on patrons, a most attractive priestess in a drive-through confessional.

The daytime clientele of Lou Ceasare’s club consisted of members of Providence’s upper-level professional class; attorneys and judges, stockbrokers and bankers. To a man, having spent the morning keeping civilization civilized, they stepped in from Weybosset Street, professional standards rattling behind, like 21st century Jacob Marleys.

With a glance towards the dance floor that anyone but a trained investigator would have missed, she opened the note and read as I continued, “In the interest of full disclosure, everyone’s been talking about the new dancer, and while Miss Zhao didn’t actually speak to me, your reflection in her eyes made it clear I’d better deliver this to you, post haste.”

“Hey, Tierney, if the consulting-fricken-detective can tear himself from his goddamn approach-avoidance conflict, I got some information worth more than getting you to set him up with Annchi,” a post-modern Caliban, Lou Caseare’s voice cut through the fog of cigarette smoke and adolescent fantasies, so I headed towards his office, the last booth on the right.






Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘The Land of Nod, clarks and personal realities…’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“The LORD said to him, If anyone kills Cain, Cain shall be avenged seven times. So the LORD put a mark on Cain, so that no one would kill him at sight. Cain then left the LORD’s presence and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.” (Genesis 4:15-16)

“But I’m a superstitious man. And if some unlucky accident should befall him – If he should get shot in the head by a police officer, or if he should hang himself in his jail cell – or if he’s struck by a bolt of lightning, then I’m going to blame some of the people in this room, and that I do not forgive. But, that aside, let me say that I swear, on the souls of my grandchildren, that I will not be the one to break the peace we’ve made here today.”

— Vito Corleone

Seeing how today is Tuesday1. Lets talk about predominant worldviews.

The Wakefield Doctrine is based on the notion that we, all of us, experience reality as a personal affair. Nothing too extreme, no fair claiming super powers in your reality, (that for some reason is not demonstrable to anyone else, at least for the moment), just the obvious: when you stand at the bus stop in the morning, no matter how true it is that the physical destination is the same for all the other kids, that yellow monstrosity is carrying you to a place that they will not quite experience2.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people are born with the potential to experience the world in one of three ways. We call these distinct realities, predominant worldviews3.  Now, here’s where the Doctrine steps away from the majority of ‘personality theories’. The traits, characteristic behavior and idiosyncrasies I exhibit are not due to childhood drama, trauma, left out on the porch, pampered by the family retainer or exalted by both parents. They (the style of my interaction with the world) are the best strategies I could come by as a child learning to negotiate my surroundings (both physical and social), given the character of the world that I was experiencing. This, poor posture, tendency to mumble, desire to avoid the spotlight is the style most suited to survival in the kind of world in which I grew up.

What kinds of worlds are we talking about? Glad you asked! We all find ourselfs, way young, in a world of one of three characters:

  1. the world of the Outsider. clarks: the person who is inclined not to be in the spotlight, works hard, avoids credit, too intelligent for their own good and wicked creative (in a wtf sort of way) best friends of a scott, persistent friend of a roger.
  2. the reality of the Predator. scotts: don’t let that word, ‘Predator’ distract you, instead think…. Tasmanian devil, but friendly (most of the time), fiercely loyal friend, high-cost enemy, they (both male and female) put the Capital ‘S’ in Sexy
  3. the life of the Herd Member. rogers: next time you’re flying at thirty-five thousand feet, thank the rogers in the world for their stubborn insistence that the world (at least for them, and, fortunately the machines they build) is quantifiable and reliable, rogers are the reason there is a Bible (as a bunch of words, not to be confused with whatever inspired it).

Thats all the time we have today.

…the Biblical reference? That is both the power of the Wakefield Doctrine and the fun of the process (when one embraces said theory of personality). The phrase stuck in my mind for a critical few seconds this morning. Now the Bible is like the biggest cardboard box of blogpost ideas in the universe. I mean, its got everything and…and! almost always there be clarks, scotts and rogers. Them what wrote the Book, they be all about using three inter-dependent/complimentary/reinforcing qualities.

So why am I suggesting that the Land of Nod is referencing clarks? Stay tuned!


1) In the realm of workdays, sometimes referred to as Tuesday the Meek; weekday favored by clarks

2)  with the exception of the other clarks who are hidden in the clumps of pre-adolescent social chaos, like rabbits in a field of tall grass, there if for no other reason than its the best place to hide.

3)  no, no special reason other than its kinda cool sounding, if not entirely Hoyle Approved use of language4

4) thanks to Q. Tarantino for that line. In fact the whole Divine Intervention scene at the end of Pulp Fiction is worth clicking on the blue linked words. (Warning! Occasional f-word but, surprisingly, no violence)

