Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Chodsky Pes caught on film, breaking the time barrier. (If you click on the link you’ll come to a google search image page. Scroll down to row 19)
Each week, our host, Kristi, throws open the (metaphorical) shutters and sits out on the front porch (still metaphorically), and welcomes all, (very definitely, literally) who would come to share their experiences with gratitude. A-chronologically*, of course. Not that that’s a bad thing, it is most-decidedly a good thing.
So, stop in and read the adventures of life as related by a group of fascinating and highly skilled writers …and us, here at the Wakefield Doctrine (…can I get a ‘Barum Bump!’?)
1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) ‘Before’ photo of garden
4) Garden suggestions. As Readers from last summer might recall, the ‘Una garden’ was fun. What with getting to dig and move dirt from place-to-place and, even with the tying yellow strings for the toe-mah-tow plants. And, the Squash from Outer Space, that actually almost got in the house! No, serially… let me show you. (Next Item… I mean, hey, I didn’t start writing TToT posts yesterday!)
5) After photo of garden The Squash from Outer Space

The Squash from Outer Space!!
(Landscape perspective)
The devious squash (from Outer Space) holds its broad leaves upwards, assumedly towards the sun, to gather light, how charming, how beauty-of-nature is that?
What doesn’t show is the garden, about ten feet out-of-frame to the right. The garden where it was planted. Obviously this leafy monstrosity has ambitions that are not served by living with its kind, in a well-maintained garden.
Oh, and in case you’re thinking, “Why how beautiful is the ways of nature, reaching for life.” This type of squash is, essentially a vine. And, in the ten feet (or more) between the garden and where it shows its leafy claws, there’s no sign of a vine. Thats correct, it tunneled under the grass and then the deck, before springing up.
6) Beta Readers I’m at the stage of writing Almira where its time to let go and see how Readers react to this story. Thanks out to all who have offered to read my book.
7) the Rite of Hat (and the Treaty of Tordasillas) which put simply says, “If you take, have, cause-to-be-taken a photograph of yourself in front of a building, city, landscape and/or national park then its yours.”
9) Blog spotlight of the Week: Messy Mimi Meanderings (ask her about Boudreaux and Thibodeaux a lot of fun these characters are)
10) Secret Rule 1.3 (You know, you’re done! If you don’t feel grateful at that realization then you seriously need to re-write that bad boy.)
* Doctrine Fact-ette! In the world of the Herd Members (rogers) the world manifests a-chronologically. Which means, for the rest of us** time is not necessarily linear and/or one way only. The reasons are multiple (and really quite interesting) but staying in footnote mode, we’ll just say, “What part of ‘reality as an emotional matrix’ did you miss in your reading? What do you mean, ‘What reading?!!'” lol…
** clarks and scotts
music vid
Your squash plant from outer space is simply…out of this world. And I always try to come here and check for your Ttot on Saturdays and I gotcha on a Saturday! YEAH! Will *try* to call in this evening. :) I’m grateful for Phyllis and Una and the Una garden.
Now for the hat. Can we order these things already? You *need* a WD store. I’d be decked out in more sweatshirts, hats, WD Cracker Jack boxes, and maybe even “The Wakefield Doctrine: the toilet paper.” (Please tell me you’ve seen Spaceballs. That is one of the greatest movies of all time.)
May the schwartz be with you. Make that “may the fourth be with you.”
Hey, totally fun call last night.
The Wakefield Doctrine clothing line does sound like a good idea. Some (items) are easier (=less$) than others, tee shirts then other shirts and then hats (‘for your damn head’). The hats I should probably focus on as I need one to replace the one I started this thing with. Trouble is its embroidered, so the set-up fee is fair high. (There are three designs. Red thread in the predominant name… clarkscottroger (on the front).
Question will be whether its necessary to establish an inventory before selling or sell to order…
to be cont’d
Even good plants can go rogue and become “volunteers” (aka weeds). Thanks for the mention!
We’re pretty liberal with the accepted demographic of the plantlike around here…as long as they (the plantlike) doesn’t get all scottian on the surrounding greenery, we good.
Loved seeing your squash plant again!
I could get lost (in a good way) looking at all those photos of the Chodsky Pes, and I suspect I would get lost if I every tried taking some of those lower trails in Bryce. It is such a beautiful place!
thats Una down there is row 19… (such is the internet, nothing remains in one place, I have always been one to ‘borrow’ photos and images so I won’t criticize though, now that I type this…. I think I’ll go see the context Una’s photo is in (the attribution in the google search return is not ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’)
A friend is out hiking that part of the country this week. Looks like fun.
“Later that day” LOL. As for garden suggestions, are you thinking edible or floral? You could go with nasturtiums and cover both bases.
I’m not very far into the book yet, but am enjoying it. Thanks for the chance to beta-read.
Hey, look at that! A doctrine hat in my state! :-)
Them squash plants do grow fast! I may try the floral this year. Not against feeding the wildlife (planting vegetables) but… the problem is the lack of light. The pine woods we are in are surrounding the clearing for the house and yard, are so high, the garden get only about two hours of direct sunlight, even at the height of summer.
I’m glad that the pub format is working… others have commented how easy it makes to read… ‘like a real book’
Jimi. Jimi. Jimi.
Yeah, excellent Doctrine call last night. Fun and informative.
I’d plant some squash right outside the perimeter of the fence and see what happens then :D
I like the idea of making a “Una-garden”! I never had squash planted in our garden, so I am very surprised what it can do.
Have a great week!
Squash invasion would be a fun sci-fi story! Enjoyed your ttot and started your book. Thanks so much!