Month: July 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: July 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Six Sentence Story is both theme and parameters.

Denise provides the prompt word and keeps the light on.

(Liner notes*: For those of you following the serial story, ‘The Case of the Missing Starr’ that I recently started posting to the Facebook and WordPress you saw in this week’s Chapter 2 an interlude kinda thing, a girl in California, seemingly having nothing to do with the story. That girl is, of course, Starr Tudor. Where things get interesting is, that little section was originally a Six Sentence Story (back when zoe had the helm). It occurred to me that what might be fun is to plug-in Six Sentence Story scenes as I write the serial. To that end, this week’s Six is an interlude between Starr and another member of a group of friends from college.)

The word this week:


Stepping into the South Chicago bar, Starr felt the gaze of the crowd pass over her like the illumination of a lighthouse on a foggy sea, nothing about her was lost despite it’s seemingly uncaring touch; her olive drab coat and black watch cap failed to mute her natural self-confidence, that a flash of chalice-gold hair peeked out between wool and khaki at her shoulder as she scanned the room didn’t help.

Spotting her friend at a table off to the right of a small stage, she moved with the graceful assurance of a person who was absent the day every child was taught to fear unknown people and strange environments. As she wove between the tables, she felt the scrutiny of the regular patrons, dark reflections in the mirrored wall behind the tiered rows of bottles, un-moving yet alive, like Easter Island monoliths; she smiled at the slight rise of a couple of shot glasses as she passed.

Sitting down across from the young man, Starr slide the thumb drive across the table, lit a cigarette and, without preamble said, “Well, no luck finding Margaret, we really could have used her talent in the virtual world; any luck figuring out how this works?”

“I could care less how it works or what process it employs, as long as we get someone to pay us for it.” The young man’s voice betrayed the shaky truce between the passion in his eyes and the furtive hunch to his shoulders.


* back in the day, when music came on large vinyl records, the packaging was equal in size. A lot of room for information, list of songs, photos, art, insight into the music, aka ‘liner notes’.


Rewind Wednesday Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Nothing says: well-established better than a repeat (as we once would say when we watched television). This being the realm of the written word, it might be more accurate to refer to it as a reprint. But even that lacks exactness, seeing how this isn’t printed paper.

In any event, below is a post from, like, the second full year of this here blog here.


From so very long ago:

“…a chart providing the average shelf-life of ideas for Posts* …the Wakefield Doctrine (happy scottian Holiday!)”

childhood memories involving  learning to become a better person:                         6 hours
childhood memories involving learning bad habits and behavior:                              3 days
childhood memories involving doing something publicly embarrassing to adults:   2 years
adolescent  fantasies   that result in being scarred for life:
(physically scarred): 3 years  (emotionally scarred): 5 years
workplace situations that result in receiving a raise:                                                    6 hours
workplace situations that result in being fired:                                                              3 months
workplace situations that result in being arrested:                                                       4 years
relationship maturity demonstrated in daily life:                                                          1.4 hours
relationship immaturity demonstrated in public:                                                            4 days
a Post trying to illustrate the ephemeral nature of creative ideas:                              75 minutes

Quick reminder about the Holiday tomorrow:  If you do not know that July 4th is one of the most scottian of holidays, then you need to write  in one of the Comment boxes below 50 times

scotts love loud noises, it lets them believe they can have an effect on the world“.

Seriously, picture the coming Holiday:

  • takes place at the height of the Summer season
  • eating and drinking to excess is encouraged
  • minimal clothing allowed in virtually all public places (including churches and hospitals)
  • outdoor sports activities including chasing frisbees, being dragged behind a boat and the use of explosive devices (such explosives, that were it December instead of July,  a visit from Homeland Security would be the immediate result)
  • …minimal clothing

So for you non-scotts reading this, three July 4th Survival Tips:

  1. stay indoors
  2. keep the lights off and the glow of the TV shielded from windows and doors
  3. turn up the air conditioning and ….wear extra clothes

We hope that helps.

(repeat video):

