Month: September 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: September 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. It is graciously hosted each and every week by Kristi, (one of the original hostinae back in the ‘before time’, when Lizzi created this thing). She esplains the concept far more succinctly than I ever could, check it out, down there at the bottom of the post, (which, as you scroll down, you will see a list and collection of items that…well, thats why we leave the clarity in instructions to them what has that nature). Thanks, Kristi! …by the way, has anyone seen a kitchen sink lying around here anywhere?)

1) Una (my car for walks)

2) Phyllis (her car for walks)

3) Cynthia who is a clarklike female friend person who is very much not a stranger to these pages, (and this here Doctrine here). Cynthia has always been a power of example to me because of the amazing things she does (…and is a clark, right? Well, it helps to be a clark, but since the Doctrine says that we have the potential of all three within and, it has been pretty well documented that if you are still reading and you’re a scott or a roger, then you gots a significant secondary clarklike aspect*.)

In any event, the latest thing that has me in total awe is Cynthia’s latest effort to make the world a better place. I’m not going to describe it, this here is the link to a post on her site that explains it as it should be explained.

4) Chapter 13 The Case of the Missing Starr. Warning! I like Lou Ceasare (the owner of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge). He is such a scott. And I would hazard to say most of you know, (or in your youth, knew), someone like Lou. A scott, not necessarily a Hawaiian shirt-wearing, cigar-smoking, moves-really-fast-for-such-a-short-fat-guy like Lou, but a scott nevertheless. In any event there is a Bad word in this chapter that some may find offensive.**

5) The tendency of seasons to be as unreliable (and unpredictable) as a scott driving a pickup truck full of household goods to a college dorm in autumn.

6) Speaking of cars. I think I found where youtube were hiding all my oldest of videos. From back when I used to do road trips and find places that were cool and claiming them by Rite of Hat*. Here are two vids that support the musical theme of this week’s TToT. (btw, I still crack me up at second 13 or so)

7) Secret Rule 4.34 subchapter 6.5 {“…when utilizing videos to support a thesis, theory, argument or [otherwise] fill a list, provided the deca-subordinate progression does not infringe on #10 and (ibid.) the second video is chronologically-related to the first… go for it.” op. cit BoSR 2009-2019



9) something, something 

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* ‘secondary aspect’: the potential in all of us to have one of ‘the other two’ personality types developed to a point of being a significant factor in our predominant worldview. Ex: I’m a clark (predominant worldview, Outsider, mumbling searcher for knowledge and anonymity) with a significant secondary scottian aspect (scott, aka loudly charming predator who never met a herd of fleeing prey they didn’t enjoy). The effect: this blog and the old saying about clarks: ‘clarks abhor being the center of attention and will not tolerate being ignored.’

** no, really! I’ll be the first to defend the use of exicititory*** language. It has a certain value. However, and despite, the tendency towards overuse which lamentably produces a lesser word. This one is still a leather jacket, cigarette smoking, lets-just-walk-by-quietly-don’t-establish-eye-contact kinda word.

*** not a ‘real’ word


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six sentence story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Six Sentence Story

Hosted by Denise

Six and only six sentences in a story created around, in reference to and otherwise about the week’s prompt word.

(Its 5:13 am and I have 1113 words. The result of getting up at three thirty when the night’s tossing and turning finally yielded an idea for this week’s Six. Not my preferred approach to writing. But now, all I have to do is, like some insomniac sculptor, chip away at the mass of words to reveal the simple story contained within. Think I’ll go back to bed for an hour and see who I am when I awake. Let him do the hard part.)(lol)

This week’s prompt word:


“Do your parents know you’re out wandering around all alone, you need to get home, don’t you have some friends to play with, it’s not safe for a child to be alone,” Mr. Veira, standing in the doorway of the RiteAid on Circuit Ave, spoke a dialect of adult meant for expressing concern for a kid not his.

Seven-year-old Ethan Dowd arranged a smile on his face and began to turn, tentative pride growing at the thought of his assuring the adult he was quite fine, speaking clearly and not mumbling, perhaps other adults would observe how well he handled himself; looking up, he saw the balding pharmacist had already gone back into his shop, the glass door closing with hydraulic deliberateness, leaving only the reflected image of a thin, blond boy standing in the street, shoulders already pulling his eyes back down towards the sidewalk.

Between downtown and home, there was a place where the street spilt apart to form an island of trees and grass, like a park but, well, it was in a neighborhood, so it couldn’t really be a park, not like down where the flying horses were, but it had a bench facing each of the streets and, this particular afternoon, a man was sitting on one of them.

Thin and old with white hair, he was staring down at a map spread out next to him, a compass and three pieces of colored chalk kept the light October breeze from bending the lines; Ethan stopped, “I’m not supposed to talk to strangers and today they said there was an orange alert for kids to not be by themselves and to tell an adult if they saw anyone they didn’t know.”

“Do you know what cardinal points are,” the man looked up from the map, saw Ethan nodding, and continued, “most people think there are only four, a smaller group maintain there are really six but a few, a very few, know there are seven;” standing, the man began to walk up Hiawatha Ave towards where it turned back into Circuit Ave, “I spent the morning marking the other six, probably the reason the good citizens of Oak Bluffs are so alarmed, unfortunately I can’t remember where the winter church is and that is the seventh cardinal point.”

“Its just up the road, I’ll show you,” as they walked, Ethan heard the sounds of high school kids playing football in Veira Field, sounding like seagulls fighting over a clam cake; suddenly the man’s face changed, looking at the weathered-grey church facing the park, “Thank you, Mister Dowd, you’ve helped an old traveler more than you can know,” and took a piece of yellow chalk from his pocket, “of the cardinal points, the only truly useful one is number seven, for it points to the path of Time, usually discounted as being a one-way path, however, if all the other seven are marked and a man visualizes them properly, well, we shall see.”






TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today is the weekend. (Odd way to handle time, linguistically, at any rate. ‘It’s the weekend!’ Is permissible right through the morning on Sunday. Bracketed, I suppose by Friday, “Almost the weekend!” … well, no, nothing to do with this week’s TToT.)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. Wherein (or whereupon)* we all, who would participate, link our blogposts describing or otherwise referencing those people, places, things or events that have caused, elicited and otherwise made us feel grateful.

Our host each week is Kristi. She is joined by the TToT-ettes, Pat Brockett, Mimi, Lisa, Dyanne Golightly(lol)


1)  Una

2) Phyllis

3) wiki diff (and other online resources for words and meanings and such)

4) wikipedia (in general) (because…. well, a clark*** here. not that we don’t know shit, but the thing is sometimes the labels kinda dry out with age, curl up and fall to the ground….( “And, here, in the geography wing we have maps, legends, myths, locations key to plot lines of novels and ‘establishing shots’ of favorite movies. What? Why yes that is from ‘The Shining’… err. no, the label….   …. it’s in the mountains!!  I remember! Estee Park, Colorado!  No, thats ok, I’ll come back later with a new label.”)

5) google streetview and other, don’t-look-now-but-you-are-being-watched apps and utilities, ’cause nothing says ‘We love you’ better than cctv

6) Chapter 12 of ‘The Case of the Missing Starr‘ Semi-spoiler alert** There has been another death. At least a death of a character that Readers will recognize the name of… as opposed to a couple of deaths that are mostly backstory. A dancer. At the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge. Ashley Christine Powers, aka Misty Meadows.

7) Living near the ocean (photo at top of the post)… smells are as enjoyable as the sights. (Who said that? Why no, not technically the ocean. A cove with the amusing name Colonel Willie Cove. Its aquatically adjacent to Watch Hill RI


9) (better add ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’ here)

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (Cliff Notes: ‘hey! you have one more Item to make Ten Things of Thankful…. that means….)



* totally a Grat Item (see number 3 above)

** not really, as the common definition of a ‘spoiler alert’ is: “…(in a discussion or review of a film, book, television drama, etc.) a warning that an important detail of the plot development is about to be revealed.”) and, I will admit at this stage, I have no idea where the plot of our little serial story is going.

*** the Wakefield Doctrine provides for three ‘personality types’1 clarks (Outsiders), scotts (Predators) and rogers (Herd Members).

1)  The Doctrine maintains that rather than being in one (of three categories) because of individual inclinations, appetites, interests and other items found on every personality test/quiz in every magazine and online clickbait site ever created, the Doctrine asks: ‘Suppose you found yourself in a world in which you are, in fact, (an) Outsider, Predator or Herd Member? How would you act to behave or otherwise interact with the world around you?‘ Of the three, clarks are the ones who are at the fringes, because although they are Outsiders, they are driven by the idea that all they need to do is learn and/or discover whatever it is that the other two, (scotts and rogers), apparently were taught when young that entitles them to lead normal lives and otherwise act like real people. (Bonus insight: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel)


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Six Sentence Story refers both to the weekly bloghop and the number of sentences in each post.

Denise is the host.

This week’s prompt word:


“More fundamental than the pull of the sea or the shy temptation of a rising moon, metaphor calls the human mind as surely as a mother’s breast to the child. Nature, in it’s cycles and zones, seasons and climates, provides the virgin chalk and loudly-dark slate to the one species that demands it.

The true curse of the fruit of a tree in a certain Garden, is not the knowledge of good and evil, it is an endless hunger for something more than direct experience; surely the proof Mother Nature possesses a sense of humor, lies in the abundance available to the dominantly-reckless species to satisfy its need for something to be like something else.

Abused and eaten, enslaved and discarded, all creatures of the natural world are blessed witnesses to the endless torment of believing a comparison of one thing (or event, or thought or perhaps an ambition) becomes more real when held up to another thing (or idea, or weakness or guilt); this will be on the final exam,” the woman, her softly-rounded body held in liege to the black robes of the academic, stepped back from the podium.

“Will this be on the final exam,” the question rose above the gathered student body.

“As surely as the sun rises in the East,” smiled the professor.






The following song has been stuck in my head all week. In the day, I had not a moment for Ms. Mitchell. (not too much a clarklike female, is she? lol) Now, with the writing simian squarely established on my shoulders, her lyrics are the temptation. Like when, back in college days, standing next to your car in the parking lot of the night club and the nearly subsonic bass line would reach out through closed doors and make you want to walk faster.

…like that, only less ear-damaging loud and, more rosé-and-macrame, in a candle-lit dorm room, hoping to get lucky.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Thistles shouting at the world.
Man, who needs Star Trek to tell us about alien pod spores that will, like turn Spock into a randy Vulcan (with the totally desirable Jill Ireland*) when thistles are growing right there in the backyard! Seriously! I mean look at ’em! All goth-angry green things spitting chlorophyll into the air, towering over the contemptibly passive lawn, spikes a mile long (that the ‘experts’ insist are not poisonous… now) and the PODS!! and…and finally, these ridiculous, high school pep rally purple puffs. “flowers’!
Yeah, ain’t nothin to worry about there..
*the first Star Trek…maybe the second or third season, when they accidentally hired some adult writers…

Weekend: Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) blog hop ✔️

Hostinae: Kristi, Mimi, Dyanne, Pat Brockett, Lisa Tomey  ✔️

Photos and videos of semi-wild animals ✔️

Actual (and reasonably coherent) list of Ten Things that have elicited a feeling of gratitude ♻︎*

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine. Had a very enjoyable conversation with Cynthia and Denise last evening on (the still running, Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Call-In). They are both insightful on matters Doctrine as well as the nature of the everyday search for the secret of the universe. And, as often happens when such people speak, I found myself gaining more than I was giving in terms of practical understanding of everyone’s favorite personality theory.

4) Jim Gaffigan

5) Labor Day. Given my recently acquired appreciation of the early days of this country’s labor rights movement, here are some links. Even though I was skimming the internet for information, facts, events and people for a certain revisionist sequel to Wizard of Oz by the name of ‘Almira’, I was amazed at how much I didn’t know about this time in history.

6) Chapter 11 of ‘The Case of the Missing Starr’! (This week’s chapter is at the edge of what I already knew of the story, i.e. an effort to write a 1st person detective story (ala Raymond Chandler, Robert Parker, Sue Grafton.) My abilities failed me and I couldn’t come up with anything. However the principle of exploring new worlds (for me, in the case of learning to write better, is: Keep moving. Better to be finding new places you haven’t been lost in before than it is to stand in one spot and bemoan the loss of forward momentum.) In any event, rather than stand around trying to figure out how to provide backstory and do flashbacks while remaining in First Person POV… I just wrote what I thought is a continuation of the story.

7) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (Which is an offer to anyone out there who wants to try it before they buy it, i.e. you’re pretty sure you’ll enjoy participating, but are a little daunted by the idea of a Ten Things…. send me a comment with your ‘FREE TRIAL GRAT ITEM’ allow with whatever attributions you desire and it’s totally here at Number 7!)

8) something, something…

9) Shopping for food and everyday staples and such…. in gas stations and drugstores. Probably not entirely the most welcomed development of this glistening and shiny 21st Century are the secondary effects of the online purchasing paradigm. Sure its convenient and easy. A few clicks and it shows up on your doorstep. (Kudos to whatever marketing genius developed that ‘Your Item is on the truck! The truck, (with Your Item), is barreling down the highway. The driver of the truck, (containing Your Item), totally had to stop at Burger King. Watch out your window, the truck, (being driven by the person who needed to use the restroom at Burger King), is trying to make up for lost time and is speeding down your street with, Your Item!’

In any event, one of the side effect (or perhaps it is part of getting people used to doing all their shopping online), the regular supermarkets seem to be reducing the variety of items they stock. First victim: Saran Wrap Premium. Nope, Stop and Shop no longer carries it. Fortunately, ‘Spicer Market and Gasoline’ does. Second victim: Maxwell House Instant Coffee (it’s ok, I can enjoy instant coffee in the morning, it’s not like I’m a roger.) No longer on the supermarket shelves. CVS Pharmacy to the rescue.


10) Secret Rule 1.3




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