Month: January 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: January 2019 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Here we are again. Wednesday clawing it’s way up Thursday’s leg as it touches the cold, morning floor.

(Wait, that was a touch on the weird side, even for the Wakefield Doctrine.)

Here we are again, the once-a-week bloghop, hosted by Denise  that goes by the name: ‘Six Sentence Story‘.

To paraphrase a line from the movie, ‘Dogma’, “Can you guess how long the stories are?”*




Like the fifth of the proverbial six blind men, I waited my turn to describe the accident.

Although a minor injury, the cut on my forehead inspired the EMT to go all Paris runway with bandage and gauze; after he left, I pulled the white bands further down over my ears, the squawking police radios became distant exclamation points.

Sitting on the corrugated step of the rescue truck, I rested my chin on the palm of my hand, fingers spread like a cardsharp; the driver of the third car ceased his eyebrow semaphore and looked elsewhere for someone to talk to him.

I felt the smell of cigarettes and coffee as the cop approached and thought, ‘Surely the devil was allowed some creative input when God created the world’.

I stood up and looked at the conga line of sheet metal and radiator steam, popped trunk lids up like the hands of New Year’s Eve celebrants.

“So what compelled you to stop when the traffic light was yellow?” the expression on the cop’s face inspired a college nano-memory, ‘The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in‘; I sighed and decided not to answer.


*  Surely, in the world of sarcasm, no one could hold a candle to Alan Rickman**

** youtube ‘Dogma’ Metatron’ the ten minute version



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘A once and future garden’

Hosted each week by Kristi…

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. Where we, (those of us participating), post ….er, posts listing the things that elicit the emotion of gratitude. As in, ‘I’m grateful for….’

1)  Phyllis and Una

2) Work that involves driving around. …a lot.  On interesting roads to get to interesting properties.

What? How interesting? Glad you asked!

3) Certainly grateful for global warming… at least the aspect of it that accounts for our snowfall (or lack thereof) so far this season. It would appear that Virginia has gotten more snow than southern New England.

4) Sea Smoke! Monday was quite cold. Sea smoke: “Sea smoke,… is fog which is formed when very cold air moves over warmer water” (wikipedia)

5) Nature Films and Walking Una…. in one?!

6) something, something

7) Hunk Dietrich. As mentioned in previous TToTs, I’ve decided writing short stories about the characters in ‘Almira’ might be a good way to get to know them better. (Plus it can’t hurt with my ongoing effort to learn to write good). What I underestimated was how difficult it can be, at times, to write. For me, it is nigh on impossible to write and learn concurrently. That is, I will read about POV or tenses or some other element of the craft and then look at my latest effort at wordifying and see them as the scrawling of a five-year-old and his first Number 1 pencil. It takes time for a certain part of me to reassert itself, the same part that takes a certain pleasure in sticking made-up words, rogerian expressions and other neonlogisms into my Doctrine posts. Then the words come back.  Here is the link to a short(ish) story about something that happened to Hunk Dietrich when he was just a young boy:

Click:  March 18, 1925

(If you have any suggestions, feedback, criticism or reaction, please feel free to have at it in the comments below.)

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (A public service from those who bring you the Wakefield Doctrine. Anyone having the desire to participate, but is encountering a bit of stage fright, send your Grat Item in as a comment, (along with whatever attribution and information you wish), and we’ll totally put it here at Number 8

9) Sunday Supplement

10) Secret Rule 1.3




no reason, other than catchy tune and lyrics


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Six Sentence Story

Denise at girlieontheedge


(For the double jeopardy, a three part answer: What is this, Who is hosting and This prompt and only six sentences total)


I came to at precisely too-early on a Monday, possibly-Tuesday, morning. Looking around the stained-curtain, bare-bulb apartment brought to mind one of those flip-pad animations that the precocious kid in sixth grade art class brought in from home.

The hangover hadn’t arrived yet. I was still in the after-unconsciousness-but-before-sufficient-perspective-for-regret, stage.

By some scar-tissue miracle, I remembered that the Bottom of the Sea Lounge and Strip Club still had their Goddamn Sunrise Special: $3.00 a shot with a complimentary hand-towel for rum-palsied patrons to drape around their necks.

I looked over at the blanket ridge on the girl-side of the bed and decided I wasn’t feeling that lucky, so I got up and hit the street.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “And we’ll talk in present tenses…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The snow that would be Winter.

Today is Sunday. It is the new, post-the-TToT-post, day. The TToT being the bloghop that basically is a room full of over-stuffed furniture, (old, but clean, the kind that you’d feel comfortable putting your leg over the arm of, or tucking a spare leg under you, in case someone came by that you liked, of course), and a pile of yellow lined pads and a crazy assortment of pens and pencils and such. There is a theme and there is a structure to this bloghop. But then again, there is a theme and there is a structure to the beach or the forest. It’s always what you make of it, or, as the Wakefield Doctrine would say, it’s how it manifests for you. Theme: gratitude. Structure: a list of ten(ish)**

Kristi is our host and makes certain that no one runs out of paper or pencils or access to that crayon sharpener that used to be on the 64 Crayon set that only one kid you knew in grade school had.

1) the weather….though I fear we are paying a price few can measure, the fact is, rather than piles of frozen water, I am looking out on a rainy Sunday. nb

2) Phyllis and Una (below as co-model and photographer)

3) Hypograt** the ‘starched-lace-up-to-the-ears insistence of spellcheck that ‘-ish’ is the most heinous of all spelling crimes… no, serially! Try it yourself. Most word misspellings, you can, like, repeat your choice of alternate spelling and the machine eventually lets you have it. Not so for ‘ish’! Spellcheck clearly hates that particular word trill.

4) Surely this is the time to mention ‘the Book’. One of the gifts of the word gods that’s made this bloghop as much fun as it is, surely is the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules). This book lets those who would stand up and cite in faux legal/scientific/spiritual/cunningly-cute language, a Rule to permit whatever amusing indiscretion the writer would share with us. This extends to the concept of Hypogratuity (no!, not stiffing your food server in the nice restaurant), hypograts are those things no one but an inanimate object would respond to with gratitude.

5) Writing in general; ‘Almira’ specifically.

6) Speaking of writing… I mentioned last week that I was undertaking the writing of a series of short stories featuring characters from ‘Almira’. I am, in fact, working on one in which Hunk Dietrich is the protagonist. (He’s the Scarecrow for all you old enough to remember the Wizard of Oz movie). The story is about an event in Hunk’s life that had a major influence on him. That being the idea with these short stories, i.e. getting to know my characters better. Anyway, I’m still working on it. If it’s not linked here by the end of the day, look for it to be a part of a standalone post later in the week.

7) Speaking of writing (ha ha)… the subtitle above is from ‘Chelsea Morning’ by Joni Mitchell. And it’s captured my head this morning. Funny thing, back in the day, I totally had no time for this kind of music… you know, girlie music.*** Times and people do change. Being currently semi-obsessed with perfect words arranged in a pleasing manner, the lyrics to this song just knocks me out. I’ll post the version that includes lyrics below, rather to use up real estate here.


9) Cynthia called in last night… a stimulating and enjoyable conversation ensued. She is doing things out there in the world, as a clark, that is both enjoyable to observe and a source of inspiration to us Outsiders. Stop by her site, Intuitive and Spiritual and tell her ‘the Doctrine sent ya’

10) SR 1.3  ( ask Zoe... she back on the scene and totally on a first-name basis with Seven-older-but-still-enigmatic-Virgins) has to do with the last grat… of course.

Joni Mitchell


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Denise is the host of the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Her challenge to us: write a story around, through, using and/or otherwise referencing the week’s prompt word. Oh, and that story? Six and only six sentences in length.

This week the word is:


The clock on the wall of the recently occupied classroom now ticked off the minutes with a certain joy, in contrast to the previous six hours when it played the role of a mute prison guard who kept the wrought iron and wood desks filled with fifth grade students.

“Francis? It’s time to go home,” his teacher, Mrs. Ryan was the only person, other than his mother, who called Hunk by his Christian name.

Looking up from the book on his desk, Hunk Dietrich’s face had the expression of someone who, on a cross-country train, had fallen asleep between stops, the practiced acceptance that the world would always be unfamiliar to a certain extent. Carrying the  ‘Mac-Map’ volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica to the book case, Hunk experienced an all too rare feeling of pride, as he was one of only three students allowed to take a volume home overnight.

“I read the part of the encyclopedia about Manifest Destiny last night…”

The young woman was staring out the windows towards the western end of the valley, her frown dissolving as she turned to smile at her favorite pupil; Hunk felt his heart elbow his lungs half out of breath.


(Note: this is a scene from a short story I’m writing about the life of one of the characters in my WIP, ‘Almira’. Actually this exercise is, like virtually everything I do around here is practice in the craft. I’ve gotten it into my head that, as part of the editing process, it would do me well to get to know as much about the characters in my story. And, I thought to myself, I thought, What better way to do this than write little, short stories about their lives before the events that make up ‘Almira’?

A little backstory on the the Six here and the rest of the story that will be coming out this weekend at the TToT. Hunk Dietrich (aka the Scarecrow in ‘the Wizard of Oz’) grew up in Murphysboro IL. And, literally twenty minutes after the scene above, on the 18th of March 1925, the deadliest tornado in the history of the country will appear on the southwestern end of the valley, the infamous Tri-State Tornado.

Hunk survives, obviously, but is forever scarred by the storm that leaves him an orphan. (Who will end up on the Gale farm in Kansas, all too soon).
